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During the revolution, could Apple block or tamper with all iphones such that revolutionaries cannot communicate?
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Chinese phones just as bad for privacy? Since most if not all run on Android. Shouldn't we be de-googling and go for GrapheneOS?

    This is something to consider, certainly. What I do know is Huawei has developed its own operating system called HarmonyOS (proprietary, and we know proprietary models are less advantageous than FOSS ones) that it's been integrating into its products (and, from what I understand, shares no code with AndroidOS). I can see other relevant Chinese tech companies doing the same, if not eventually settling on a universal standard. That being said, I would trust a device running HarmonyOS more than a device running AndroidOS. I've not delved terribly deep into mobile operating systems, so forgive me for being a little bit lacking in this area at the moment.

    You are absolutely right, though. We should be de-googling and moving to something much more secure (like GrapheneOS). There's always room to improve OpSec.

  • During the revolution, could Apple block or tamper with all iphones such that revolutionaries cannot communicate?
  • What's Hexbear's hosting status? Presumably the servers live in a country that won't respond to a US/UK/EU court order or subpoena?

    This I do not know, hence why I say reasonably sovereign and not completely sovereign. I have been worried about this for some time now. I seriously hope and the admin team have contingencies and hosting options to pivot to outside the jurisdiction of all Western countries (it would be total heaven to host from China if we can), because I absolutely see the US empire trying to seize the domain, server hardware, or whatever else sooner or later. I believe China offers some rather cheap hosting, but I forget the exact details about which companies.

  • During the revolution, could Apple block or tamper with all iphones such that revolutionaries cannot communicate?
  • De-Westernize your technology as much as possible. Consider going with Huawei or Xiaomi or OnePlus for phones (or stuff like laptops, which there's also Lenovo (seek out a model that is made to support Linux)), Aliexpress for shopping, and Huion for art-related hardware. China's always producing better and better shit, and they very well may extend their satellite mobile and (potentially) internet services to the global market. Keep in mind protectionism is escalating in the West, so expect interference and sabotage at some point.

    Those who are on Windows and Mac, consider getting something really cheap like a raspberry pi or dual-booting a Linux distro and slowly developing the skillset to leverage it to your everyday needs, then start carrying your workflow over gradually until the other two are obsolete.

    Especially keep an eye out for 100% indigenous Chinese technologies like CPUs, RAM, GPUs, etc etc. Shit the West can't backdoor in the production process because they have no control over it.

    Those of us who are already here on Hexbear, which is basically reasonably sovereign territory not controlled by the CIA, are already in a much better position than fucking Reddit.

    For videos, consider using something like if you can't afford to host or trust any existing PeerTube instance. Odysee is technically an option too (based on the LBRY protocol, decentralized video hosting), but it's currently full (and I mean full) of chud content (and possibly nsfw shit).

    For file hosting I highly recommend something like IPFS if you want to guarantee file authenticity and make it impossible for someone else to censor (you control when and for how long you host the file). IPFS has been used to host a copy of Wikipedia in the past (yes, can host static sites) when the Turkish government (I believe it was?) basically yeeted the site in an act of censorship. The latter is just an example, nobody should ever rely on NATOpedia for anything political or historical, at all.

    Those of you who feel are lacking in technological warfare literacy, you can follow the news at to understand the trends the state has used and is using to undermine the proletariat.

    The West wants to be able to easily rug pull you, so make it a big ass fucking chore for them to do so.

  • I present to you a "pro-Palestinian" liberal's advice for Gazans
  • The fuck is it with liberals finding the aesthetic of oppression sexy? If you die without fighting your oppressors, you're a sexy hero. If you fight back and attempt to liberate yourself from your oppressors all of a sudden you're a hideous beast and suddenly it's your oppressors who need all the backup in the universe to protect them from your "unprovoked" attacks.

    It's literally an ideology to disarm the oppressed and protect the function and integrity of oppressors (justifying mythos). These people want DSA type shit where they believe bringing a bunch of flowers to your own fucking funeral is somehow noble praxis. Surrendering yourself to the enemy is how we're supposed to win struggles... Well, why aren't they suggesting such shit for the Ukrainians? They conveniently support force only when it's the worst people imaginable perpetrating it.

