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What ridiculous history fact is your favorite?
  • "Mad" Jack Churchill, who fought in the Second World War with a longbow, a basket-hilted Scottish broadsword, and a set of bagpipes.

  • How can I improve my handwriting?
  • I got 2 degrees ral quick.

    Was one of them in Color Standardization?

  • War of the Goose (Rythaze)
  • Moby Duck!

  • Characters ranked on the likeliness of them committing tax fraud
  • Don't do my man David dirty like that.

  • The Condiment Wars
  • Mayo is an JP/K sauce

    Offended Dutch noises. (And most of western Europe).

  • Have you ever, given someone a major step up in life, been a mentor, and measurably altered the trajectory of their life for the better?
  • Gave some advice to a female coworker of mine who was a few years younger than me (we worked in a restaurant and were 25 and 18 or smth). She was in love with her housemate and wasn't sure if it was mutual, afraid of losing the friendship, a classic. Talked for a while and it was pretty clear to me from what I heard that it was mutual. Talked her into taking the lead and they've been together for years now.

  • Habbo Hotel going vintage with original game rerelease
  • The article says that there aren't going to be casinos and the like.

  • What is your favorite kid friendly book made just for traumatizing children?
  • Mentioned by Dwight in The Office!

  • Why are people so squicked out about "Toilet to Tap" / reclaimed water when it basically already works that way?
  • Water has memory! And while the memory of a long-lost drop of onion juice seems infinite, it somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!

  • What does the world think of India?
  • At a risk of downvote oblivion, this is what comes to mind to me. Keep in mind that this is just what I perceive about India through all the media I've consumed so it can come across as a bit prejudiced. I'm sure there's more nuance.

    The good:

    • Amazing food, rich culture
    • Seemingly big into tech.
    • Very colorful.
    • People seem generally friendly.

    The bad:

    • So. Insanely. Chaotic.
    • Basic sanitation and infrastructure seem stuck a few decades ago.
    • Female emancipation is lacking as far as I can gather.
    • A lot of inequality in general.
    • The weather seems like hell to me.
    • Even though they're big into tech, it comes across to me that the government and general population is still stuck in the mid 90's regarding devices (pc's etc, smartphones excluded).
  • Do you prefer Gaming PCS or Gaming Laptops?
  • There are use cases though. Things like truckers.

  • Do you prefer to manage your tasks digital (on phone/laptop) or physical (on paper/notebook)? Why?
  • Yeah their website is really confusing but I urge you to just make an account and play around in it.

  • The Flood of Rust
  • Looks like an Uruk-Hai!

  • What comes to mind if someone uses the term "deeply unserious"?
  • That they have a limited vocabulary.

  • Do you prefer to manage your tasks digital (on phone/laptop) or physical (on paper/notebook)? Why?
  • I don't know exactly what your use case is, but AirTable is very powerful and flexible.

  • Do you prefer to manage your tasks digital (on phone/laptop) or physical (on paper/notebook)? Why?
  • Oh man I want a Remarkable so bad, too bad they're insanely expensive.

  • If I host a server and have plexpass, do other users that want remote access also need plexpass?

    I'm having a hard time googling this question, so I'm asking here. I have a Plex server with content, and I want my dad and my sister to have access through their account at their homes. Does this require a Plex pass only for me or for all users?

    Related communities?

    So I'm looking for communities related to this one. For example, on reddit I subbed to r/workbenches, r/frenchcleats, r/carpentry.

    So what are your favorite woodworking-adjacent communities?

    Took a day off to build a mobile workbench!

    I posted this on the woodworking reddit but in the spirit of keeping the posting alive, I might as well share it here again!

    If anyone wants the plans, here you go:

    Imgur Album with pics and instructions.

    Sketchup File (dropbox direct download link)

    PDF with all of the above for your workshop printing convenience (dropbox direct download)

    Thavron Thavron
    Posts 3
    Comments 474