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It's my cake day today! 🎂
  • Happy cake day! I just also recently had mine. There must be dozens of us who joined this time last year. Unfortunately RiF never became a Lemmy client but Connect for Lemmy is good.

  • Hyvää juhannusta!
  • Dedikoitu palvelin kuulostaa asialliselta. Onko tuolla matrixin puolella minkälaista juttelua? Tähän sopuliin liittyvää?

    EDIT: tuli ylimääräinen kysymysmerkki mukaan niin poistin sen :D

  • Cerveza Cristal
  • I was browsing my comment history and stumbled upon this so I decided to finally open the bottle of Besk. Very strange taste. I wasn't expecting anything like this. Doesn't taste similar to other supposedly wormwood infused liquors like absinthe or vermouth. I've never tasted anything like this. Sort of minty note in bitter flavor I can't describe. This is certainly not my favorite bitter but if I was ever offered one I would happily drink it.

  • Over 50,000 Palestinian children require treatment for acute malnutrition, says UN agency
  • I think you guessed right. It could be phrased more clearly but I think they were just pointing out that since your comment is partially censored and your instance is known for word filter censoring, in their opinion your instance is not suitable for commenting properly. Maybe they wanted to inform you in case you didn't notice or it was just a dig at

    It's not good for readability when random parts of text gets removed. I'm not familiar with the topic of this thread so I can't deduce what Raremoved even means.

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • I tried recover but it says no such user. It very well might be that I didn't set up any password recovery ten years ago. So either there's no user with that login anymore or it reports no such user because it's not set up for recovery. Maybe I'll try make a new user with same username.

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • I tried finger as the other commenter suggested. I tried bunch of variations. Whole username, 8 chars truncated, and a shorter version which was in my notes. I also tried both and All of them gave me an empty output. I guess the fact that it didn't output no such user means it must be either of them. Or all of them refer to the same user.

    I also found an email sent from my sdf user. The address in format had the whole username (more than 8 chars). Then there's the shortest version of the name in my notes. That's written as No idea what that refers to. Seems I didn't take very good notes. So which of these would more probably be the correct one?

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?

    I had forgotten about SDF but seeing SDF instance on Lemmy caught my attention. I used to use SDF for a while about 10 years ago and now it would be interesting to see if I have left anything interesting there.

    I found my notes from ten years ago so I know what my username was. I don't remember my password though. I tried to log in but to no avail. Is there any way to know whether my account still exists? Do accounts get removed if they're not used for long periods of time?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Someone commented on my post about Devil World that what I experienced was Tetris effect. When I was scrolling vertically on my phone I would occasionally experience sideways scrolling similar to the game mechanic even though there certainly wasn't any sideways scrolling happening.

    Another one was when I was playing Portal. Traveling via portals became my usual method to move around in every dream I had those days.

  • Oliko teillä lapsuudessa sormilaatikoita?

    Ja löytyykö aikuisena harrastusta jatkaneita tai aloittaneita? Minulla oli lapsuudessa vain yksi sormilaatikko ja se oli vieläpä halpismalli ja siten melko heikkolaatuinen. Tykkäsin kuitenkin sen väristä. Se oli kauttaaltaan viininpunainen ja kuutiomallinen. Ehkä hieman laventelin sävyinen auringon valossa.

    Muistan joillain luokkakavereillani olleen paljon parempia laatikoita. Kalliimmasta puusta rakennettuja ja paremmilla ominaisuuksilla. Oli ainakin kaksi mallia jotka olisin silloin halunnut, mutta vanhemmat eivät useampaa suostuneet ostamaan. Ei sitä harrastusta tainnut kovin montaa vuotta kestää, mutta oli se siihen aikaan mukavaa vapaa-ajan tekemistä. Ei taida olla oma laatikko enää tallessa. Muuten olisin voinut pitkästä aikaa kokeillakin sitä.

    Hyvää pääsiäistä!

    Onko mämmiä tullut syötyä ynnä muita pääsiäisruokia? Mitä pääsiäispuuhia sopuleilla on? Ajattelin käydä vielä Alkossa katsomassa josko sieltä löytyisi jonkinlaista pääsiäiseen sopivaa olutta.

    Average Linux user

    Although Linux is just used to run superior OS in VM. Same as using Internet Explorer to download Firefox.

    Finlandia-kuulat ovat paljon parempia

    Suomiredditissä jaksetaan toitottaa vihreiden kuulien erinomaisuudesta ja ylistää niitä maasta taivaisiin, mutta täällä Sopulin puolella lienee syytä puuttua tähän disinformaatioon ja tuoda esiin asiain oikea laita. Nimittäin Finlandia-kuulathan ovat paljon parempia kuin vihreät kuulat. Niitä on rasiassa useampaa sorttia, joista jokainen on maultaan erinomainen ja makuelämys kokonaisuudessaan on näin ollen huomattavan mielenkiintoisempi.

    Hyvää joulua kaikille!

    Kokemuksia jääpalakoneista?

    Mietin tässä että saattaisin ostaa jääpalakoneen kun ei ole nyt mahdollisuutta tehdä pakastimessa jääpaloja. Mahtaako noilla saada yhtä hyviä jääpaloja kuin pakastimesta ja minkähänlainen laite kannattaisi ostaa? Jos kellään on kokemuksia moisista aparaateista niin sopii kertoa tähän lankaan.

    Kuulostaa kuin tässä laulettaisiin keskikaljasta

    Biisin loppuvaiheessa lauletaan keshiki kagayaku joka kuulostaa samalta kuin keskikalja. Alkaakin kohtapuoliin olla aika ottaa perjantaiolut.

