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President Biden is my friend. He...
  • How bad was he at the debate. When I opened the Guardian and saw the lead story about democrats calling on Joe to step aside, I knew it was bad. But I did not expect it from NY Times opinion page.

  • Liberals say that re-relecting Trump will destroy American Democracy. That is the best reason I have heard to vote for him, are there any reasons to vote against him?
  • What the fuck is left to destroy? There are three cities in LA county with bigger populations than a couple of states, yet we have the same amount of senators. Gerrymandering is out of control. They complain about Russia and China influencing elections, but the real game changer is corporate cash. When corporations are people and money is speech, you might not really have a functioning democracy.

  • Noam Chomsky is alive
  • Let me email him. He always replies

  • i need my truck for work, Jed
  • I like the one of the dude camping- or trying to. If you take one of these to a campground, you are going to get everyone's attention. So the guy spends over an hour trying to set up the $3000 cyber tent, and just can't get it done. Says fuck it, packs up and goes home. Never about going camping, only about the attention. You got it, bud. The whole campground laughing at you

  • I swear the most annoying people are the ones that drop random bible verses in comments regardless of the topic at hand. Fuck off
  • It surprises me that while Tim Tebow had John 3:16 written on his eye black strips, no linebacker in the league posted something like this on his strips. Would have thrown him off his game better than any defensive scheming, at least while he was in college. He was terrible in the NFL

  • Got snitched on by a coworker over some leftover chips and am feeling really bummed about it
  • And that management will throw them under the bus at the first opportunity.

  • This crowd started singing the national anthem after they said that they wouldn’t be .
  • Reminds me of the dudes that harassed high school football players for disrespecting America by taking a knee during the anthem. Of course they were carrying confederate flags.

    Also reminds me of the Little League World Series when the Georgia fans chanted "USA, USA" after defeating Hawaii.

    Or the Memorial Day golf tournament where they do a minute of silence while an attack helicopter flies around the course.

    Or how baseball teams where camouflage unis on Memorial Day.

    Edit: Also, if you want to see a cult that rivals Elon Musk dick riders, check out the Indiana Fever subreddit and their worship of Caitlin Clark

  • Aaron Bushnell on voting
  • The structures set, you'll never change it with a ballot pull

  • Israel attacks UN-run school in central Gaza, killing 40
  • Still don't cross the red line, Jack biden-the-thing

  • A journalist being attacked by a mob in Jerusalem. Palestinians were cleared from the streets so this mob could march through.
  • Israel will always have the right to defend itself against the threats to its security and to bring those responsible for October 7th to justice. And the United States will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself.

  • 289% Inflation lmao
  • Fuck the BBC so much. They did a story about protests against this dipshits economic "policy". The presenter- not the analyst -The fucking presenter is like, "Why don't these people at least give him a chance." Idiot, if anyone knows about how austerity works, it's fucking Argentina.

  • New dictatorship just dropped
  • Ms. O'Grady received a bachelor's degree in English from Assumption College and an M.B.A. in financial management from Pace University

    Big surprise the WSJ opinion writer on the Americas is unaware of the perfect dictatorship the-gunman

  • Nikki Haley writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli bomb bound for Gaza
  • She hates the government but loves the people