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Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts
  • I kinda had a similar experience with the walking dead. While my enjoyment of the show plummeted to a point where I didn't even bother to watch the last like 3 or 4 seasons, I still regularly checked community spaces to see everyone dunk on it.

  • Chromium Manifest V3 Explained for Toddlers
  • I tried revanced for a while. It worked for a little and one day videos were suddenly buffering for 5 minutes at a time after around a minute of playing. I read online that it might have been yt measures against using a client like this (changing account or logging out didnt do anything. Browser played the videos fine)

    Firefox with adblocker and the extension to be able to play in the background has been my savior. Works flawlessly.

  • Trump Apparently Has a List of Things He Loves About Adolf Hitler
  • Ah yes, the "hitler was good for the economy" bullshit. Even if you'd ignore all the atrocities (which you shouldn't), fact is that the outcome was a country in ruins.

    And Hitler's economic plan was always based on stealing resources from other countries through war, because else the country's spending was unsustainable.

  • He shows such mercy
  • Not gonna lie. If transporters were real, I would have transporter psychosis just like Barkley. The thought of essentially seizing to exist and being put back together just sounds horrendous to me.

  • Decided to go look at my recap for shits and giggles.
  • It was sad to see that mods of a lot of subs had no backbone and reverted to normal after a few days of virtue signaling. However, not unexpected. Respect to the ones that didn't give in to preserve their "power".

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Someone i talked to discord once said he stopped cutting themselves because of me. He never had anyone to talk to and I just was there for him to talk for a few weeks. One of the proudest moments of my life.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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