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  • no how dare you it's literally dead on average I'm not short 😭

  • Removed
    Grammar rule [NSFW]
  • stop trying to make the interrobang happen it's not going to happen

  • Removed
    Grammar rule [NSFW]
  • πŸ€“

  • rule
  • no it's not jesus christ stop just always assuming everything is ai this image has been around for years that's a real youtuber

  • cougar rule
  • jo(jo)e mama

  • ruling the same food
  • πŸ€“

  • ruling the same food
  • real

  • Stand up
  • a causes b doesn't mean b can't cause opposite of a

  • fnv rule
  • it would be wrong of me to fight a child

  • minerule
  • baby zombies also small slimes if it's a slime chunk patch up every layer

  • pangram rule
  • no it's cause it's used by dafont and google fonts

  • closely ruleated
  • and you didn't need to mention it either :(

  • now imagine a dog with a propeller hat
  • my mum calls him the toaster guy

  • christmas is the time of ruling
  • it doesn't count if it's not the original video hiding the URL is cheating I saw the thumbnail but the link didn't end in XcQ so I figured oh it'll be cropped to just gonna give you up but nope just someone trying to cheat at rick rolling

  • Leeroy Rule
  • you can't type that on gboard

  • gilld rule
  • why not

  • Rule
  • I'm 21 :(

  • Hard things to say [Rule]
  • mate I am telling you it's /wʊstΙ™ΚƒΙ™/ I am english I can guarantee by how you're saying it's pronounced you are not why are you so confident when you couldn't even point to it on the map there is no ch in there it's just a c and cester is pronounced /stΙ™/ if you really don't believe me just go look at the wikipedia page it puts some r's in there for rhotacisation but otherwise it's the same as how I wrote it how can you be so confident while being so wrong

  • phuntis Phuntis

    /ˈfʊn.ti/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’™ ♂️ (he/they)

    Hi, I'm 22 y/o & I enjoy video games, anime, & food.

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