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My melatonin gummies melted into a super gummy
  • This is how the prequel to Rip Van Winkle begins.

  • How will we keep Meta out of the fediverse?
  • You sign up on (or create) an instance that defederates from them.

  • Is it a good thing if there are identical communities on different instances?
  • I've found that similar communities on different instances can have VERY different experiences in terms of the community and attitude. I know I'm generalizing, but I feel a lot of instances are more negative and hostile than similar instances on Personally, I'd rather they stay separate. That way I can be more precise on dialing in the experience I want.

  • Is there a name for this tune/cadence?
  • Yes! This is what I'm referring to.

  • Is there a name for this tune/cadence?

    I'm sure most of you have heard a chant/cheer using the tune/cadence I'm talking about, but it's really hard to describe something like this in text. Most of the chants that use this tune starts with "Let's go" and then some two-syllable word following it. For example, "Let's go Jackets" or "Let's go Buckeyes".

    What I'm asking is whether there's a name for that particular tune/cadence and/or if there's an origin story behind it.

    Hot Take: The toxic attitude towards Threads (and anything not part of the Fediverse) is driving me away from Lemmy

    I unsubscribed from the Fediverse community because I just couldn't take the constant hate and complaining. Now I'm seeing it in all of the general technology communities. I get that a lot of people have major issues with Meta and Threads, but I'm seriously tired of it taking over my feed. Personally, I enjoy Threads. I also use Mastodon, but the reality is there's a lot of groups of people who aren't on Mastodon, and Threads has given me a way to follow them again. That's something I'm grateful for.

    I miss reddit
  • Agree 1000%

  • It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
  • Just don't say anything bad about the Fediverse (or anything good about Meta/Threads). That's when the toxicity with appear. That's what I've noticed, at least.

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • I've pretty much completely left Reddit since Apollo shut down. I'm happy with Lemmy, so far, except I'm honestly getting tired of the somewhat elitist attitude and fear/anger towards anything that isn't in the fediverse. I noticed it when I left Twitter for Mastodon too, and it's kind of getting old.

    I'm not saying some of what's being said isn't justified, it's just not what I feel like seeing every time I open the app/site.

  • Is Lemmy THE reddit alternative for you? Are you thinking about moving somewhere else?
  • I'm happy with Lemmy, except I'm honestly getting tired of the somewhat elitist attitude and fear/anger towards anything that isn't in the fediverse. I noticed it when I left Twitter for Mastodon too, and it's kind of getting old.

    I'm not saying some of what's being said isn't justified, it's just not what I feel like seeing every time I open the app/site.

  • My submission for the app icon
  • I don't think it's too busy at all. It looks great on my home screen.

  • New Lemmy Instance not federating I think
  • Would you be able to give a brief overview of what your tool does? I feel like it's perfect for my situation, but am new enough to all this that I'm not exactly sure what the tool does.

  • Changed instance = no posts
  • Is there any way to see older posts in a situation like this? I created my own instance, and am only seeing the most recent handful of posts from communities I subscribed to.

  • Changed instance = no posts
  • I've noticed the same thing when I switched to my newly set up personal server.

  • sean sean

    Runner | Coach | Teacher

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    Comments 13