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This Scientist Has an Antidote to Our Climate Delusions
  • Spoiler:

    I think the answer is community. We have to be responsible to more than ourselves. We have to feel an obligation to more than our children. It can’t just be a selfish desire to hold on to what we currently have. You can maybe grip tightly onto your comfort in the short term, but the more we resist being part of the collective solution, the less likely that collective solution is to happen. In a sense, you’re echoing a bit of this bunker mentality where we have these megawealthy people who are buying up land in New Zealand and wherever else trying to save themselves. That seems like such a sad way to see the world. Like, do you want to live in a bunker for a year eating canned rations? Is that the life we want to build? Or do we all try to make sure we have a world where there’s enough for everybody, where no one takes too much and we share what we have. I’d rather share.

  • Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war'
  • Yeah although if Russia wins it'd involve "unstable geopolitics" too.

    This could be a long war.

  • What is the weirdest flavoured thing you've had?
  • Durian.

    Texture of banana but with a huge seed. Tastes like a strange combination of rotten eggs, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, diced garlic, onions, cheese, and... caramel?

    It's fucked. Never again.

  • Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought | A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product, researchers have found
  • It might cost more overall but it will be different people paying that cost (taxpayers and poor, mostly) whereas if we took action now it would be the capitalists paying for it.

  • Explosive police report reveals how Moms for Liberty co-founder arranged bisexual threesomes
  • To fascists, hypocrisy is a virtue:

    They NEED to demonstrate their hypocrisy in order to signal to their supporters that the nasty shit they promise to do to The Other (immigrants, gays, whatever) won't be done to their supporters.

  • Overhauling our drug policies
  • Yup true, true

  • Overhauling our drug policies
  • It is very rare to only get one term. So we're looking at another 6 years, minimum.

    It's going to feel like forever 😉

  • Arizona officials say they can’t find Rudy Giuliani to serve him with indictment notice
  • Then try harder. If the receptionist at his building is enough to stop them then they're shit at their jobs.

  • Overhauling our drug policies
  • National will never do anything like this. Even weed. A total non-starter.

  • Dobbs had the opposite effect conservatives intended
  • Stacking the supreme court has benefits far beyond any single issue.

  • Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought | A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product, researchers have found
  • A 3C temperature increase will cause “precipitous declines in output, capital and consumption that exceed 50% by 2100”

    Remember this is a global average. There will be places with a 100% decline.

  • China's 1st large-scale sodium battery energy storage station put into operation
  • uses 210 Ah sodium-ion battery cells that can be charged to 90 percent in 12 minutes

    Very fast!

  • Mods, what tips or etiquette do you recommend for reporting?
  • Report AND downvote. Reports only go to your instance and the originating instance whereas downvotes go everywhere. Highly downvoted content will get noticed by someone, eventually.

  • Daughters and Fathers Daughters and Fathers -

    This is a serious question, mostly addressed to the adult women among us but also to anyone else who has a stake in the matter. What did your father do for you/not do for you, that you needed? Context: I have recently become a father to a daughter, with a mother whose father was not around when she ...

    So much wholesome advice!

    In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • I've seen a vanload of tourists happily taking pictures of sheep on more than one occasion. New Zealand.

  • Will I ever be seen as truly British?
  • You might feel more comfortable in a larger city. In London every person you meet has a different accent, it's amazing.

  • Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens
  • Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities

    This is equivalent to USA threatening to strike North Korean, Iranian or Chinese facilities (all of whom have been arming Russia). No such threats have been made.

    Just so we're clear who's escalating things.

  • China hacked Ministry of Defence, Sky News learns
  • Remember, the hacks in the news are just the ones that are detected. We don't know how many others there are.

    Once Microsoft cloud was hacked, it is just a matter of time until every institution that uses MS is too. China has the keys to the whole kingdom, now. They can forge any certificate, they know every backdoor, they have all the source code. They will never be stopped.

    In a sane world these events would trigger a global effort by every government to migrate off Windows.

  • Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption
  • Yeah I was heavily into peak oil once, too.

    Don't underestimate the power of literally everyone on the planet really really wanting to avoid that situation. Life finds a way.

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • No - the VPN provider has another DHCP server for use 'inside' the VPN.

  • React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity

    The evolution of software development over the past decade has been very frustrating. Little of it seems to makes sense, even to those of us who are right in the middle of it.

    React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity

    > The evolution of software development over the past decade has been very frustrating. Little of it seems to makes sense, even to those of us who are right in the middle of it. My theory is fairly straightforward:

    > The long-term popularity of any given tool for software development is proportional to how much labour arbitrage it enables.

    > The more effective it is at enabling labour arbitrage, the more funding and adoption it gets from management.

    Saltwater - Chicane

    Just sublime. They don't make em like they used to.

    Spectacular timelapse capturing an entire night from sunset to sunrise

    You're going to want to full screen this one.

    ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living

    The Basque Country’s Mondragón Corporation is the globe’s largest industrial co-operative, with workers paying for the right to share in its profits – and its losses. In return for giving more to their employer, they expect more back

    ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living

    The Basque Country’s Mondragón Corporation is the globe’s largest industrial co-operative, with workers paying for the right to share in its profits – and its losses. In return for giving more to their employer, they expect more back.

    ChatGPT combined with Wolfram|Alpha, for more reliable results ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!

    Wolfram plugin gives computationally accurate answers to ChatGPT queries using Wolfram's data knowledgebase and language. Custom visualizations are given as well. Stephen Wolfram explains how it works.

    ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!

    ChatGPT—for all its remarkable prowess in textually generating material “like” what it’s read from the web, etc.—can’t itself be expected to do actual nontrivial computations, or to systematically produce correct (rather than just “looks roughly right”) data, etc. But when it’s connected to the Wolfram plugin it can do these things.

    Hydrogen trucks are coming Green hydrogen fuelling now available in the North Island for big trucks

    Two 'firsts' this week for budding green hydrogen energy road industry.

    Green hydrogen fuelling now available in the North Island for big trucks

    Hiringa, with partners fuel supplier Waitomo Group and Australasia’s largest heavy vehicle fleet owner TR Group, on Tuesday opened three green hydrogen stations, with a fourth under way, within the North Island’s economic “golden triangle” of freight movement.

    German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    Petr Bystron, of far-Right AfD party, allegedly given €20,000 by pro-Kremlin broadcaster

    German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

    A German politician has been filmed taking large sums of cash from a Kremlin-supporting broadcaster, Czech intelligence has claimed.

    Petr Bystron, who is standing for Alternative for Germany (AfD) at European parliamentary elections in June, allegedly received €20,000 (£17,000) in cash from the manager of a Russian propaganda network while sitting in a parked car, recordings indicate.

    Mr Bystron, who also sits on the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee, has previously denied allegations of taking Russian money as a “defamation campaign”.

    The Security Information Service (BIS), the Czech Republic’s domestic intelligence agency, now says Mr Bystron met with Artem Marchevsky, who allegedly managed a Kremlin-backed propaganda front called Voice of Europe, at least three times in the past six months.

    politics Rimu
    Seattle gave low-income residents $500 a month no strings attached. Employment rates nearly doubled. Seattle gave low-income residents $500 a month no strings attached. Employment rates nearly doubled.

    A guaranteed basic income program pilot in Seattle gave 102 low-income residents $500 monthly. Employment among the participants nearly doubled.

    Seattle gave low-income residents $500 a month no strings attached. Employment rates nearly doubled.
    • A Seattle basic income pilot gave low-income residents $500 a month, nearly doubling employment rates.
    • Some participants reported getting new housing, while others saw their employment incomes rise.
    • Basic income pilots nationwide have seen noteworthy success, despite conservative opposition.
    Handling large bursts of POST requests to your ActivityPub inbox, using a buffer in Nginx Handling large bursts of POST requests to your ActivityPub inbox, using a buffer in Nginx - PieFed

    Fediverse traffic is pretty bursty and sometimes there will be a large backlog of Activities to send to your server, each of which involves a POST. This can hammer your instance and overwhelm the backend’s ability to keep up. Nginx provides a rate-limiting function which can accept POSTs at full spe...

