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what's your current linux distro?
  • I started with PowerPPC back in the '90s (it did not even ship with a working X system). Then went to Debian a few years later, and it was great. I played around with Gentoo for a little while when it first came out, then ended up back on Debian after a couple months. Then I played around with Arch for a little when it showed up, then went back to Debian. After that I just said fuck it, and have stuck with Debian. I run testing/unstable unless it's some side server I have, in that case I just run stable. I hear good things about OpenSUSE and Fedora, but at this point I'm old and don't feel like trying something when I have no issues. Tiling WM and Vim. That's about all I seem to need.

  • Let's Try BSD, Part 1 of 7: Introduction (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD)
  • I tried FreeBSD for several months about 15-20 years ago. I really liked how clean the filesystem and environment felt, and have suggested it for many people over the years. In the end I couldn't get around their license vs GPL.

  • US campus protests: Hillary Clinton fails to grasp the moral power of this turning tide
  • I never even hinted that I was a Hillary supporter, and I agree 100% with all the shit you pointed out. I just think the fucking dipshits that actually voted for her need to be blamed at least as much. Too many bitch about corruption, nepitism, and general fuckery, then go and vote for "their" corrupt politian. It's fucking gross.

  • US campus protests: Hillary Clinton fails to grasp the moral power of this turning tide
  • Don't place the blame on her. Blame the dumb fuck primary voters. Or the dumb fucks who couldn't be bothered to vote in the primary and then bitched about their shitty choice.

    EDIT: Amazing the twists people will go through to excuse dumb ass voters.

  • Are niche pillows and cases worth it?
  • Everyone in my family, from my elderly parents to my kid have switched to buckwheat over the past decade or so. Every single one of them loves it. That's just anecdotal, but for me it was completely worth it.

  • Bygone Era
  • I think the most important context is minimum wage.

    In 1982 a full-time job making $3.35 an hour is pulling in approx $6,700 a year. Or 14% of the price of a house.

    In 2022, that same worker, working the same number of hours at minimum wage $7.25 an hour is bringing in $14,500 a year. Or 3.5% the price of a house.

    The same for groceries. THAT is the fucked up part. It's what happens when people seem OK with 50 trillion dollars going from the bottom 90% to the top 1% over the past several decades.

  • Millions raised for Arizona sheriff's animal shelter that was never built. Where did the money go?
  • Corporate partners were brought on and more than $1.5 million was raised for the project. . . . No new home for animals was built, the main corporate partner pulled out and no one seems to be able to account for what happened to more than $300,000 that had been raised.

    I wonder what happened to the $90,000, I mean if I was given and extra $2,000 I would know where it was. In fact, if this is a problem, I'll just return the $17 bucks. Jeez.

  • Any keyword filters available that work. Userscript or extension.

    The only one I've found is this one, but it doesn't work. It only triggers if I open the keyword interface and save it after every page load. I don't know enough to fix it.

    Directions on life

    Any advice for a regular smart 27 year old youngster, who has chronically underachieved and is motivated to turn their life around. They have a couple years of JC completed, and has no idea what path to take, or really what paths exist.

    EDIT: OK, I see I gave slim pickins here. It's not me, it's my neighbor's kid. I've known his parents since before he was born. He's a super smart kid, but like a lot of smart kids, he got kind of jaded about...well, everything. I was visiting the other day and he asked me for advice, and my retired ass has nothing. Any relevant personal experience I may have, became dated years ago.

    He's good at just about all subjects. His longest lifelong hobby has been video games. He took a few programming classes and liked it, but the thought of doing it full time as a career would quickly become torture.

    He's kind of half-assed things and just realized he needs to get his shit straight. He was thinking something like finance, just numbers. Something solid that's just a career direction. He is going back to school, well most likely he is, but he needs an idea of what path to take. Most of his friends are unemployed/underemployed with computer degrees.

    ‘Irresponsible’: India urged to stop deporting refugees to chaos-ravaged Myanmar ‘Irresponsible’: India urged to stop deporting refugees to chaos-ravaged Myanmar

    India is sending back thousands of Myanmar refugees, whom they blame for ethnic violence erupting in Manipur state.

    ‘Irresponsible’: India urged to stop deporting refugees to chaos-ravaged Myanmar

    Nobody seems to be talking about the continuing genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar nor India's heartless and illegal current actions.

    >“Refoulement is against international human rights law, regardless of if you’ve signed the refugee convention" - John Quinley III, director of international rights group

    ISP throttling VPN?

    My ISP seems to be throttling my VPN connection. Just started a week or so ago. Anyone have any tips for correcting this shit?

