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GUIDE: Special latin characters within Europe
  • They've split Finland pretty arbitrarily into areas where (supposedly) Swedish speakers are found for 'å', but there's really no reason for it. The letter is a part of the Finnish alphabet and taught to everyone in school, so it should cover the whole country I think.

  • How dogs bark around the world
  • I don't trust their methodology. They've put "vuh vuh" for Finland, which, while recognizable to mean a dog barking, is WAY less used than "hau hau". Or maybe it's changed and I'm just too old for this shit...

  • : (
  • What irritates me the most is they don't even bother to ask what to do with the bootloader when installing Windows, or at least the option is hidden behind some guru magic not supported by the installer GUI. Leave an old windows boot drive plugged in while doing a fresh install on another drive, and the installer happily uses the bootloader on the old drive without ever even mentioning it. Since it is so easy to make this mistake you'd think Microsoft offered a tool to move the bootloader to a different drive, but nope.

  • What is a piece of media that has changed your life?
  • No health care professional ever told me that depression can be something that's just a part of who I am, and that maybe there is no getting rid of it. Rens message in the video feels so genuine and real that instead of passing it over as just another piece of pop culture, I stopped to really listen and think about what he's saying about managing your darker tendencies and learning to live with them. The song has maybe helped me accept myself a bit better, but as I said, it's still a bit too early to call if it's an actually permanent and useful effect.

  • What is a piece of media that has changed your life?
  • It's a bit early to say if it's life changing, but Hi Ren made me reassess my thought patterns and negative self talk in ways therapy never could, which is pretty damn powerful for a musical performance.

  • There's simply no going back
  • Did you not see the part where it said "PS2 era"? The turning rates of the player/camera in any console first person shooter from those times are downright sluggish by mouse/keyboard standards, but the games were also designed around that slower pace.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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