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Pls someone make this reality
  • The differences in curricula across states mean that some states would have gotten the correct information while others may not have. I know the science and history classes in my state were pretty different from some other states.

  • Please vote
  • In my experience, the people who vote Republican/conservative/Trump do so out of a certain amount of philosophical and emotional laziness and denial. Confronting the roots of our societal problems is difficult and uncomfortable, and takes a degree of empathy and emotional intelligence that many people simply do not have. To be clear; it is rarely their fault and frequently a result of the external influences and education during their formative years.

    The conservative viewpoint that has functionally become hereditary and contagious is that you are special and good, and the only people that are also special and good must have the same values, prejudices, advantages, and deficiencies that you do. This is why if you are nice and polite to conservatives they start spouting more and more bigoted bullshit. It's because, in their mind, the only good people are the ones that agree with them, and they perceive you as "good" for extending basic decency to them.

    This cognitive shortcut is how I have succeeded in planting a lot of seeds of progressive values in the minds of my classmates at the conservative, religious school I accidentally ended up in. Each one of them is a single starfish, so to speak, but each individual moves the needle a little bit. Small progress is better than no progress.

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • For America, you'll also need to have a drop-down for states. I graduated from high school in California in 2009, and I'm currently working on a medical degree, so I'd be delighted to contribute to this. I'd especially like to help with a sex ed section for Americans.

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • There's a variety of problems with the concept (including the issue of political dynasties), but I sometimes wish a blend of Teddy Roosevelt and FDR would show up and whip our government back into something at least vaguely respectable.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I have an EMT license in America and am currently in medical school. EMT training is entirely centered around "stabilize the patient and get them in front of a physician". They have a limited range of capabilities, but the training they do have is focused on the things that will kill you quickly, and a brief overview of other things.

  • Looking for recommendations for homebrew security system cameras

    A friend of mine is helping me with setting up a Linux-based homebrew security system set up. He's currently using Wyze cameras, but they are faulty and have ads on them, so I'd like to find something more open-source/closed system that I can control completely. Any recommendations or pointers in the right direction would be great.

    What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • See, I'm planning on trying to steal your business by going into emergency medicine to be a necromancer. (I have done CPR on people that have actually woken up to complain about cannot convince me that CPR/resuscitation is not necromancy.)

  • What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • 4 years of medical school and a few years of residency (and maybe fellowship) in pathology. So you're talking 12 to 16 years of post-high school education because it's becoming more and more common to have to have a post-bacc or a master's to get into medical school in the first place.

  • Robot cars can be crashed with tinfoil and painted cardboard
  • The current court cases show that the manufacturers are trying to fob off responsibility onto the owners of the vehicles by way of TOS agreements with lots of fine print and Tesla in particular is getting slammed for false advertising about the capabilities of their self-driving features while they simultaneously try to force all legal liability onto the drivers that believed their advertising.

  • Robot cars can be crashed with tinfoil and painted cardboard
  • The lack of accountability means that there is nothing and no one to take responsibility when the robot/computer inevitably kills someone. A human can be faced with legal ramifications for their actions, the companies that make these computers have shown thus far that they are exempt from such consequences.

  • Lord of the Rules
  • I'm an American medical student, and I got this score as well, but that's mostly because they kept throwing in drugs that were never marketed or approved in the US and thankfully, they don't make us memorize all the drugs, just the generic names of ones used in America.

  • Russian woman traveling to the US through Mexico complains that everyone hates Russians.
  • While Russia is fascist as heck, it is still substantially easier to emigrate from Russia than it is to emigrate from North Korea. Also, while there is a powerful state media in Russia, they do not have complete (or near complete) control over every line of communication in and out of the country as is the case in North Korea. There's also the matter of relative wealth and ability to defy/evade government control by way of travel/media consumption/emigration.

  • Full points for confidence
  • It was very hard to tell whether or not his youtube channel is satire, but given the websites and email address listed, I think this person that appends their name with alphabet soup is probably taking themselves at least somewhat seriously. I have serious concerns about his professionalism just based on the video titles, categories, and thumbnails.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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