    Liberalism and the justifying mythos they leverage must be destroyed. Force works. Fuck these people who try to keep the oppressed docile.

  • In April 2022 I convinced my wife to liquidate our son's college fund into ApeCoin. We purchased 1,500 ApeCoin at $23.63, totaling $35,445. Today, it's worth $1,635 and my wife left me.
  • I actually wasn't aware that the move was received negatively, although from what you describe it makes sense.

    As far as deporting them, who knows. All Ukrainian refugees are potential cannon fodder to keep the war machine going. It's like a reserve army that NATO can decide on a whim to throw into the jaws of Russia's military.

    Perhaps in Poland's case, though, you're onto something that this won't happen. We'll see where this goes.

  • In April 2022 I convinced my wife to liquidate our son's college fund into ApeCoin. We purchased 1,500 ApeCoin at $23.63, totaling $35,445. Today, it's worth $1,635 and my wife left me.
  • I'm hardly surprised when it comes to the Poles. We're talking about the nation that just opened its doors and gave Ukrainian refugees basically full citizen rights, including the ability to run for office, law enforcement, be teachers, etc etc (seems they, like other EU nations really have a thing for importing nazism).

    People in the US (at least) have always been promised better and delivered a heaping bag of steaming dog shit, which is pissing more and more people off every day.

  • In April 2022 I convinced my wife to liquidate our son's college fund into ApeCoin. We purchased 1,500 ApeCoin at $23.63, totaling $35,445. Today, it's worth $1,635 and my wife left me.
  • See, this is the kind of shit that radicalizes young people. Older generations just nonchalantly gambling their children and grandchildren's futures and losing it, and then what? Often the responsibility is shifted to the ones who lost everything due to their greed and negligence.

    stonks-down - "Like, sorry, no college fund for you, but I heard bootstraps work just as well" shrug-outta-hecks

    Well, I bet their son will eventually be interested in a copy of Das Kaptial very-smart

  • Israel declares war after large-scale rockets strike from Gaza and surprise Hamas infiltration Israel declares war after large-scale rockets strike from Gaza and surprise Hamas infiltration

    In a swift response to a rocket onslaught from Gaza, Israel has raised a state of war alert, mobilizing its military forces. At least one person lost life and 16 are injured, two in critical condition. Continuous sirens sounded across southern and central Israel, including the economic hub of Tel A...

    Israel declares war after large-scale rockets strike from Gaza and surprise Hamas infiltration
    Doesn’t it make you a tad worried that many many leftists don’t want kids, but right wing people have many?
  • We leftists don't have time, resources, or largely even the desire to have children in such a shithole. We're also way more literate than the right and have a sense of forward thinking and planning, so we understand what parenthood requires.

    We have a revolution to build, and simply don't want to be tied up in parenthood and join the ranks of the rest of the miserable, dysfunctional families capitalism has forcefully cultivated. Not only that, we're always considering what our theoretical children would want, since bringing them into this world isn't just about us. Don't forget, we were/are someone's kid. What did we get out of the arrangement? A front row seat to the end of a viable future. This is what we're supposed to reproduce? This is the burden we're supposed to force on someone else who didn't consent to being born in these conditions? Fuck. That.

    The only way I'd have kids is if China or the DPRK guaranteed my theoretical partner and I a secure existence will full citizen rights, that way we'd have piece of mind we couldn't be rug pulled and sent back West to fucking die. The West cannot have my children, ever.

    As for your question about being worried reactionaries are having many more kids, I honestly don't worry all that much. Those type of parents tend to be abusive and sabotage their children's interests, development and aspirations, or fight against them. How many of us are products of abusive reactionary families? Don't Elon Musk's kids hate him? Proletarianization is inevitable, and history always has a Marxist bias.

  • is the reddit containment instance. Please maintain a safe quarantine distance.
  • The Car is the hill westerners really are going to die on. As the rising cost of energy crimps our access to treats, the ability to just do donuts in a parking lot for hours on end will become the gold standard for American success. Westerners fucking worship the damned things.

    Well, that and fireworks. China has moved onto drone light shows and displays to curb unnecessary emissions and pollution, but I can't see grillman parting with their damn "patriotic" explosives/explosions.