    Edit: Sorry, I didn't leave much info. I guess I was thinking in more general terms. I use PIA, have for years. I've tried to change protocols and ports, my VPN speed still sits around 10K. Just ridiculous. Speed test without VPN:


    SOLVED!! OK, I'm an absolute idiot. The tl;dr I had accidentally toggled the Toggle Alt. Rate Limits setting. Thank you everyone for attempting to help that which couldn't be helped!

    Kim Stanley Robinson

    I read Kim's Mars trilogy years ago and liked it. I decided to pick up The Ministry of the Future a couple days ago. It's very different, and without any spoilers, I have to say it's made me hate humanity even more than I already did. If you haven't read it, it's a near-future climate disaster book. Well written, interesting structure, and just pissing me off. I'm about halfway through it, so maybe it'll swing the other way in the second half.

    How to pull rocks out of pipe in the ground?

    My mom has a hole in the ground that she puts her clothes drying hanger in. Like this. The hole in the ground is a 2" or so pipe, set in concrete. The pipe has filled with gravel. Anyone have a tip on getting the rocks out? I can only get so many out using my fingers and then trying to use a set of chopsticks.

    Scores dead in Israel and Gaza after Hamas shock attack on Israeli towns Scores dead in Israel and Gaza after Hamas shock attack on Israeli towns

    At least 200 Israelis have been killed and 740 wounded, according to reports from media and health officials. Gaza health officials say nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed with more than 1,600 wounded.

    Scores dead in Israel and Gaza after Hamas shock attack on Israeli towns

    This seems far more serious than the typical lobbing explosives at each other in which Hamas and Israel habitually partake.

    Effect of a gravity assist on person, or whatever, in spaceship

    OK, this is dumb, but it's gone through my head a couple times. I've seen a few science fiction movies and shows where the people in the spaceship use a gravity assist and lean into the turns like they're driving NASCAR or riding a roller coaster.

    I think they wouldn't feel the acceleration (vector change) because gravity is doing the acceleration on every molecule and there would be nothing to lean against. I'm often wrong though. Someone smarter than I am have some insight?

    EDIT: For what it's worth, I guess I shouldn't have used the Expanse clip as it upset some people. I just used it for an example of what I was asking. The question is this: Under little or no thrusters, would you feel a gravity assist? Even a radical one that changes your direction 90 degrees and greatly increases your velocity?

    Formerly /r/MMA sin_free_for_00_days
    Brendan Schaub co-signs UFC champ's Ferguson vs. Pimblett hot take Brendan Schaub co-signs UFC champ's Ferguson vs. Pimblett hot take

    Is Paddy Pimblett vs. Tony Ferguson cynical booking from the UFC, or just the right fight? Brendan Schaub has thoughts.

    Brendan Schaub co-signs UFC champ's Ferguson vs. Pimblett hot take

    I would love to see Ferguson take the win. It would be hilarious to me.

    Formerly /r/MMA sin_free_for_00_days
    Francis Ngannou Open Workout With Mike Tyson | Fury vs. Ngannou | MMA Fighting

    Ngannou is a beast, but if this open workout is any indicator, he's going to get easily pieced up by Fury.

    Formerly /r/MMA sin_free_for_00_days
    Israel Adesanya pleads guilty, drove drunk 3 weeks before UFC title loss to Strickland Israel Adesanya pleads guilty, drove drunk 3 weeks before UFC title loss to Strickland

    Former UFC champ Israel Adesanya apologized to fans, friends and family after pleading guilty to driving drunk.

    Israel Adesanya pleads guilty, drove drunk 3 weeks before UFC title loss to Strickland

    Maybe Izzy didn't have the best camp. The Red Tomato and others have said Izzy looked off in his fight, maybe they were on to something. I still think Strickland just figured the puzzle out though.

    AMC sin_free_for_00_days

    Well, almost zero activity on this sub. Still a nice break from the shithole that is the reddit amcstock sub. It's really something looking at this stock and realizing that the tens of thousands I spent over the past year could be bought with a few thousand dollars now. Disheartened and disgusted. No reason to sell because I've lost so much already. Fucking hell.

    AMC sin_free_for_00_days
    AMC freedom

    I haven't been on the other site even once since bailing when the API shit started happening. I just went to the old amcstock sub and have to say I don't miss it. Still filled with "trust me bro" posts, a scattering of "MOASS is imminent" posts. No real information, just hype, like a warm up act. I only check the stock about twice a week these days. The only thing that has stayed with me from those old frantic days is "Zero or MOASS" I'm not going anywhere.

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