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Yeah, my tea has water-cooling
  • You'd be irresponsible not to

  • It would be less dramatic though
  • The warp core was originally a space babble replacement for a boiler on a steam ship, since it was based on WW2 navy ships. On old steam ships literally almost everything ran directly on auxiliary steam. As a result of probably not revisiting this since the 60s: everything in trek runs directly on warp core plasma.

  • Then again, everyone drank Romulan ale...
  • Rule of Acquisition #286: When someone posts a quality meme, you're not only right to acquire it; you are obligated to acquire it.

  • MFW Risa is in read only mode
  • I think you linked to the page instead of the image itself.

    This might work better:

  • I Simply Do Not Have Room On My PC For Starfield
  • I swear I've seen this post verbaitm elsewhere.

  • How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue
  • Does the bechdel test take the job of the characters into account? For example if Dr Crusher is talking to Dr Selar about a patient's health does the patient's sex alone decide if the talk passes?

  • I wish :q!
  • Except it doesn't work because you're in edit mode.

  • Well that didn't go as expected...
  • This is why I always test suspicious files on my work issued PC.

  • rovingnothing29 rovingnothing29
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