  • Holy shit, Breadtube has become even more of a grift than it was
  • Personally what intrigues me the most about breadtubers is how they become mild and inoffensive versions of themselves after becoming popular/well-off. Like, what causes that? Is it that the societal problems they criticized no longer applies to them? Is it the allure of advertising money? Is it secret CIA threats? I really do wonder.

    The same exact cause for hungry as fuck "progressives" like AOC to settle and water down and tiptoe away from their original mission: They've switched classes and, therefore, their new class interests are in conflict with their original mission. What's there to be hungry about anymore when you start being fed really well? Why continue trying to destroy the status quo when it's benefiting you materially? This is why it's important to maintain loyalties to class interests (in this case, the interests of the proletariat), instead of individuals who are susceptible to corruption. China does this very well and provides the blueprint.

  • Is it pathetic to be a 28 year old male virgin?
  • No. Honestly, it makes you wonder if this trend of shaming those who have not engaged in intercourse is a ploy to serve the interest of getting working class people trapped in parenthood they didn't want and can't afford.

    An obvious side effect of this is being less willing to engage in praxis and take risks, because now you have more to lose. It can, in many cases, serve to de-radicalize leftists.

  • How dare you make me feel bad about it.
  • The sins of those who colonized this land, and those who carry on the legacy, are so grave, so heinous, so barbaric that they can never be atoned for.

    the sins of this guilty land will never be washed away but with blood


  • 70% Of China's Millennials Own Homes. Sorry America — The Political Vigilante 70% Of China's Millennials Own Homes. Sorry America — The Political Vigilante

    Graham shows how China is doing better than the US. ____________________________ Tour Dates: Venmo: @Graham-Elwood T / IG: @GrahamElwood Use #PoliticalVigilante on social med...

    70% Of China's Millennials Own Homes.  Sorry America  — The Political Vigilante
    Why Time and Space swap in a Black Hole Why Time and Space swap in a Black Hole

    What is the difference between time and space? Why do time and space swap roles in a black hole? What is a Penrose diagram? All these answers in 12 minutes! 0:00 - Light cones 2:45 - Space and time 4:56 - General relativity 6:20 - Black holes 10:13 - Collapse diagrams This video is narrated by Oct...

    Why Time and Space swap in a Black Hole
    Entropy and the Arrow of Time Entropy and the Arrow of Time

    What is entropy? In what fields is it useful? And how does it explain the direction in which transformations occur? All these answers in 12 minutes! 0:00 - Introduction 1:30 - Entropy in physics 4:31 - Entropy in other fields 6:25 - The arrow of Time 10:47 - Conclusion This video is narrated by Oc...

    Entropy and the Arrow of Time
    The Communist Dogifesto by vede (GPL v3.0) The Communist Dogifesto by vede

    A spectre is haunting the planet Earth...

    The Communist Dogifesto by vede

    In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 2. On board the spacecraft was a single dog, named Laika. When Laika returned to Earth, the Soviet scientists discovered something profound: dogs in space experience extreme cognitive enhancement. The following year the Soviet space program would be dedicated solely to studying the effects of space on canine intelligence...

    The Communist Dogifesto is a science fiction first-person shooter set on a Soviet space station in Lunar orbit, which has been used as a platform for experimentation on the Russian space dogs. Unfortunately, dogs this deep in space have more tricks in their vac suit than the scientists accounted for. Now Laika has taken over and you are the only one left who can take back the station, or at least attempt to escape with your life!

    In order to survive and defeat Laika and her robotic footsoldiers, you will have to gain new abilities with tech upgrades, recycle scrap materials you find lying around into usable items, read data logs written by the ousted humans to find keycodes and to explore new areas of the station, and do a lot of good old fashioned shooting!

    Features a hand-designed space station to explore, eight unique tech upgrades to choose from, pages of in-universe data logs from the scientists and other staff which reveal the nature of the work done on the station as well as vital information to access new areas and items, and several different endings based on in-game actions.

    After purchasing (it's free, download provided) you will gain access to binaries for both Windows and Linux, as well as the full source code of the game.

