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Nintendo 'Hacker' Will Be Punished For The Rest Of His Life
  • I thought Nintendo has a pretty diehard fandom they can coast off of

    This is true, but even reactionaries mock these people.

  • Nintendo 'Hacker' Will Be Punished For The Rest Of His Life
  • Do they? My YouTube feed was filled with videos attacking their copyright enforcement in 2020.

  • Tito is life
  • Where can I learn about him?

  • Tito is life
  • Wasn't Tito revisionist though?

  • Thoughts on Hakim?
  • I like him but he has dumb opinions like not critically supporting Russia and being religious.

  • Yes you are.
  • Yeah. Fuck their fucking shithead fans for being "neutral" on the subject of imperialism. You're either with us or against us.

  • Books sludgeyrevolution
    Haruki Murakami on late-stage capitalism.
    The subreddit is filled with liberalism

    cross-posted from:

    > This conflict has seriously broken whatever critical thinking skills these people had. These people went so far off the edge that they're denouncing BRICS.

    Which Mestizos are settlers and which Mestizos are indigenous?

    cross-posted from:

    > I was gonna ask "Are Mestizos settlers?" but I quickly realized that the answer to this question probably isn't black and white. If the answer to this isn't just "Yes" or "No" then what determines whether or not a Mestizo person is a settler?

    Opinions on modern anti-capitalist media??
  • I frankly don't like it because people will just be pacified by watching a fictional revolution because then they can just consume product and be wrapped up in feel good emotions than feel compelled to actually do the hard, unglamorous work that comes with being a revolutionary.

    There's also the issue of anti-capitalism in the first world leaning more towards Anarchism than Marxist-Leninism, caused by the fact that a lot of anti-capitalist fiction tries really hard to emphasize the "good" of hyper-individualism.