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Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
  • I think some sort of sync capabilities is almost a must have now a days. My impression is that only power users use RSS and they usually have several devices, at least a computer and a phone.

    Who doesn't have a dedicated toilet tablet for browsing RSS and registering poop quality, both very dependent on sync capabilities?

  • Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
  • I run NC News. It's in no way comparable to FreshRSS and have like only the official companion app for mobile use beyond the web interface.

    The main benefit is that it's not another platform to run on one's server. On my big server I've integrated two FreshRSS's (one for text, one for video) into Nextcloud through iFrames, on my home hosted Raspberry I just wanted something simple that didn't require reverse proxies and other advanced setup. Thus NC News.

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo
  • I wonder what salary the newly appointed CEO gets. Is it disgustingly much, like with Mitchell Baker or did Laura Chambers get a raise for taking the reigns?

    Baker have drained Mozilla for all she can without completely ruining the brand name and now there's somebody else's turn.

    The only reason I went from Brave to LibreWolf was the damn AI bullshit. Firefox as a browser is subpar in all aspects beside being open source and not fucking about with AI. I guess they lost the "don't fucking about with AI" lead and is now competing on a technical level with chromium browsers.

    And why do all serious companies go for the chromium engine instead of gecko? Because it's better.

  • Anon becomes Jerry
  • Some call it pretending, others call it emulating their idols.

    They clearly saw someone with skills they admired and did their best to attain those skills - With great success and personal satisfaction. What a nice story.

  • FLOSS communities right now
  • You sound like a frustrated maintainer, have you considered doing what I do with open source projects using discord as their means of communication?

    Don't take it seriously and move on.

  • FLOSS communities right now
  • Of course. Open source clients on open source operating systems connecting to self-hosted servers on private infrastructure with open source software.

    As soon as open source hardware is practically available I'm never using proprietary processors ever again, I don't care if they're "underpowered" by computational power - All backdoored CPU's are underpowered by my standards to verified non-backdoored CPU's.

    Maybe not everything

    Laughs in hardcore open source

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Po Tay Toes
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