    • Platforms - Windows, Linux
    • Genre - Shooter, Action
    • Tags - 3D, Cute, dog, Exploration, FPS, Horror, Low-poly, Robots, Space
    • Code license - GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL v3.0)
    • Asset license - Creative Commons Attribution_NonCommercial_ShareAlike v4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    • Average session - A few hours

    No spoilers, please. Put any spoilers in a spoiler tag if you wish to discuss here.

    20th National Congress of Communist Party of China (timestamps and transcript inside) [recommended for all Hexbears to review]


    • 0:00 - Opening ceremony
    • 2:30 - Opening session starts and the national anthem
    • 3:34 - Paying tribute and respect to national heroes and revolutionary martyrs
    • 5:35 - Attendance and census
    • 6:35 - Opening for Xi Jinping's speech
    • 7:36 - Xi jinping's speech begins

    Transcript of speech (courtesy of AernalLingus [any])

    I encourage everyone to take the time to listen carefully and review this material, and apply the rhetoric and ideas relevant to our social and national conditions as the opportunity arises. Discourse can be improved by refining how we express both internal (self) and external (collective/national/geopolitical) phenomenon, as well as their respective solutions.

    The less frustrated we are in seeking the words for what we know, the better equipped and more level-headed we will be to handle disputes as they arise.


    What is Class Conflict? Karl Marx's Class Struggle Explained: Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie What is Class Conflict? Karl Marx's Class Struggle Explained: Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie

    Class struggle between the proletariat vs bourgeoisie, as detailed by Karl Max, is critical to understand if we want to properly comprehend the politics of our age. As opposed to just reading off textbook definitions of the proletariat and bourgeoisie, a step by step explanation of class, class con...

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    Poor man's "Liquid Nitrogen"
    First hand-drawn holograms, 1994 first hand-drawn holograms, 1994

    See Scratch-holograms can be made upon CD/DVD cases or other soft plastic using a couple of thumbtacks poked through a stick. Or get fancy and use a professional compass and black-painted polycarbonate plates. Or automate the process with a paperclip stuck into a motorized...

    first hand-drawn holograms, 1994

    Description: Someone who has succumbed to the cradle-to-grave disinformation campaign driven by the US and its vast media empire to believe the exact opposite of objective reality in the outside world and of world history itself. These people commonly believe the US and its vassal states (the Western world) to be the world or the international community. These people very often also believe in US exceptionalism and the idea that no matter how bad their country is, some socialist AES country, or peer-level rival (like Russia) is always arbitrarily worse. Thus, they live in a snowglobe and believe themselves a bigger deal than they actually are.

    I wasn't able to find any instances of this being coined, so maybe I'm the first? Regardless, here's a new tool for everyone to use in the field of discourse.

    Reading comments about Hexbear's federation with ShitJustWorks and LMFAO

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm fucking dying over here! You can just tell there were tensions and resentment simmering way before we got here. Support to all the fellow comrades, and all the sensible decent people over there firing back at these chuds for having absolutely no argument grounded in tangible reality. > > !fidel-salute but also !michael-laugh

    What Is Neoliberalism? (CW: Epilepsy risk) What Is Neoliberalism?

    What is neoliberalism answered. The distilled fundamentals of neoliberalism and how such an ideology manifests itself in policy. Support me on patreon: Follow me on twitter:

    What Is Neoliberalism?
    President of Socialist Party of Zambia: Human development is not sustainable on basis of plunder (challenging the narrative of US democracy) President of Socialist Party of Zambia: Human development is not sustainable on basis of plunder

    For more: "If you have no respect for the dignity of others, if you have no respect for the sovereignty of the countries, you cannot claim to be a champion of democracy," Fr...

    President of Socialist Party of Zambia: Human development is not sustainable on basis of plunder
    For any lurking liberals and self-proclaimed social democrats/democratic socialists - Your Democracy is a Sham and Here's Why: Your Democracy is a Sham and Here's Why:

    The corruption of your democracy goes much deeper than just 'money in politics' patreon: twitter: lmao like half of this video was edited while I was bananas sick out of my absolute mind

    Your Democracy is a Sham and Here's Why:
    Based Kakashi

    I could see this being in a community's rules, if not the main page of the site. Too good !michael-laugh

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    sicklemode [they/them]
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