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‘Andrew Tate is a symptom, not the problem’: why young men are turning against feminism
  • Some I can think of off the top of my head are Terry Crews, Keanu Reeves, Dan Radcliffe, Harry Styles, Patrick Stewart, Mark Rober, and Pablo Iglesias. They are outspoken feminists and many have talked about their experiences with abuse and toxic masculinity and how it affects them; Terry Crews has described how society failed him in regard to gender issues and his struggles, caused by problems in society which feminism is working at to improve, with the help of him and others like him.

  • Singular they rule
  • I have never said that every single word in existence has had 2 opposing definitions at once. I simply said all words went through the process where people think the "new" uses are confusing. And one of the most common mechanisms for that is something being used in a seemingly opposite way than its common definition. But since you asked, here's some of them:

    And Wikipedia has a list of common contranyms:

    And some examples of words that used to mean one thing but now mean something completely different or even opposite: Every word. Lol, I'm not kidding, almost no words have ever meant the same thing over a long period of time (usually the ones that have are things like "water" or "horse" which our ancestors needed to survive over time). But some specific examples would be: Awful, Terrific, Nimrod, Trust (noun).

    Semantic drift is one of the most important concepts in linguistics. It is THE REASON we have separate languages. The reason we have French and English and German and Russian as different languages is semantic drift (and phonological shifts for the pronunciation part).

  • Singular they rule
  • Of languages that don't have articles? Russian, Japanese, pretty sure Arabic, a majority of synthetic languages have no articles.

    Japanese has no pronouns depending on what you consider a pronoun, pro-drop languages like Spanish or Italian don't use subject pronouns except for emphasis.

    Chinese languages have no tense. Burmese, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese have no tense. Pirahã has only future tense. Japanese only has 2 tenses, one is past and one is combined present and future.

    Pirahã is also debated to have no number system and no names for colors.

    There's plenty of features that people who speak a language think is necessary that plenty of other languages just don't have. Languages are extraordinarily different and fluid. Word meanings shifting over time, in the case of "literally" where it starts meaning something very different is one of the most common, and gives you the words like "black" in English (which came from the same word that "white" in other languages like French or Spanish came from).

  • Singular they rule
  • There is no such thing as a specific as possible language. Language is literally JUST ambiguity. Again, every word you use right now was complained about when its definitions slowly shifted in the same way you complain about words "losing their clarity". That's called LANGUAGE CHANGE.

  • Singular they rule
  • Literally (ha) all linguists would disagree with you there. The word "literally" here has gone through the same evolution that EVERY WORD GOES THROUGH. EVERY WORD YOU SPEAK went through the same thing where you would call it "less clear" or "useless" or whatever.

    Language is always unclear. You do not have the same perception of words as someone else does. If we arbitrarily assigned some word uses as "useless" based on someone's personal idea of what's useful, we wouldn't have language. A lot of people would call articles useless (words like "the" or "a/an"), a lot of people would call pronouns useless (I/you/they/etc.), a lot of people would call marked tense useless (no more past tense or future tense!). A lot of languages don't have these features. English speakers might think grammatical case is useless. Why do you get to decide what's useless or not? Why is using "literally" as something for emphasis useless to you, and why do you think it's so objective that you should have the authority to remove that from the language?

  • Singular they rule
  • People have been crying about language change in all languages since the dawn of speaking. You can look back to relatively recently with the Romans, they'd always complain about non-standard dialectal and colloquial speech and how the youth are ruining our language, or people from X geographical area are butchering Latin rather than using the standard dialect (Classical Latin).

    It's no different today. People (upon political/cultural motivation) complain about using "they" as a gender-neutral singular pronoun, saying it's confusing (even though we've used it as a singular pronoun for those of unknown gender since "they" was borrowed into English), but don't bat an eye at "you" which was first a plural only (as opposed to singular "thou") and then gradually shifted to a formal singular pronoun, then to just the only second person pronoun for both numbers. People also complain about pronunciations of words like nuclear, asks, comfortable, etc.

