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What do you think of this prediction?
  • Yeah hate to say it but by the time this golden age ends with valve I'll prob either not be gaming as much anyway or to your point have enough that I won't really care about the newer games.

  • Wells Fargo fires employees for utilising down time.
  • Sorry you're getting downvoted... I read the article as well and yeah- You're totally right. This is BS rage bait that isn't even warranted against Wells Fargo.

    I have 2 coworkers who do the same thing and it is pretty damn irritating cuz they're on my team, and I legitimately cannot rely on them on a day to day basis to be around to do their job. So I understand the frustration. This shit does ruin WFH for everyone else, directly or indirectly.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Wife spilled some beer in the keyboard. Screen doesn't turn on, it doesn't hold a charge, keyboard doesn't work. But we need sensitive data off the drive.

    Take it to their "genius" bar where we are told there is nothing that can be done for the old data and we should just buy a new one.

    I take it home, Google a bit and try target disk mode. Et Voila I'm in and can get that data from the hard drive as though it was an external HDD.

    Why the Apple "genius" didn't share this option with me? They don't actually care about helping.

    And that's the rub with Apple. They don't give a fuck about their users or developers. Just want to herd them around to make more money off their overpriced garbage.

  • People are seizing, being intubated after eating microdose chocolates
  • I'd love a package to get access to all sorts of news, but each news source seems individually subscription-based, and that all adds up. So I just stick with AP and BBC.

    If I could pay like $25/mo and get access to all the popular news sources I'd do it.

  • So...
  • It's making it out like such a revelation wouldn't be damaging. Being a single woman and not being young is not easy. Her taking it in stride like that is unrealistic.

    Ask yourself how you would feel in that situation after investing years in a relationship. Would you be that thrilled to be on the dating scene again and having to start over with someone new?

    Not saying it couldn't be amicable like it has been portrayed, but this strip makes it out like there is nothing sad or difficult about the situation, only focusing on the perspective/agenda of the trans person.

  • Just discovered Disco Elysium,... I may not recover from it
  • I guess I'm not good at it or something. I pick it up and put it down and want to like it, sometimes I can get sucked in and make some progress but idk just feels like I forgot what I was doing or what makes sense to go do next.

    Hope I beat it some day.

  • [Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • I hardly use mine. I bring it with me on plane rides but find myself just watching movies instead. Trying to play on a plane and having to share an arm rest, idk it works out better in my head than in practice.

    I find I really need to play a game consistently to stay interested, and that makes the deck hard cuz I reserve lighter games for it, like ori, but since I play so infrequently I don't really end up being interested in the game I startup on there.

    OTOH I play PC regularly, no battery concerns, much larger screen, better visual fidelity. The deck just isn't reinforcing enough.

  • I wish I could finish video games
  • I've had this problem. My solution was when starting a game to play regularly and semi exclusively. I.e. I only have one single player game I'm working on at a time, and I play it multiple times per week to make progress.

    And I just keep playing until I beat it. I then may take some time off gaming for a few days or weeks, but will eventually pick up another game and repeat.

    This works for me cuz when I don't play consistently and decide to take, say, a one week break from a game, I find I end up not returning. So it's crucial to keep revisiting the game and sensing that progress or it feels like it never ends and drags on and on. There's also things like muscle memory and strategy that if I don't keep fresh at least a few times per week, it makes returning to the game feel like more work rather than just jumping back in.

    I don't have diagnosed ADHD so it may not apply to you but that's what worked for me (and continues to work). I've played many dozens of games following this system for some years now.

  • how do you make friends if large gatherings arent your thing?

    I do like large gatherings, but I don't really do well meeting people and making friends in them. I find it too chaotic and difficult to "be myself" with so many people. I also feel there tends to be more shallow conversation in these settings making it great for banter and social energy but less great for connecting and getting to know new folks.

    I am looking to meet new people to be friends, as in capital F friend, not just a random person I know. Someone who wants to hit me up and go do something fun, check in on me and see how I'm doing, etc.

    How do you go about meeting people and finding social settings that foster deeper connections?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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