There were also women on the force, so it was 376 boys and girls in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die.
Well, 375. There was that one asshole who shouted "Do you need our help?" to which a hiding child responded "Yes we need help!" and was subsequently shot by the gunman
Here in Denmark a crazed man attacked the Fields shopping center with a couple of hunting rifles. The first time something like this happened in a very long time.
Danish armed police had a quick response time. Loads of dudes with in full body armour and MP-5s guarding every main exit while other guys went inside to clear out the civilians and hunt the shooter down.
The sniper equipped helicopter circling the shopping center spotted the shooter coming out of a service door and he subsequently got caught.
I think in total only 5 people died, which was from the short period when the guy started shooting.
All the right wing gun addicts from America were chest thumping and table banging, shouting all over social media that this somehow was an example that gun laws don't work. However, considering this happened within a short period after the school shooting in America, all it truly did was make American police look like a bad joke.
Holy shit, I thought it was double digits. How did they get 376 to show up without any of them roid raging their way into doing something other than dicking around?
I scoff every time a cop on a TV show is like "I joined the force to save lives and make a difference" because it's painfully obvious that this is pretty much never the case in reality.
Too bad the shooter wasn't black. The cops weren't trained for this.
This is a cop problem, not a gun problem. All the guns were working, including the shooter's. The cops saw fit to take their lunch hour instead of working.
I recall a conservative news segment where the "jounalist" and "expert" had discussed that the kids should have rushed the shooter and overwhelmed him. Doesn't matter they were 6-7 they should have stepped up and stopped it all.
Meanwhile, the actual people gained to do that wouldn't, despite overwhelming numbers
Cops refuse to show up on my methhead neighbors - they have weapons.
But when my (then) husband wanted to evict my little unarmed 5’3” butt from the house I’d lived in for the past seven years, after physically beating me to the point I wasn’t really cogent, they sent a whole riot squad to pick me up.
From all my internet lurking I discovered that America is a country almost beyond redemption, or at least some states.
I always wonder if it is really that bad or am I just hearing the usual ‘my country bad’ talk like anyone does but the news point to the first one basically every time. I can only assume it is mostly true and sympathise.
As someone who lives in middle eu capital city and has proverbial 4 houses it is all quite mind blowing. I feel like I live in completely different reality and I am grateful for it every day.
It’s however very painful to hear all you just plain suffering. Maybe that’s why my mind goes ‘it’s probably exaggerated’ it can’t be that bad can it be?
Okay setting aside whether there should be guns in schools, this argument doesn't make sense. There were, in fact, good guys with guns on the scene. The police prevented them from intervening.
If they had ONE more gun or ONE more officer they could have saved ALL those kids! Which is why we need to take MORE money out of Education and INTO Police Officers Bank Accounts!
Right now if the police force didn't get their badges from a cracker jack box the procedure is pretty simple. You go in and shoot any one with a gun that's not an officer. You start arming citizens in the school and it is more difficult. These guys can't handle more difficult they are still trying to figure out what end of the paper bag let's them out.
"Final proof that more guns in you schools will not keep our kids safe" - wasn't the problem that the guns weren't in the school, rather they were standing in front of it?
Sounds like the guns weren't in the schools. They were out. You're implying that had they been in the school, we wouldn't have had the same level of tragedy.
No, it doesn't prove that guns in school won't solve the problem.
It proves you can't trust cops to do the bare fucking minimum.
If teachers had been armed? It might--might--have ended sooner with fewer innocent victims. At least the teachers had some skin in the game, and teachers usually care about the kids in schools.
Final proof that more guns in our schools will not keep our kids safe.
What does the issue of the inaction of law enforcement have to do with the idea of "guns in our schools" (presumably this is inferring armed security or arming other school staff)? I am of the opinion that a lot of these issues could be solved adding armed security to schools. There are quite a number of sensitive locations like that which would benefit from that sort of security, imo.
Tbf if they were outside the classroom, then we lack the data to say "it's proof more guns inside don't help."
I know it's nitpicking, but also had they done their actual jobs they're fucking paid to do, but not required to do thanks to Castle Rock V Gonzales and Warren V DC, then the "more guns" would likely have been what killed him instead of "his own gun."
I understand why the anti self defense crowd wants to use this as fodder for their agenda, but personally this speaks more of the failures of our entire policing system to me. Frankly to me it's a glaring example of why we need to be able to defend ourselves, the cheesedicks we pay to come help us won't.