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What small piece of advice you would like to give that isn't heard enough ?

Computer related:

  • Don't be your family computer savy guy, you just found yourself a bunch payless jobs...
  • Long desks are cool and all, but the amount the space they occupy is not worth it.
  • Block work related phone calls at weekends, being disturbed at your leisure for things that could be resolved on Mondays will sour your day.

Buying stuff:

  • There is expensive because of brand and expensive because of material quality, do your research.
  • Buck buying is underrated, save yourself a few bucks, pile that toilet paper until the ceiling is you must.
  • Second hand/broken often means never cleaned, lubricated or with easy fixable problem.
  • Rice is a cereal and therefore a valid breakfast food. Fry last night's rice with some chopped veg and garlic salt for a nutritious and easy breakfast.

    • Fried rice keeps better than steamed. Make it once a week and massively reduce your time/resources spent on the daily. The secret is the extra sauce with 45% spicy mayo, 45% teriyaki sauce, and 10% Worcestershire sauce or similar Roman garum-like fermented fish sauce. Put that on top of fried rice to make a killer meal.

      Fried rice is basically just eggs and rice at the simplest form; breakfast.

  • Most "rules of thumb" become awful advice when used indiscriminately.

    People assign slightly different meanings to the same words. You need to acknowledge this to understand what they say.

    Words also change meaning depending on the context.

    When you still don't get what someone else said, it's often more useful to think that you're lacking a key piece of info than to assume that the other person does.

    Hell is paved with good intentions. This piece of advice is popular, but still not heard enough.

    Related to the above: if someone in your life is consistently rushing towards conclusions, based on little to no information, minimise the impact of that person in your life.

    Have at least one recipe using leftovers of other recipes. It'll reduce waste.

    Alcohol vinegar is bland, boring, and awful for cooking. But it's a great cleaning agent.

    Identify what you need to keep vs. throw away. Don't "default" this indiscriminately, analyse it on a per case basis.

    The world does not revolve around your belly button and nature won't "magically" change because of your feelings.

    You can cultivate herbs in a backyard. No backyard? Flower pots. No flower pots? Old margarine pot. (Check which herbs grow well where you live.)

  • When you feel out of control in life, identify where you have agency and focus your efforts there.

  • I think my favorite allegory is the "We'll See Farmer".

    Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically, “you must be so sad.” “We’ll see,” the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it two other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed. “Not only did your horse return, but you received two more. What great fortune you have!” “We’ll see,” answered the farmer. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. “Now your son cannot help you with your farming,” they said. “What terrible luck you have!” “We’ll see,” replied the old farmer. The following week, military officials came to the village to conscript young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. “Such great news. You must be so happy!” The man smiled to himself and said once again. “We’ll see.”

    Only time can yield the ramifications of an event. There is no luck, good or bad. Things happen. On balance, they are neither good nor bad, just events to be dealt with. Be patient and continue doing the best you are able to with any given circumstances. I have always tried to keep a goal in mind and move through life's circumstances in the vague direction of those goals. Things have happened that have ended up having positive impacts, and things have had negative. None of them were clear at the time and only in hindsight can I see which were which.

  • There is expensive because of brand and expensive because of material quality, do your research.

    If "do your research" means take a couple minutes to make sure there aren't glaring red flags about a purchase, then yeah that checks, but I see this phrase used as a more serious concept which just doesn't seem realistic given my experiences.

    I feel like if you don't already know what to look for in your specific product of interest it's impossible to do research and have confidence. Like when I don't know where to start and try to research products through a search, I go through so much SEO bullshit in such a short timeframe that I have no confidence in anything I'm looking at, including the stuff that looks like it has a good chance of being legit. Maybe I can find a forum of some sort, but I'll need a way to tell that the users aren't just talking out of their asses (or bots, or paid sponsors). Major review sites are a mess.

    The phrase "do your research" is way overstated, because someone who knows what they need to look at is already going to do research and is not the target audience. The time it takes to filter through all the nonsense and form a coherent opinion researching something from scratch is so enormous that it's hard for me to imagine someone actually doing that diligently for anything less expensive than a car. What actually happens is you just give up partway and make your best guess like you would have done in the first place. At that point your research has led you to seeing a bunch of ads and a few conflicting opinions. Yeah, that will influence your decision and possibly be helpful, but the benefits are marginal compared to the time investment, it's rarely worth more than a few minutes if it's not a major purchase.

    Or maybe everyone else is a lot better at this than me and I'm making a fool out of myself by posting this.

    • The fact that you understand that something is an ad is a undervalued skill, sure there is lots garbage to go through(it's the current state of the internet), but it's not like you are looking at 12 brands of pasta at supermarket, just picking one it's ok in some scenarios.