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What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • "Protests" like this are the "it was just a prank bro" of activism.

  • What's the story you would write if you were an author?
  • I have three things I want to see in a fictional world (either mine or someone else's):

    • Furries, but not in a weird "metaphor for racism" way.
    • A nice sophisticated magic system.
    • Either a mideaval fantasy or spacefaring sci-fi setting.

    The current idea rattling in my head is for a game which will likely never get finished. A spaceship with a small crew gets blown off close while travelling at warp speed or whatever. The heroes need to visit a bunch of planets (and learn secrets within) to find... Elemental crystals or something, I guess, to make their way home. Not sure how I can incorporate magic into it though, or if that would just be scope creep.

  • week 0: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • All previously played moves get played again.

  • I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
  • I like flatpaks and flathub, but this is just something they do badly. I think as well they also have "probably safe" which is just as unhelpful... And what does "access certain files and folders" even mean!?

    I think they should just follow the example of every other app store; list the permissions in an easily understandable list and let the user decide whether or not they are comfortable with it.

  • The comfort of finally being able to let your guard down
  • The best sexy times are ones where you both have to stop because you're laughing too hard at something.

  • What's your way of destressing?
  • Doomscrolling.

    Very badly.

  • PVKK from the Dome Keeper devs is Papers Please but you get a huge planetary defence cannon
  • I have never wanted to play a game so hard in my life. It seems to have the atmosphere of Inscryption, the gameplay of Papers Please and a lot of buttons and knobs to mess around with.

  • US surgeon general calls for cigarette-style warnings on social media platforms
  • Video games for a time had warnings saying people should take breaks every hour or so. That would go much farther than some weird nebulous warning that social media is "bad for you".

  • Anon makes fun of @ebassi
  • ... Okay, I realise my mistake. I took "bussy" a bit too literally and assumed it was slang for a male with a vagina (that is, usually a trans person). Combined with the wierd obession with cutting off penises, I read it as lowkey trans hate.

    Turns out "bussy" is gay slang for butthole, so this is just normal homophobia, I guess.

    Edit: Yeah, I went off the deep end here didn't I? Sorry about that. Don't think it's homophobia, but I don't think it's funny either, so eh.

  • Anon makes fun of @ebassi
  • Do we really need this transphobic drivel here? I don't like the direction Gnome is going either, but personal attacks like this aren't really helpful...

  • Linux's New DRM Panic "Blue Screen of Death" In Action
  • Did they have to go with such a loud shade of blue? It would look so much better on the eyes if it was a nice deep dark blue.

    Tbh I don't even know why it needs to be blue or any colour at all.

  • If I Use Windows, I Delete My Channel
  • ... I mean, you can actually probably go without a computer entirely for a month.

  • Simple-Nixos-Mailserver: Sending emails fails
  • I'm not sure if this would cause the issues you are seeing, but ensure your hosting provider allows you to make outgoing connections over port 25. A number of them block it for spam reasons.

  • Fraudsters of Lemmy, how would you commit fraud if governments embrace cryptography
  • What advantages does the blockchain give compared to just having a government website that allows you to download a zip archive of these documents?

    (Also, having public records of house ownership and tax is a terrible idea in general...)

  • Fraudsters of Lemmy, how would you commit fraud if governments embrace cryptography
  • Giving everyone a gpg is a fair idea (with pros and cons), but I'm not sure what you mean by including blockchain?

  • Linux users survey!
  • So aside for a few wording and technical issues, something stuck out to me. Using "special" to refer to neurodivergence is a bit problematic and potentially dogwhistley because of the historical contexts it's been used in to dismiss and look down on people. And even if it wasn't, it's a bit ambiguous; can someone who feels that they are in touch with their "spiritual side" consider themselves to have a "special brain"?

    If you're wondering about neurodivergence, probably better to just ask "Are you neurodivergent?" rather than using euphemisms.

  • that's not what I meant 😵
  • Tfw you make a joking insult to a friend and then worry that you went too far and they might take it seriously so you immediately apologize.

  • Are a.i.(s) newbee's programming bff(s) ?
  • "Learning how to learn" is an important skill that I think people overlook. It's important to know how to get information and understand things when the AI isn't helpful.

    My worry isn't about "AI taking our jobs", it's that people will not learn the skills and abilities to progress beyond junior levels due to relying on AI.

    ... Or maybe that's just me being a grumpy old fogey.

