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Annie Londonderry, first female cyclist to bicycle across the world
  • Travel via tornado should disqualify this record

  • House Republicans are holding the first impeachment inquiry hearing into Biden
  • Definitely the most pressing issue for them to focus on right now /s

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • There are a million messaging apps available

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Apple should absolutely wait and see with RCS. How long until google abandons it too?

  • Eric Clapton helps raise $1 million for RFK Jr. campaign
  • Well known really good dude Eric Clapton /s

  • D&Denise
  • Look up her back story

  • D&Denise
  • The rape gangs were no problem though

  • Removed
    Starlink quietly lost over $250,000,000 in burned satellites this summer.
  • I’m sure it’s cheaper than 67 mil since they can launch at cost and not worry about profits but it’s definitely more than just the cost of the satellites.

  • Mike Babcock resigns as head coach of the Blue Jackets; Club names Pascal Vincent head coach
  • What a massive mistake by the front office. How long until they “resign”?

  • Removed
    Starlink quietly lost over $250,000,000 in burned satellites this summer.
  • For anyone that doesn’t click…

    It was 200 satellites. Estimate is based on the cost of a falcon 9 launch ($67,000,000) which can take about 50 satellites.

  • Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?
  • A lot of people concerned about water but if it’s not very hot and you’re not sweating too much 48 hours shouldn’t be a problem.

  • Is Netflix's One Piece good?
  • I couldn’t get into the anime until the live action. Now I like both!

  • I wonder how many fires have been started because people left the pizza box in the oven while trying to keep it warm
  • Cardboard burns up pretty quickly. I would think the fire would be contained in the oven no?

  • Question about the one piece. No spoilers please!

    I’m 50 episodes in and I have know idea what the one piece is. Do we find out eventually and when? I don’t want to know what it is though.

    Dealing with shortages

    Love that I have to call a bunch of pharmacies in the area waiting for several minutes just to check if my prescribed drug is available.

    Anyone have a good way of dealing with this?

    Edit: found a pharmacy after waiting through several automated messages 😩

    Sort by Top Hour?

    Any plans to add Top Hour to the sort options? I used it a lot over on the other site.