    Fediverse traffic is pretty bursty and sometimes there will be a large backlog of Activities to send to your server, each of which involves a POST. This can hammer your instance and overwhelm the backend’s ability to keep up. Nginx provides a rate-limiting function which can accept POSTs at full speed and proxy them slowly through to your backend at whatever rate you specify.

    How the other half live in the Global South

    > Am I worried for my families’ safety living in the Global South during this expected record-breaking hot season in 2024? You bet I am. But what worries me even more, is the millions of people living in tin shacks across this amazing region – whether in worker camps, slums, refugee camps, etc… How are they supposed to survive these heat extremes?

    James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe

    Depending on where we look, the universe is expanding at different rates. Now, scientists using the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes have confirmed that the observation is not down to a measurement error.

    James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe

    Astronomers have used the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes to confirm one of the most troubling conundrums in all of physics — that the universe appears to be expanding at bafflingly different speeds depending on where we look.

    This problem, known as the Hubble Tension, has the potential to alter or even upend cosmology altogether. In 2019, measurements by the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the puzzle was real; in 2023, even more precise measurements from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) cemented the discrepancy.

    Now, a triple-check by both telescopes working together appears to have put the possibility of any measurement error to bed for good. The study, published February 6 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, suggests that there may be something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe.

    Reading the Online Harms Act with my Fediverse Admin Hat On Reading the Online Harms Act with my Fediverse Admin Hat On

    The Online Harms Act is currently the talk of Canada. As the government’s website describes it, The internet is an exceptional tool for people of all ages to learn, play and connect with family, friends and those with similar interests. However, just like the outside world, the digital world can pos...

    > My interest here is not to delve into the controversies, but instead read the Act while wearing my Mastodon admin hat. I am one of the two admins of, a Mastodon instance for members of the Association of Internet Researchers. gives our members access to the fediverse – the global network of thousands of social media servers, with millions of users engaged in social media activities.

    Copyright statement on posts?

    Is there any interest in this idea?

    Automatically have a little copyright icon added to all your posts with your choice of copyright license.

    I've seen someone around here manually adding a copyright statement to most of their posts and thought I'd see if others would be into it. It'd be unobtrusive and incorporated into the UI, rather than a piece of text in the post.

    Your thoughts?

    Meatballs with bacon tomato sauce + vege

    Frying the bacon bits for 6 minutes before adding the sauce = yum.

    New CSS that can actually be used in 2024 (no hype) New CSS that can actually be used in 2024

    Multiple innovations have been released and are now supported in all modern browsers, and some of them fundamentally change how to make websites.

    New CSS that can actually be used in 2024

    The amount of CSS novelty in the last two to four years has been staggering. Multiple innovations have been released and are now supported in all modern browsers, and some of them fundamentally change how to make websites.

    Pork Katsu

    Next time you make schnitzel, add lots of sesame seeds to the crumb mixture and use panko breadcrumbs which are chunkier and lighter than normal breadcrumbs. Katsu sauce is like am extremely mild curry gravy, with brown sugar in it. Very nice!

    The salad is shredded cabbage with corn that has been fried for 4 minutes in a hot pan. Little bit smokey in that corn way.

    Threadverse Working Group is formed

    At this year's FediForum one of the breakout sessions centred around the Theadiverse, the subset of ActivityPub-enabled applications built around a group-centric model of content representation.

    The main outcome of the meeting involved the genesis of an informal working group for the threadiverse, in order to align our disparate implementations toward a common path.

    If you're developer of a threadverse app/platform and interested in being involved, read more at or

    rimu Rimu

    Developer of PieFed, a sibling of Lemmy & Kbin.

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