    The myth of mispronunciation is a plague upon human language.

  • Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin
  • You blame the school instead of your parenting which is at fault*

    Usually kids "misbehave" in public because of close-minded parents or parents who try to control their kid too much, and most of all parents who don't encourage good behaviour correctly. Parents really like to blame their kid for behavioural issues when in reality they're the reason it's a problem. (Especially with e.g. people who have disabilities like Bipolar, Autism, ADHD, parents internally blame their kid for everything and punish the kid, even though the disturbances caused by the disorders are something you can address and help the kid with with good parenting)

    I suspect most of the kids who do that kind of stuff are neurodivergent and either undiagnosed or not treated correctly by their parents and not given proper treatment

  • Wait you all don't make your characters hideously funny looking?
  • The entire "drama" around Fable's MC not being conventionally attractive is one of the worst things to come out of Twitter. Such a large amount of people genuinely believe that women in media literally only exist to be objectified and sexualized. It's on a long list of proof that gamer culture as a whole is one of the most toxic, misogynistic, and delusional cultures online and in the first world.

  • Bit more cheese
  • I'm just either extremely hungry and can eat 4000 kcalories and become hungry an hour later (despite my stomach aching like hell) or I can't eat more than 600 kcalories without wanting to die

  • rule :wq
  • Vim and Emacs fans trying to justify their archaic IDE with "useful keybinds" which require you to play twister using your fingers vs. VSCode enjoyer just using the IDE because it's easy

  • No rights no pussy rule
  • Therapy is extremely expensive, medication is also extremely expensive but worse it screws me up big time because of my GAD/Anxiety and causes me chest pain and cramps (I'd wager the chest pain is related to me having what sounds like angina since I was 7, but iunno, my doctor didn't find out why)

    Social spaces also don't really exist here, I live in a sort of suburb/commute town so there's mostly just grocery/department stores and fast food, and I don't have a car (very expensive) so I can't get around, there being no sidewalks or public transportation or anything.

    Also have extremely bad insomnia, sleep is never guaranteed and I usually wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep...

    Idk feels like it's near impossible to make new friends in the first place, not even considering romantic relationships. My only real friends are some of my best friend's friends (all of who live in different states tho so can't really do anything with but game) and very few people I've met online (they all live in Italy and Texas and stuff, not near me)

    Some of these are less so problems with me though and moreso a result of me being broke (even online college is expensive, it's hard to have excess money)

    Speaking of health though, I've tried doing basic exercise a lot over the years but my Dyspraxic ass can't do a push-up without someone placing my limbs in the exact spot they're supposed to go and showing me how to do it every inch of the way. I do not know anyone to nor have the money for anyone to show me how... the internet also didn't help me unfortunately.

    Thanks though!

  • No rights no pussy rule
  • Oh yeah I don't even look for people to date, I can't really be with someone that doesn't know me well. It's just the American suburbs are possibly one of the worst places for social interaction in general, there's not very much of a way to meet people that's not, like, harassing them while they're trying to get groceries lmao (which is an obvious no).

    Tangentially, why I want to live in a less car-centric area, I'm an introvert but damn it's very isolating when everyone's either at their house or in cars except when they're busy. Too much asphalt and no sidewalks/bike roads/public transit and no city center or streets to be able to interact with anyone.

    Also most typical people in my experience just don't like it when those with mainly neurodevelopmental disorders are themselves... this is a shared experience with basically all of my ADHD friends, other people feel irritated or awkward when you don't actively attempt to cover up ADHD (of course, in my experience).


  • No rights no pussy rule
  • What if you can't get dates because you because you're not attractive... and have severe ADHD or Autism or Dyspraxia, and anxiety disorders so it's hard to make friends in the first place because of RSD, much less long-term partners

    asking for a friend btw

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