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  • Source: Trust me bro.

  • Out of the frying pan and into the broaster
  • Didn't Great Britain like invent racism?

  • But Pennywise is pro-Genocide.
  • Explaining the third party vote to an american: imagine the joker

  • Hashtag OrangeManBad
  • Holy Wisdom Shit Balls.

  • Guess who's back?
  • Was Anubis the original puppy girl?

  • I use my dad as a good barometer of what reactionary libs are thinking, even he now admits that Biden has dementia.
  • Either way it's probably going to be close, which is the maddening part of it all, the burgers want this.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • All the young groypers I see online are obsessed with Trump and Elon, I highly doubt they care about old heroes young men used to take up like sports stars and the like.

  • I use my dad as a good barometer of what reactionary libs are thinking, even he now admits that Biden has dementia.
  • Honestly I've just resigned myself to Copmala being the functioning president. I think she's going to win since Trump lost his mojo and nobody outside of the diehard ride or die MAGA are still with him, I think at least.

  • I use my dad as a good barometer of what reactionary libs are thinking, even he now admits that Biden has dementia.

    So thanks libs for 4 years of gaslighting our asses that nothing was wrong with Biden and YOU were the crazy one to think otherwise. Glad we wasted more years on yet another do nothing empty suit while fascism has had more time to consolidate and not to mention the ever worsening climate disaster.

    So im going to ask. How concerned do we need to be about the rising fascism in the europe and states?
  • Mr. Big shot over here with the means to flee the USA that's rapidly descending into fascism.

  • Removed
    How dare you speak ill of the ACA
  • I can't afford to eat improve-society

    Wow, ruZZian disinfo much? :very-smart

  • Troding over the dead and dying to rescue some cheap cloth imported from China
  • yeonmi-park And in bad country after a natural disaster caused by climate change the regime accelerated dead bodies are passed over for their national flag which takes priority.

  • Chapo Medical House: Best cream or spray to clear up jock itch?
  • anti fungal vaginal cream

    Alright makes sense

  • Chapo Medical House: Best cream or spray to clear up jock itch?

    Title. I've been dealing with it for months now and it feels like it's getting worse. Just curious if anyone else here ever had it and got rid of it?

    Down with the clown? Russia's Putin greets two new members to the ritzy Moscow village for expats, Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope.

    The duo famously wanted by the FBI for domestic terrorism against an informant have fled to Russia only to be welcomed with open arms by Putin.

    "This is an alarming turn of events" says senior fellow with the National Endowment for Democracy Mikhail Klobb, "these two terrorists know secrets about the government that only a true murderous psychopath could know." Klobb told Hexbear 3 News reporter SorosFootSoldier.

    Vatican set to canonize Filipino man who's booger looked like the virgin Mary.

    In 2016 Alejandro Cruz picked a nasty nose goblin and to his utter shock and amazement found it to look exactly like the blessed virgin Mary from the bible. He passed in 2022 and now the Vatican is looking to make him an official saint.

    "We looked at the data, at the hard evidence of that slimy little monster, and, sure enough, it was the blessed virgin herself looking back at us." said senior Vatican official Dominick Penwin.

    Public by and large not shocked that Elon Musk liked a post praising Hitler by "KillAllGays420" on X.

    The X CEO is surprisingly not in hot water for going gaga over a tweet praising fascist dictator Adolf Hitler.

    "I mean, who can be surprised, the dude's from South Africa." Said local man Dan Bongos of Newark.

    "It's actually kind of refreshing, in a sick way, to see him so open about being a racist. We all knew he was so he just admits it." remarked Kimberly DiGigogo of Brooklyn.

    Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.

    It hooks them up to a VR simulation of 1950's america and they're the abusive husband to a hot wife and two kids. Racism is alive and well and the USA and white people by extension run the world.

    They can never leave, much like the matrix they're locked into the simulation for life but it's more humane than wholesale genocide because let's face it, a lot of people in the USA deserve it.

    Bombshell from Iranian hackers targeting Trump allies. Longtime Trump booster Canadian author Jordan Peterson texts leak - psychologist cheating on wife with Disney cosplayer.

    In the damning leak Mr. Peterson for 2 years romantically texted back and forth with famous Youtuber Jessica "Ariel" Goldeen known for her Little Mermaid cosplay. In on exchange Peterson weepingly leaves a tearful voicemail while drunk talking about how he's losing his sanity to the feminine dragon of chaos.

    Fascist Youtuber Asmongold launches line of white power themed gaming apparel called "CHUD".

    He revealed on stream it's short for Charismatic Hunks Uphold Discipline. And 10% of the profits will go directly to anti-circumcision advocacy group "cocks and rocks".

    North Carolina Lake Lure Dam failure update: People must leave immediately North Carolina Lake Lure Dam failure update: People must leave immediately

    A North Carolina dam failure is imminent after water levels at the Broad River rose 10 feet in a few hours from Hurricane Helene.

    North Carolina Lake Lure Dam failure update: People must leave immediately

    Remember when redditors were stroking their dicks over the possibility of the three gorges dam in China breaking and killing thousands?

    Gee I wonder if your average Chinese netizen is gloating over this happening to burgers?

    My dad abusing me really drives home how much of a failure I am as an adult.

    Long story short he's back at me again because I asked him for $5 so I could grab smokes, even though I lied and said it was to buy a coffee (fuck him). Laid into me about how I suck and I'm a parasite.

    Like I said in the title it puts my self-esteem in the dumps because I can't just move away and tell him to eat shit and die and never speak to him again. I'm beholden to this fucking monster that hates me.

    And the funny part is I had a plan to quit smoking this weekend now I'm saying fuck it to that because what's the point?

    A gorilla named Jesus is the first primate to ever use complex sign language to formulate a sentence.

    The ape shocked caretakers at the San Diego Zoo by signing it wanted to play Digimon on the PSP. When staff told Jesus they only have it on PS1 he shocked them even more by saying "get it on psp, I'm a mobile gamer".

    Tamagotchi Simulator 3

    I've shared the Digimon v-pet simulator on here before but I found a good Tamagotchi sim recently and I wanted to share. It even comes with an insulating sheet you pull out like the real thing.

    Former President Donald Trump makes unexpected stop in Osaka Japan to visit Kubota World Headquarters in bizarre photo op.

    While meeting with CEO Nobuyuki Ishii Trump referred to him as "Jimmy Skip" and asked him if he had any "big boy toys" via translator. When Ishii showed Trump the new X-6,000 series tractor he hopped aboard and started making engine noises while yelling at press "this is what I'd love to do to you, you bastards, just grind you up!"

    He left shortly after and headed back home to Florida for a golf tournament.

    Is Lost Planet 3 any good?

    Seeing as my pc can't run either 3ds emulation or ps3, my options are limited for a proper sequel to 2, Ex Troopers. So I'm wondering if I should give 3 a go even though I heard it's bad? I like that it's set in a snowscape and has a focus on survival horror, both pluses, but the footage I've seen the core gameplay looks a bit jank.
