In terms of where #ActivityPub is going and how that affects the #Fediverse and the #SocialWeb at large ..
I feel that all depends how those able to define and shape what AS/AP entails are able to listen to all the needs expressed by those interested in decentralized social networking.
That is way more than merely "users".
This listening ear, and the openness to adapt AS/AP to what it hears, will I think determine what forks and branches appear on the roadmap of the Social Web paradigm.
When it comes to definitions..
I agree with <> that there is a "federated social web" and #ActivityPub is part of it.
Yet AS/AP are technical protocols, open standards. To me its obvious that Social Web is more than that. I define it as:
#SocialWeb is where people do social networking online, using the technologies available to them.
Then there's #Fediverse. I think this term will become as common as "web" and "internet" with no one pondering its on-the-wire protocols. oh, that is interesting. I gotta say that it is so long ago since I read the book that I had forgotten this outcome, and Hollywoods corporate laundering of Tolkien's written history was how I misremembered things to be.
Just made a sarcastic remark on #LoTR to make a point for #Fediverse ..
> LoTR already showed us that having “One Ring to rule them all” only leads to a mind-numbingly linear plot to slog on towards Mount Doom, feeling miserable all the time, until the moment that that decision can be undone and fate is once more on our side. /s
But I loved Tolkiens book. He introduced us to a new genre. Liked the movies for their big productions.
Yet this linear trek was miserable.
People seem surprised that corporate #enshittification is setting in on the #Fediverse. Yet the signs have been on the wall for a long time. For "winning" protocols in terms of adoption, corporate takeover is a certainty.
Up to now the #Commons hasn't found a way to avoid that. Our #FOSS is inherently unsustainable. It is able to innovate, and then subsequently hand over the fruits of that innovation to corporate harvesters. Working in public, under #HyperCapitalism and for hypercapitalism.
See also this great curated list of #FOSS creative tools collected by @ADHDefy
If you have more such fine projects, then create an issue or PR. The link to the repository is at the top of the delightful page.
@nutomic this is great! I mentioned Lemmy on the Extism discussion I started, asking for use-in-the-wild..
I'm Arnold Schrijver (he/him). Social coder. #FOSS, #HumaneTech and #SocialWeb advocate.
I help foster #Solutions that improve #Wellbeing, #Freedom and #Society
Let's #ReimagineSocial and envision a #Peopleverse where archipelagos, built by the #Commons, unfold the #HumanWeb. Delightful Realms of Creation, where only our dreams may hold us back.
Previously at: @humanetech
Boosts and favourites do not imply endorsement. \#fedi22