    Devil World's been messing with my brain

    Has anyone been playing Devil World (NES) on Switch now that it became available? I hadn't played this before but now that I tried it I think it's one of the best of those old NES titles. Very interesting game mechanics, kind of like Clu Clu Land in the sense that it's sort of Pacman clone with an interesting concept. In this game you move in a maze and Satan tries to kill you by crushing you between walls. He does that by making his minions move the maze in all four cardinal directions.

    The game can be hard sometimes but so far I have reached to round 8. However, as I have been playing it quite a bit, I've noticed it has started to mess with my brain. Let's say I'm scrolling through some social media app. Then out of nowhere as the text on the screen is scrolling my brain starts to add those Devil World movements to the scrolling text I'm looking at. So for a moment that short vision makes me think "Oh shit! Quick! I gotta move out of the way!". Kinda spooky. Could it be a cursed game? :)

    Akkusatiivi suomen kielessä

    En muista miten tämä asia itselleni opetettiin peruskoulussa, mutta tämä ei kyllä näytä olevan ihan oikein. Kuva on siis kuulemma peruskoulun oppikirjasta. Toki omaan ymmärrykseeni voi vaikuttaa muiden kielten kielioppien opiskelu, mutta eihän noilla esimerkkisanoilla ole lauseissaan genetiivin tai nominatiivin funktiota. Ne ainoastaan näyttävät niiltä. Kyseessä on siis akkusatiivi, joka on genetiivin ja nominatiivin kaltainen.

    Mitä mieltä suomisopulit ovat tästä? Onko suomen kielessä akkusatiiviä vai onko kirjassa opetettu asia oikein?

    Apparently you can use Esc in norm commands. Very useful!

    Most of you might know already but I just found out about this today because I needed it. I had thought there's just no way to use escape in norm commands. So I had this file with list of items which were mostly separated by newlines but some of them were separated by spaces so I had to clean it up. It looked something like this:

    begin A begin B begin C begin D begin E begin F begin G begin H and I needed it to be like this: begin A begin B begin C begin D begin E begin F begin G begin H

    The beginning of every item was the same string of characters which was helpful. So I had an idea but it required the use of escape in a norm command. I was about to think of some other way that doesn't require escape but then decided to google it and find out if there was a way to use escape. To my surprise it was possible! Why I haven't thought of this before? So this is what I came up with:

    :g/.*begin/norm /begin^[hr^M

    So the ^[ is an escape and you get it with C-v Esc. Simple as that. The command to organize my list isn't perfect though as it has to be run few times to go through every item but it was enough for my purposes.

    TL;DR: Press C-v Esc in command line mode to get escape.

    Sopuli not responding to client app but the website works

    Right now I can't use sopuli via Connect for Lemmy app but the website seems to work fine. Any ideas whether this is a problem with the server or the client? The app just says that is not responding.

    [Bug] Settings reset or partially change when switching accounts

    When switching accounts there's some weird behavior if global settings are switched off (both accounts have their own settings). After switch all the settings are either set back to default or partially changed.

    For example one time it changed text color to black against black background so it was very difficult to navigate the app to change it back to normal (I could only see black). Sometimes it still shows the correct setting on the settings menu but I have to reset it to the same value in order to make it effective.

    It would be useful to also have a safety feature on the app that doesn't let text color ever be too similar to background color regardless of the theme settings. I don't think there's any use case for all text to be invisible in the app.

    [Feature Request] Scroll bar

    I mean the thing that shows up to right side of the screen when scrolling. That would be nice to have in comments view to give visual information on how many comments left / total.

    It might be useful in debugging too as you can see where it jumps when it glitches --> extra info for bug reports. Seems like kuro already fixed one comment section bug (long threads glitched) but still occasionally feels bit glitchy.

    Suomenkielinen videopelisanasto

    Oletettavasti suomisopulit harrastavat pelaamista joten päätinpä kysyä tällaista: Suurin osa videopelisanastosta on englanniksi, mutta onko suomalaisten käyttöön päätynyt käännöksiä tai alun alkaenkin suomenkielisiä videopeleihin liittyviä sanoja? Minulla tulee näin äkkiseltään mieleen vain seuraavat.

    • kenttä (level/stage)
    • energia (health/hit points)
    • loppuvastus (boss)
    You never see an old man having a Twix

    I suppose it just wouldn't look right. They have their old man toffees like Werther's.

    Psycho Soldier: The first videogame song with vocals

    I've heard it's the first but not really sure. Anyway, the overseas version linked in the post is particularly cute since the singer is obviously not a professional and it feels like the main character herself is singing as the voice actor is probably the same as the singer. I was like "what the hell is happening?" when I heard it first time on my SNK Anniversary collection.

    [Feature Request] Option to disable hiding comments via long press

    Often I tend to scroll too slowly and it registers as a long press so some random comment gets hidden and I have to unhide it. Can you add an option to disable long press actions? Or it could be improved so it doesn't register if it's not a stationary press but I'm not sure whether it would work or if other people already like the way long press works.

    Edit: Apparently it already registers only stationary press so maybe either an on/off switch or long press time adjustment would be good to have.

    Does existence of a language authority influence opinions about descriptivism/prescriptivism?

    I was thinking of this because in my country there's an institute which determines correct language and therefore many people speak or write their native language incorrectly. Whereas in English there's no central authority which would write the rules.

    So when I look at linguistics videos on Youtube and hear descriptivism being the popular opinion, I'm wondering whether it's because that's just how most linguists are or it's the influence of anglophone mindset where nothing is written in stone and they would rather investigate and describe whatever phenomena occurs in the language naturally.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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