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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Pronouns: any. You can't get it wrong

2 yr. ago
  • Sure but that means a workaround for machines affected, but not needing correct dates could be to set their clocks to midnight Jan 1 1970 and have another 65 years to sort it out

    Anyway, the biggest problem will be embedded systems, including many household and business smart devices. Several I have are definitely 32 bit machines and might use 32 bit time precise to the second. Some I don't know. I have no idea what processor my TV uses

  • You perhaps need to talk to people if you think people now have a high opinion of Elon Musk. His reputation has crashed since he bought Twitter

    Now perhaps you'll still hear space fans singing his praise, but the general position holds no respect for him

  • China has a problem. It isn't good at finding the best people and putting them into science (or whatever else). Instead it gets the loyal people and gives them the best jobs, they then select people below them however they will

    People then strive for recognition and advancement so scientific fraud is rife

  • This idea has been around for a while. Make government more efficient by putting a private enterprise person in charge

    It never worked because the private enterprise person got efficiency by having a cool project or forceful personality in the private enterprise which let them pay their employees poorly. Or maybe they paid their employees well and had excellent success. But then they have government employees who are hard to fire, have highly specialist knowledge, aren't in it for profit and so the private enterprise maverick is usually [worse than] useless

    I don't expect it to work this time either, especially as Musk is more interested in Tesla, SpaceX, and his other companies

  • If you are working in a different number system with other people ten loses its unique meaning just like any word that has another technical meaning.

    In code 0x10 is hex 10 (what you'd call sixteen), but in spoken technical English you don't need to pronounce the 0x

  • I don't see the need to bring values into this, this is about the naming of number systems. We really have no more claim to ten being this many (..........) than hexadecimal people have to claim ten has this many (................)