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Suspected Chinese operatives using AI-generated images to spread disinformation among US voters, Microsoft says | CNN Politics
  • This is USApes main line of defense when anything ruffles their feathers close to election season. It's just soooooo easy to rile these mfers, that it's easy to predict what next country they're going to blame for their shitty politicians and dumb populace. It's going to be one of:

    It's Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Antarctica, Aliens, Satan.

    What the fuck ever happened to burden of proof. We're taking Microsoft's word at its face value when they can't secure their own servers from security incidents over and over in last couple of years.

    It's also ironic that the country that controls most of the social media companies on the Internet and in effect controls narrative on most other nations points fingers at someone else.

    Eat that shit up raw bruh. The boogeyman is coming for ya.

  • Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • This shit again? have people never heard of lending? the thing you get to use for a short duration at a fraction of the cost to buy it outright or create it yourself? The thing you don't actually own and have to give it back? renting?

    is this some kind of alternate universe where people think they own every movie or game simply by paying $$. is this kindergarten mathematics? and this is coming from people who can't code for shit and don't realize the scale of things bts.

    Get a physical copy that doesn't require internet activation then, assholes.

    but but but… that requires actual physical movement and getting out of my basement. 😭

  • Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app
  • you're on a platform someone else created with someone else's money and someone else's time. You're just a entitled moron, who's so far away from reality that you don't know what goes on the real world and that joining the "fediverse" is going to magically fix every damn problem we've got.

  • Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app
  • Can all the folks saying "I don't care" on this just stop? If this doesn't affect you, why are you commenting at all?

    Haven't you heard? Lemmings are all about "Stay alone in a basement and never get out and socialize, because people use something you don't agree with. If they really want to talk to you, they'll switch."

    They didn't, but now they're on lemmy with more people with the same attitude, trying to socialize but never realizing why they don't have any friends.

    Reddit migration brought all the entitled, self agrandizing, freeloading, weirdos to the fediverse.

  • Telegram now lets anyone transcribe voice messages for free
  • Still nice seeing the feature getting picked up though

    Picked up? Apple fanboys are a special breed.

    Apple added the feature in iOS 17 and both parties need to be on 17. Google Messages did it last year, Google Voice had it years and years ago.

    but yes, Telegram picked it up from iMessage. 🤦‍♂️

  • Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps
  • Jeez, why can't we have nice things ?!

    Because freeloaders who call themselves "open source enthusiasts" aren't really good at supporting people who create them. It's often quite the opposite. Rude, entitled, and ungrateful bunch of whiners that want everything free and some more. Then act surprised after their favorite opensource app is shutdown, sold or archived.

    This guy even had paid apps on the playstore so whoever says "but opensouce doesn't mean you can't sell em" can fuck right off.

  • Reddit updates look after rough 6 months and ahead of reported IPO
  • Everyone? Those people who say these companies are sinking ship are probably so addicted to them they have to mention it anytime anything vaguely relates to it. Normal people use both and don't give a shit where their meme comes from.

  • Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI's power to mislead
  • I've seen photos someone in Israel with connections has of Palestinians posing as dead with fake blood, with the Al Jazeera photographer standing by to take the photo or video, and afterwards the "dead" children all get up and cleaned up

    Share it then? who's stopping you?

    You need to follow trusted sources like the IDF who are actually on the ground and upload a lot of real footage on YouTube, if you want the truth.

    I get my info from

  • Obama says people need to acknowledge complexity of Israel-Palestinian conflict to move forward
  • Why do people claim UN is a democratic organization and not the one for the superpowers benefits? that can veto any resolutions they don't agree with to bully smaller countries into agreement?

    Other countries just line up in positions where they get the least amount of economic or political retaliation.

    Why do you think no US president or war criminal from US is tried in hague? or why Putin and Xi will live rest of their lives happily without a shred of repercussions?

    These cherry picked talking points are getting old.

  • Obama says people need to acknowledge complexity of Israel-Palestinian conflict to move forward
  • No shit Sherlock! But the keyboard warriors on the internet with dumb takes aren't the ones enabling and funding the killing of civilians though, are they?

    This guy has been, since well, he's a US president so it must come naturally.

  • Obama says people need to acknowledge complexity of Israel-Palestinian conflict to move forward
  • Do you have any understanding of the Palestinian history?

    why would they? it's not like the west has painted muslims and the middle east people as the bad guy for decadessss. From media to hollywood, middle east is a lawless hellhole and they had no hand it making it that way. like at all…

    most of them probably can't even find them in a map, but once they see a middle eastern anywhere, they know they have to instantly hate on them.

  • Obama says people need to acknowledge complexity of Israel-Palestinian conflict to move forward
  • Where's the homeland to rest of the genocides around the world? let's bring in Uyghur population to Israel too, Rohingya Muslims? Ugandan genocide?

    When are they going to get their own homeland?

    oh oh but this one is so much more special because it ties in with your religious beliefs in the west, right?

    the rest? they just can fucking just get wiped out for all you care.

    lose the facade you ducking hypocrites.

  • Obama says people need to acknowledge complexity of Israel-Palestinian conflict to move forward
  • There's nuance to everything but when war criminals like this and other US president speak about it, it loses any shred of credibility. It's like asking a dictator with a PR team about something that's happening half way across the globe. Of course they're going to say include vaguely valid points to take a higher ground.

    Take him to hague with rest of the crew and put him on a trial. I'll want to hear what nuance opinions he has about that.

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