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Trump is inciting violence as the election approaches
  • I guess I don’t think of the higher agencies as cops, even though they are. And those higher agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.) don’t strike me as the type of groups who want to keep the public informed—quite the contrary, actually. I would expect local cops to praise themselves if they got something right, sure.

  • VW will invest up to $5 billion in Rivian as part of new EV joint venture
  • I wasn’t actually so mad at first. They bought back our smaller cheaper car and we felt very compensated. But for the second car, which was much bigger and more expensive, they only offered a “fix” which they said wouldn’t affect performance (yeah right), and a small amount in restitution. It felt like a slap in the face. In hindsight I would have gone about things differently but let’s just say that I have little to no faith in the way our justice system works anymore due to how we decided to proceed after that, and we will never buy a car from VW ever again.

    Meanwhile, we actually replaced those cars with Teslas. And now we feel like we’re kind of back in the same place, having given money to a company that is pretty shit. We try to vote with our wallets as much as possible but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, after all. It’s just really depressing and disheartening and makes me not want to buy anything anymore.

  • VW will invest up to $5 billion in Rivian as part of new EV joint venture
  • I’m in the opposite camp. What are the reasons you don’t like Rivian? (I don’t like VW because we had not one, but two vehicles caught up in Dieselgate. They’re dead to me. Which is a shame because I really liked them.)

  • What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?
  • The Double Decker taco came back for like a month last year and I went to Taco Bell probably eight times once I realized it because it’s my favorite and I’m super pissed that they won’t just make one for me even though they have all of the ingredients, FFS.

  • Uniform discrepancy
  • I am pro-woke and aspire to be woke, but I’m also woke enough to know that I probably have blind spots that I’m not even aware of, despite my best efforts. I also live in a blue state and in a socially blue area.

  • My dad would put golf on the big color tv in the house and also have it running on the small black and white tv in the garage. We weren’t allowed to change it because he’d move back and forth between those two spaces while doing whatever it was he did in the garage and he didn’t want to miss anything. This was pre-DVR, of course.

  • He deserves better
  • I personally am not a rabid Witcher book fan — I swear, some folks think they are the best literature out there and they very much are not — but in their quest to make Yennefer a more fleshed out character, they screwed up her motivations and priorities. She’s supposed to be like a mother to Ciri. I did not watch season 3 but it was not looking good for their relationship at the end of season 2.

  • 2024 Tesla Model 3 AWD Qualifies for $7500 USD EV Credit again.
  • Had two cars affected by Dieselgate, will never buy a VW or Audi again; they’re dead to me. Which sucks because I loved them. But you know what? I love my 2018 Model 3 even more. Though honestly, both my husband and I feel pretty icky about Tesla now. We got really lucky with the build quality of our car but we know people who have had major issues going way beyond panel gaps. And that’s not even going into the Musk issue.

  • Daisy Ridley's 'STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING' will begin filming from September 2nd, 2024 in London, UK.
  • I’m not sure optimistic is the right word exactly… maybe hopeful. Sadly I don’t really think it’s gonna be great but I hope it is. 100% agree about Ridley. I know Boyega burned some bridges but I would otherwise put him in the same category.

  • Looking for a gentle daily shampoo
  • I have similar wavy hair, though it’s only a little bit longer than shoulder length. I’ve been using Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk bond building shampoo and conditioner. I didn’t like their regular moisture variety but for some reason I really like the bond building formula. I originally found it at Target.

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