    Out of interest, what did you have trouble understanding? I'm always curious about how people learn programming and how resources can be improved.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • Maybe we'd be warmer towards AI if it wasn't being used as a way for big companies to steal content from smaller creative types in order to fund valueless wealth generators.

    Big surprise that a group consisting of people rather than corporations is mad about it.

  • Mozilla Firefox Blocks Add-Ons to Circumvent Russia Censorship
  • I checked, and according to Statcounter it's at 3.3%. So if Mozilla did go hardball, it'd affect an insignificant amount of people.

    Realistically though, I don't follow world politics much but I assume that "blocking firefox" probably wouldn't be the worst optics they've had in the past few years.

  • Furry SavvyWolf
    I just stumbled upon Accell's art

    Stumbled upon this artist on bluesky ( ), and their art is adorable.

    Not sure how well known they are, but look at how soft everything is!

    Xenia Desktop by

    Source: Full version on their Ko-Fi:

    It's very nice!

    Has exercise helped your mental health?

    Just a simple question to those of you suffering from depression, anxiety or are just going through a tough time. Now or sometime in the past.

    Have you tried exercising, and did it help? What kind, and how did it make you feel?

    Advocacy and those with severe difficulties

    Content Warning: This is a post detailing arguing with a friend about ND rights. It's probably going to cover topics of discrimination, eugenics, conversion therapy/ABA and other serious topics.

    Hey. So I have this friend, let's call him Woof, who I'm close to. Like, close in an almost-dating-but-its-complicated way. I find it difficult to find new friends, so basically he was the only real person I could lean on and confide in as a friend.

    Due to various things, I've kinda gotten emotionally invested in the whole neurodivergence movement thing recently. The idea that things like autism should be treated as diversity rather than disability.

    Woof... Doesn't see the same way. He works as an ambulance driver and as such has seen a lot of people who have all sorts of difficulties... My understanding is that he thinks the whole ND movement thing is a bit naive and ignores some people who really need help and support.

    It's something we've butted heads about before, but it's gotten really bad the past two weeks. I just... Think there's something we're miscommunicating and misunderstanding. What he's saying sounds logically sound, but feels uncomfortable to me...

    I know I probably shouldn't rant about this stuff to the internet, but I could really use some comments by a neutral party. Especially since it feels like I'm strawmanning him super hard and projecting some of my own uncertainties onto him. Or maybe I'm avoiding uncomfortable truths? Or maybe I'm overlooking something and will make a fool of myself (which happens every time I talk about politics...). Again, just looking for extra views and thoughts.

    The crux of his thoughts are that some people really suffer. There are autistic people that have severe problems, like intense hypersensitivity, weak cognitive ability, inability to communicate. Those kinds of things.

    Outwardly at least, I personally don't have much issues. I have a job (for the time being - my quality of work has been slipping due to mental health), I can travel around unaided and I can communicate to people decently well. I have a lot of mental fuckery and problems, but that doesn't stop me getting the coveted title of "high functioning".

    So I can't really say that I have experienced the hardships faced by everyone. There are a number of people that will never be able to adapt and fit into society. Or those that are constantly overwhelmed by the world and have severe trouble coping. They have my sympathies, but I'm not them.

    Given that, am I forcing my views on people where I shouldn't? Am I assuming people are generally like me, and so I ignore the voices of those who have greater difficulties?

    Are we all like that here? Most people here are adults who can articulate their thoughts and desires clearly enough and can function "okay" enough in society.

    Can we truly advocate for people with more severe versions of the same symptoms? I think so; it's similar to how bi people can advocate for gay rights despite being able to have "normal" relationships. Woof doesn't think the same way for ND though. Different severities of conditions might require different allowances and support, which can get overlooked by people fighting just for themselves.

    I was going to go into specific cases about specific events, but that's probably not going to be useful. We've argued about a lot of the main controversial autism things, so I'll try to give a summary.

    My stance is usually on the "pro-ND" side. I think regardless of neurotype, everyone should get the support and not feel the need to change who they are. That even those with severe difficulties deserve to live their lives as best they can and be who they are.

    Woof's stance seems to be usually on the "pro-change" side. That if there was a way to remove people's neurodivergence without causing harm, it should be offered to them. And that for those that are truly suffering, it should be the choice that is encouraged.

