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Anyone else a fan of Bevy?
  • I see. Very good to know. Thank you.

  • Anyone else a fan of Bevy?
  • I’ll definitely be looking into it!

  • Anyone else a fan of Bevy? GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust - GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    I am new to Rust, and have always been interested in how games were made. But man I've got to say that just ready the bevy book has been pretty fun. I am looking at all the examples in the repo. I wanna here others perspective on bevy, or Rust game development in general!

    crossposted from:

    Anyone else a fan of Bevy? GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust - GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    GitHub - bevyengine/bevy at latest

    I am new to Rust, and have always been interested in how games were made. But man I've got to say that just ready the bevy book has been pretty fun. I am looking at all the examples in the repo. I wanna here others perspective on bevy, or Rust game development in general!

    Reddit is so untrustworthy. r/modcoord thread purges all pro-fediverse comments, then r/redditalternatives removes the thread exposing it.
  • Eventually the people will see the truth and decide for themselves. Apart of me thinks that its a good thing that there isn't THAT many people coming over to Lemmy, but another part would love to see how it would flourish with even more users. Either way we can just hope for the best of the platform.

  • Trump popularity.
  • all i can do is look at our country and let out a big sigh. what will it take for the US to better itself?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • :wq

  • Bram Moolenaar, inventor of VIM, has passed away
  • Rest In Peace. You’ve done your part Bram.

  • Music of the Week - 24th July, 2023
  • Love kendrick.

  • Python Cheatsheet
  • Thank you!

  • This
  • I would love to see reddit die, but we all know that won’t happen unless someone finds a magic teapot.

  • Netflix removes its basic tier in the US and the UK
  • Cool I’ll try that. I just have to pull out an old Sony VAIO or something :D

  • Netflix removes its basic tier in the US and the UK
  • I really need to build a media server

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I miss using hangouts. It just worked and I had so much fun using it.

  • YSK: Use RSS feeds to curate your online experience
  • Haha just saw this from lemmy

  • JavaScript always know my truest of desires
  • JavaScript knows my truest fears too LOL

  • preach
  • galaxy brain

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • My boomer trait: I don't use big social media apps like most people my age (19). You could argue that it's pretty common but it always comes up in conversation. I'd rather not be concerned about someone else’s life, but engage with people who talk about their experiences and knowledge.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Star Wars Battlefront!!

  • has grown by about 66.6% since reddit's API shutdown
  • That’s great but 66.6%? Time to conspire!

  • solarzones solarzones


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    Comments 27