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News from fediverse smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)
People seem surprised that corporate #enshittification is setting in on the #Fediverse. Yet the signs have been on the wall for a long time. For "winning" protocols in terms of adoption, corporate

People seem surprised that corporate #enshittification is setting in on the #Fediverse. Yet the signs have been on the wall for a long time. For "winning" protocols in terms of adoption, corporate takeover is a certainty.

Up to now the #Commons hasn't found a way to avoid that. Our #FOSS is inherently unsustainable. It is able to innovate, and then subsequently hand over the fruits of that innovation to corporate harvesters. Working in public, under #HyperCapitalism and for hypercapitalism.

You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...

    See also this great curated list of #FOSS creative tools collected by @ADHDefy

    If you have more such fine projects, then create an issue or PR. The link to the repository is at the top of the delightful page.

  • Proof of concept for Lemmy plugin system
  • @nutomic this is great! I mentioned Lemmy on the Extism discussion I started, asking for use-in-the-wild..

  • smallcircles smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

    I'm Arnold Schrijver (he/him). Social coder. #FOSS, #HumaneTech and #SocialWeb advocate.

    I help foster #Solutions that improve #Wellbeing, #Freedom and #Society

    Let's #ReimagineSocial and envision a #Peopleverse where archipelagos, built by the #Commons, unfold the #HumanWeb. Delightful Realms of Creation, where only our dreams may hold us back.

    Previously at: @humanetech

    Boosts and favourites do not imply endorsement. \#fedi22

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