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The Cybertruck was released on Nov. 30. Today, Tesla is recalling the truck for the fourth time. That's an impressive average of one recall about every seven weeks.
  • It's great how in roughly half the U.S. between November and April, using an extremely expensive yet fundamentally required car on a public road is a guaranteed death sentence for its structure and body. Rustproofing (only if new or new enough that rust hasn't taken hold yet), enormous cost of purchase, constant car washes to slow the unavoidable corrosion, the enormous risk of death and injury from being forced to drive in those conditions, all privatized individual costs coming out of the working class pockets and ass, all for muh ecomoneh.

    I'm laying my bets down: It'll be cathartic watching Musk's bazinga trash go through this process, because it will be messy, and also seeing how the CT owners handle their 7,000 pound dumpsters on anything more challenging than rain-soaked roads.

  • Elon Musk is my God.
  • Bluesky is a very liberal place. He’s a very rare bird. He’s like a wild flamingo somehow showing up in Portland.

    I see. I bailed out of the twitter dumpster fire months ago and never got into bsky. The resurrection of reactionary accounts, the obnoxious condescending Ukraine flag fetishists, the NAFO cockroach brigades, and fascist U.S. Constitution copulators with Christian cross emojis as far as the eye sees became too much (but right-wing trash are the most persecuted and censored smolbeans in known history ofc)

    My blocklist was thousands of accounts, like many thousands.

    And he’s only been at the site ~20h but ~500 people are already blocking him

    Damn lol, when you're too insufferably lib even for the libs!

  • Elon Musk is my God.
  • I thought bluesky was meant for refugees who saw the toilet that twitter became after some reactionary manchild became dictator? Why is an S-rank bootlicker like this even posting there?

  • bark like a dog
  • they make no profit from me unless they get to exploit my labor time right?

    It's such an obscene lopsided relationship, the potential employee with no social / government support for basic costs of living in capitalist hell, taking entire classes in high school or community college, or vocational rehab programs dedicated to tweaking their résumé for fucking job-specific keywords and learning iNtErVieW SkILLs for a chance of being noticed by HR drones sifting through digital stacks of desperate laborers' applications.

    I've never found the stones to speak so directly about "why I want to work here" (or my favorite "WHY SHOULD WE HIRE YOU?!") at any interview, because all these employers and their liberal HR acolytes who've never had a hard time in their lives are on hair triggers looking for the slightest fucking reason to toss your application in the trash and send you an automated rejection e-mail.

  • Killdozer guy died 20 years ago today
  • Also there was an indie documentary called Tread released at the 2019 SxSW Film Festival, it includes historic video of the event mixed with live re-enactments, plus clips of Heemeyer's audio tapes and interviews with the people he was after.

    It was posted to YouTube's "free with ads" movie section a few years ago and remains free to this day, link to watch the whole thing (it's about 1h28m).

  • Cars are getting dumber

    cross-posted from:

    > YouTube user Drew Gooden made a great video and rant about regressions in modern car design from his perspective as a driver, with a large portion of the time dedicated to our favorite abomination: the Cybertruck. He also touches on those fucking brighter-than-daylight headlights that have been proliferating for several years now which anyone here, forced to own and drive a car to maintain the most basic existence, likely has seen in person. > > Alternate Invidious link

    The same people who fell asleep during Dune 1 because it was "boring" also....
  • I played and still have Dune for SegaCD and the Genesis cartridge rts too, never managed to complete the former though. Playing that old Battle for Arrakis rts on a controller now, with the single-unit action limitation and slow scrolling etc. is painful.

  • Americans be like
  • To expand on what Yogthos and RedClouds already said, the U.S. "consumer credit" system is also, effectively, mandatory participation from birth and you don't ever get a choice in it later on. There are multiple private agencies who track and maintain records of U.S. citizens' credit history. A typical person here will do business or apply for jobs at many companies over their lifetime which will check these credit histories and/or submit that person's payment records to the agencies as part of the business (like mobile phone service contracts, credit cards and car loans, corporate landleeches and your monthly rent history, etc. etc.).

    I think the way it works is, the first time you do business with a place that reports to credit agencies when you turn 18 or whatever, your identifying info is sent over and your personal credit history begins. It's like having an account created on your behalf at a shady, unaccountable business from which your data can't and won't ever be purged (bonus: your personal info has a good chance of getting stolen from said agencies and sold on TOR forums every few years or so).

    If a credit check is part of the employment process at some job, their HR department is using it to determine how responsible and trustworthy an applicant is expected to be. Banks and finance jobs always do this as well as other non-finance but high level jobs. Someone with large amounts of current debt or history of missing payments on rent won't get hired at such jobs because they're considered bad with money and desperate or irresponsible, a liability for theft and embezzlement as the employer would see it. Same principle when applying for places to live, low credit score or red marks in payment history = no housing for you.

    The system has a bunch of stupid guidelines for maintaining a high 'credit score' that are taught as sage life advice in a lot of high school, home economics classes here, probably because this shit is so deeply ingrained in every aspect of life that it's inescapable. That 'credit score' is a three-digit number ranging from about 500 to 850, it's often listed with some minimum required score on housing applications and similar, it is used as a quick judgment on your history of borrowing from and repaying capitalist entities, higher number being better. It's calculated by a an algorithm and nobody knows what the algorithm is because it's an industry secret. The score is updated regularly and we can get a free copy once per year of everything on our personal credit reports from each of the three "main" credit agencies, if we request one.

    Unless you're so wealthy you can buy everything with cash, having no credit history at all or a bad credit history can significantly impact your life comfort and ability to find housing, so we are forced to play this fucked up game.

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • Add on-campus housing and food plan and it's another $8-15k per year on top of that for in-state, maybe more now. And that covers the two main semesters only, summer and winter sessions have their own extra costs.

  • What's the most cringy shit you've seen on reddit?
  • That one and some others were deleted by order of then-CEO Ellen Pao, it was like throwing a lit match into a powderkeg. The things r*ddit holds most dearly - misogyny, racism, and xenophobia - erupted from its sizeable population of reactionary neckbeards into a shitstorm of fist-pounding tantrums like nothing the site had seen to that point. The insults and threats of violent fantasies were endless and many were Sinophobic in nature. A few years after it happened I remember a discussion (maybe on /r/ShitRedditSays or similar) around how the bigots who inhabited /r/FatPeopleHate et. al., were heavily overlapped with same crowd who would later be found in The_Donald and related right-wing hate subs.

    NATOpedia has an article for her and there's some detail on this incident if you want more slop on it (I didn't read every word of the article, just skimmed, so can't say whether it's tainted/biased by one of the neckbeard power editors).

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