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1.000.304 Patch Notes
  • The fix would be to do a regression pass (or increase how thorough an existing pass is) for each release, I personally prefer that they release fast and break stuff than add a week or two delay to every patch. At least for now.

  • Removed
    US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)
  • I'm not American but The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest climate bill that's been passed ever. It has plenty of flaws, but it also has a lot of long term positive consequences, that can't be easily undone when the administration changes.

  • As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547
  • Well the purpose of the hate list like this isn't "what symbols not to use" so much as, if a guy uses this and there's context to suggest it's a dogwhistle, this is what it means.

    As a concrete example, If someone turns to a camera makes the ok gesture then punches a black guy that can be used as evidence in conjunction with a database like this to add a hate crime charge onto the assault charge.

  • Uninsured patient faces major hospital bills in Ontario after having legs amputated
  • Just south of us are 26million uninsured people who desperately need healthcare and 100million in medical debt. We can't afford to support them, nor do i really want to more directly support america. So how do we, from a legal point of view, differentiate between the small sustainable group of people above vs the potential huge group of people, niether would have paperwork, both need help.

    This isn't just concern trolling, if you have a genuine answer to that question I'm all ears, but I have 0 doubt in my mind that if there's a backdoor way for Americans to get canadian healthcare they will take that option en mass.

    I think the best way to solve the program of the undocumented workers above is to make the path to legal immigration easier to transfer into and to grant medical coverage earlier in the immigration process.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th
  • Helldivers with friends have been fun, don't think I'll ever play with randos tho.

    I picked "the swindle" back up with the intent of 100%, just got to win in 1 life, which is challenging but easier than I expected since you start making huge amounts of cash as your win streak increases. Highly recommend this game it's got a lot of replability for what is a fairly simple game.

    I also started "chronoark" it's a deck builder roguelike. Story seems a little too verbose at times and I think I may have to ramp the difficulty a bit (I got a fun meta cut scene for winning my first run and breaking the story) which might be why I feel like I'm spending more time in story than playing. Still having fun so far.

  • Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.
  • Probably bullshui but there's a 3rd option that they have legal reasons not to operate servers in some of those regions and helldivers was violating those restrictions. It takes more than a week to review the legal code in 180 countries, review the internal policies in place and audit the game for any violations all with the added complexity that arrowhead and sony are independent entities.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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