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Argentina's inflation edges up in June, breaking a months-long streak in a blow to President Milei
  • So I checked out Google scholar and to be honest for the alleged 20 years of being a researcher his contribution to the academic community seems marginal at best. Holding him up to the usual performance metrics, most postdocs in my lab had more citations and I also don’t see articles in big journal. Leaving aside the fact that your whole argument is subject to a logical fallacy your appeal to authority doesn’t seem to appeal to a good authority. He may have been working in the industry and he may have been involved in policy making, but that doesn’t mean he’s any authority when it comes to economics as a scientific discipline.

  • Stoltenberg bashes China for creeping closer to NATO
  • I would agree but then again Israel is aligned with the US or more like the US is aligned with Israel and it’s a very very ugly thing to commit genocide in the name of freedom and democracy. I still much rather benefit from the privilege that comes with living in a democratic country, but I dare say being on the receiving end of either democratic or authoritarian geopolitics boils down to essentially the same thing.

  • I just got kicked right before extraction
  • Yeah idk sometimes I just get kicked as well. It sucks if they do it after the game but at least I get the XP. I want to host as well but I’m level 22 and I’m playing on difficulty 7 or 8 to level up faster, if I spawn alone I will probably die faster than I can send out an SOS beacon :D

  • I just got kicked right before extraction
  • You made me feel slightly better. They say we helldivers are the elite but sometimes I’m not sure, basic training was also pretty easy. I should shut up before they send me to a freedom camp.

  • I just got kicked right before extraction

    I know I suck lol but this is next level evil. If you want to kick me do it whenever but don’t waste my time letting me help you clear mission objectives and then kick me.

    Sorry just ranting.

    And he will not stop collecting data. EVER.
  • Yeah it’s crazy. They have some machine learning system that gives targets and partly they use autonomous drones that will just attack those targets. Some human approves or disapproves the targets but apparently this is just done so they can say that there’s a human layer and they spend like 20 seconds to decide if someone has to die or not.

  • The US says it is going to put its new long-range strike missiles, including hypersonic weapons, in Germany
  • Idk why you’re getting so many downvotes, we’re like 2-3 elections away from having fascists and literal Nazis, among them e.g. people who are descendants of NSDAP officials and convicted war criminals (Beatrix von Storch). The situation is bleak in Germany.

  • Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit
  • Trump’s brain is also absolutely cooked. He just doesn’t look as confused as Biden I think that helps him. Plus that his voters don’t care about facts, I’m guessing they might have actually had some bleach.

  • Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit

    US president says ‘Ladies and gentleman, President Putin’, before realising mistake and correcting himself

    Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit

    Did he do it for the memes?

    Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe
  • Lmao I now see from your post history that you’re probably Israeli and also a genocide denier. Welp good luck then, despite this horrible worldview I sincerely wish that you’ll never be on the receiving end of the politics you wish for others.

  • Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe
  • Thanks for the source. I see what you mean but even at 400k migrants vs 200k we’re talking like an increase from 0.5% to 1% of the total population. In Germany we took something like 3% in 2015 and honestly it was often a chaos but we absolutely managed. There was mostly the problem that everyone wanted to go to the big cities because of racism in the countryside and terrible infrastructure if you didn’t have a car.

    Well regarding the rest what can I say, I wish you all the best, but if you think you or your wife will be left alone because you’re the good kind of migrant vs all the others who are from „backwards Islamic cultures“, that’s not how right wing populism works. If it hits them, you’re gonna be next sooner or later. People have tried riding the wave before, there were even Jews fighting for the Wehrmacht in WW2 until they ended up in the camps. Hope you don’t mind the analogy but I hope you get my point.

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