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redirect your conversations so they don't always hit the same 'le paradox' dead end.
  • If I as a right wing dickhead am convinced that a certain minority commits a certain crime / leeches off someone's pockets / whatever, then from my point of view, this minority did breach the social contract of tolerance first. I think the problem is not some weird paradox but the mere fact that the right is actually convinced what they state is true.

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • I am employed as a Software Engineer in the real estate sector. I'm also a commie. Many ultracapitalist assholes are using my software and they have no idea about my political views. I'm sure there are a lot more of us than one would normally think. It's just that most of us are tired of having the same discussions with the same arguments over and over and over and over again, so we just don't out ourselves 99% of the time :)

  • Decentralized [Work Chronicles]
  • If that person made it through the probation period under your supervision, that's still your fault. And if that person was there from the beginning, a senior in your team could still support them by teaching them good practices, showing them better options, etc. Or, as a last resort you could always assign them tasks that are more within their capabilities.

    Micromanagement will never lead to people improving - quite the opposite in fact, they'll start to care less because there's always someone who prevents them doing mistakes.

  • Decentralized [Work Chronicles]
  • And there are certain people where you have to micromanage them, because otherwise they're just go to git commit absolute fucking shit, and it's better to cut that off earlier via micromanagement, then allow it to pollute the repo.

    Way to make sure they'll never improve. We have merge requests and four eye policy for this, no need for micromanagement. There's never a need for micromanagement, and if you feel like there is, your processes suck, which is your responsibility as a tech lead.

  • ARD-Team von israelischem Militär festgehalten und bedroht
  • Alter, die sind mitten im bewaffneten Konflikt, hätten sie die Journalisten umbringen wollen, hätten sie es getan. Das hatte nichts mit Glück zu tun, die hätten einen internationalen Skandal losgestoßen, hätten sie Journalisten eines deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsenders ermordet. Gänzlich im Gegensatz zu den meisten Terrororganisationen dieser Welt, von denen ich weiß - bei denen rollt tatsächlich mal der ein oder andere Journalistenkopf!

  • Cyberangriff legt IT-Dienste vieler deutscher Kommunen lahm
  • In einem Bericht der Westfalenpost ist sogar von "mindestens 70 Kommunen" die Rede, deren Dienste infolge des Cyberangriffs nicht mehr zugänglich sind. Ob es sich erneut um einen DDoS-Angriff handelt oder ob Cyberkriminelle sich möglicherweise auch Zugriff auf die betroffenen Systeme verschaffen und sensible Daten abgreifen konnten, ist allerdings noch unklar.

    Ich denke es ist "just in case"... Während eines derartigen Angriffs Logs auszuwerten, um nach Datenlecks zu schauen, ist ja quasi unmöglich, wenn der DDoS gut gemacht ist. Ich würde auch erstmal alles abschalten und in aller Ruhe die relevanten Informationen durchgehen. Erst Recht, wenn es sich beim Kunden um eine Behörde handelt.

  • Calling all Linux enthusiasts! Help us create a comprehensive guide to Linux firewalls and security!
  • Not necessarily saying it's a bad idea, especially with everything running within podman it's probably even quite awesome. It just feels like it's a lot more tedious to fix in the case that something got messed up. Still, not a bad idea generally, as long as you know what you're doing ^^

  • Europeans over 65 will outnumber those under 15 next year
  • As a German, I call bullshit. Every asylum seeker I've met either had a job/went to school or was denied a job because the application didn't go through yet. I'm sure there are people out there who don't want to work, but please show me the data which shows that "most of them will never work a day in their lives". Your comment sounds EXACTLY like the rhetorics of the same right-wing you pretend to condemn.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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