    ... I guess his stance also reacts with my anxiety beast in a bad way... I would consider myself as someone who has suffered my entire life. Would it be better if I were someone else? Would Woof prefer me if I were someone else? Do I have a moral obligation to prevent people like me from existing? Do I deserve to live? Blegh.

    But yeah, sorry for rambling. It's all been stuck in my head and I'd appreciate some different viewpoints. Even if it's just to tell me that I'm wrong. If you've made it this far, I appreciate you reading it.

    4 billion if statements 4 billion if statements

    I recently stumbled upon this screenshot while researching social media on the train. Of course, it was followed by a cascade of spiteful comments, criticizing this fresh programmer’s attempt to solve a classical problem in computer science. The modulus operation.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    The Parable of the Dagger


    Got recommended this channel by The Algorithm, they have a few videos on AI and logic with cute dogs.

    Looking for advice/sympathy about anxiety

    Hey autistic peeps. I'm not really in a great space mentally right now, and figured I'd ask if anyone knows of any good coping mechanisms or tricks or whatever.

    Anyway, some background. I'm one of those perpetually online types with no real irl hobbies. As you probably are aware (because Lemmy), there's been a lot of disruption in the online space recently. There's also been a fair amount of disruption in my personal life which I shan't go into. Kinda tempted to make a post here or /c/mentalhealth detailing my woefull history, but I'm not sure if there's interest.

    Anyway, the main thing is that since May, I've been struggling with anxiety, and been kind of letting it rot, get worse and pull in other things. It's at the point now where it feels a bit overwhelming and it's actively getting in the way of my thought patterns, which is as scary as it sounds.

    Through talking to people (including friends who I really appreciate taking the time to put up with me) about it, I've been able to drill it down to two main "fears":

    • I'm scared of trying new things or enjoying familiar things in case they get taken away from me in the future.
    • I'm vey uncomfortable with the idea of being restricted from things because of who I am or what I believe in.

    They struck me as being, for want of a better term, "autismy" thoughts, and get the feeling my nt friends dont "get" it. Just wondering if either of these statements resonate with anyone, or if anyone has advice on combatting them.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Furries Out of Context [Suggestive at times, but nothing explicit]


    Youtube recommended me this series, and they're quite funny.

    Red Landscape [OC]

    Just something I threw together last night, figured I'd share it here. Enjoy!

    Think it came out decently, although I think the "grass" is a bit messy.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Let's Play | Holly Streams Super Lesbian Animal RPG


    A couple playing through Super Lesbian Animal RPG; a game that is unashamedly both lesbian and furry.

    It's a good game!

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Underground Eevee


    I can't get this out of my head. Send help.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    The Industrious Rabbit - Technical videos mostly focused on the Amiga The Industrious Rabbit

    Get your paws dirty and learn something new! Animations, live streams, and other videos, published whenever. By Read blog posts, browse the wiki & code repository, ...

    The Industrious Rabbit

    I know you've probably seen their videos before elsewhere on Lemmy, but I figured I'd give a shout out here.

    I wasn't an Amiga person myself, but it's all very interesting, and illustrated well.

    (Also, this is kind of an experiment to see if the pings work or not)

    Stellaris: Astral Planes | Announcement Trailer link, for the googly disinclined:

    [OC] Fox Head!

    I've been doing pixel art for a while now, and I've finally made something that I feel comfortable showing off. I don't feel it's as good as some of the other stuff I've seen around, but I got it to a state where I think it looks kinda cute.

    Any feedback or advice would be welcome!

    [OC] Fox Head!

    I've been doing pixel art for a while now, and I've finally made something that I feel comfortable showing off. I don't feel it's as good as some of the other stuff I've seen around, but I got it to a state where I think it looks kinda cute.

    Any feedback or advice would be welcome!

    Any games you wish you grew up with?

    So I assume many of us have played some games for the first time long after their release date. Like, maybe you didn't have a specific console growing up so we didn't play the "classics" on it, or something.

    I'm just wondering how many of you have played an older game and thought "wow, I wish I grew up with this game"?

    For example, for me, many years ago I played Super Metroid for the first time and fell in love with the idea of just wandering aimlessly around the game world, occasionally stumbling into new areas. I would have loved to have played it as a kid with childlike wonder without worrying about finishing the game or making progress.

    Cozy Sunday

    Crosspost to let people know that there is another possum community at ! .

    Also, look at the cute lil guy.

    savvywolf SavvyWolf

    Hello there!

    I'm also , and I have a website at .


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    Comments 464