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Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • When cops only legal responsibility is to enforce the law, and the laws are written to protect corporate interests, of course they will stand outside the school and arrest protesters. SCOTUS has ruled that way so many times that "to serve and protect" is literally gaslighting.

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Came here to say this. The SCOTUS has ruled multiple times that police officers and other agents of the government are only legally obligated to capture criminals, not prevent laws from being broken. A cop can legally watch someone execute someone and as long as they arrest the perpetrator afterwards, they are legally in the clear. Never believe a cop who says they are here to protect you. In a world where the laws are written to protect business interests and cops only have to uphold the law, the cops are nothing more than tax funded corporate enforcers.

  • YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos
  • It really is unfortunate as it COULD be a really good feature if it were being implemented by someone who wasn't just trying to crowdsource AI training data that will go into commercial products without compensation to anyone. It could be a great tool for professionals and experts to expand on what creators say, a way to call out falsehoods and Hypocrites, and a way to find your people in a world that is growing ever bleaker. But no, it is just being done to force more ads down our throats and harvest more money from us.

  • After saying atheists are unfit for public office, Oregon lawmaker let off the hook (Livestream)
  • I feel like there is a semantic difference between an Atheist and a Pretender. Trump is a Pretender, Reagan was a Pretender. Most of the right wing legislators are pretenders. Both believers and pretenders are dangerous. Actual Athiests are open about their beliefs. They are usually fine.

  • Driving past a church and their sign hatched a plan.
  • The problem with this one is that while it proves that it has more smut than literally any book they are banning, it also is a direct support of their attacks on sex workers, which I would rather be able to refute as well.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • I have been seeing reporting from and have had friends in Australia and New Zealand who have been sharing that it is actually much worse down there than it is in the US. Apparently in NZ most of the legislature is made up of landlords, so the laws are particularly egregious and abusive.

  • Driving past a church and their sign hatched a plan.

    So I am out with my family for Father's Day and we passed a church who had:

    "What's your favorite Bible verse? Post it on our Facebook."

    And it got me to wondering how they would react if someone started posting all of the verses from their storybook that specifically call out the behavior of modern Christians. All the ones about welcoming immigrants and providing shelter and care for the poor, or deriding capitalism. Wonder what would happen if people did that en masse? I almost want to write a bot to go through and do it.

    Family photo sharing?

    My son was just born, and while a few photos will go on the likes of Facebook and Instagram, overall my partner and I are wanting to keep our shared photos private from the EULA abuses that we all know and hate.

    Does anyone here have any good suggestions? I would create my own front end, but I can't swing hosting or a static IP to do it from my local box. Are there any companies out there who aren't total shit bags who claim immediate irrevocable license to all of my photos to do with whatever the fuck they please?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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