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Articles, essays, or studies on the effect of car centric planning and social detachment?

Hi everybody.

I'm sorry if my question is really weirdly specific. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time.

You ever see those movies, where people live in this techno-future dystopia, skyscrapers and traffic clogged freeways, car - centric urban planning with no greenery, no trees, think of like Times Square NYC, hyper capitalist neolib dystopia kind of thing.

You see in those movies, the main character (a socially detached loner) depressed, part of the reason is not just a horribly atomized and superficial Society, but the other reason is the wretched urban planning and brutalist architecture.

I think there's been a few articles already on the importance of good architecture for creating a more "communal" mental effect for the people in the town.

I'm wondering if you guys found any articles or essays on the importance of specifically good urban planning (I already read about architecture). Stuff about how car centric urban planning atomizes the individual, ruins the social fabric, ruins the communal mentality, etc.. Sociological stuff.

If you do, please comment. I'd love to read.

When I lie down for a few minutes
  • I'm not actually Степан, I just like the cat

  • When I lie down for a few minutes Степан on Instagram: "❤️🐾"

    53K likes, 354 comments - loveyoustepan on November 12, 2023: "❤️🐾"

    Степан on Instagram: "❤️🐾"
    When I lie down for a few minutes
  • I'm not actually Степан, I just like the cat

  • When I lie down for a few minutes Степан on Instagram: "❤️🐾"

    53K likes, 354 comments - loveyoustepan on November 12, 2023: "❤️🐾"

    Степан on Instagram: "❤️🐾"
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  • I still don't understand why not USA / Canada, where cars are very common

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  • I heard of this thing called microtransit, that might work?

  • Locked
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  • We regulate cars pretty heavily, we regulate guns decently.

    When it comes to dogs, across the entire world, literally crickets chirping. No government does anything.

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    I've seen a few articles in the past few years about young men supposedly checking out of society and work, I wonder if there is a connection between that and this article here because young men tend to be the prime demographic for working this job.

    Companies need to pay their workers better.

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  • I meant like, why doesn't Wikipedia have a filter to detect stuff like that, obv it isn't allowed

  • Deleted
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  • yeah bro i saw the pic and i was like what the fuck lmao

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  • i like how this took into account some classical architecture,

    i feel like unfortunately because its so difficult to get good urbanism built because of red tape, people give up very quickly and are basically just content with generic density

    id definitely like to see more greenery and old architecture alongside with density

  • Car-free streets in downtown Montreal took ‘political guts.’ Can Toronto do the same?
  • i hope so. i think making pedestrian friendly streets are something we are scared to try because its new, but i dont think its a bad thing.

  • What is your ideal urban / village like?

    I'm in Toronto Canada and it's a very car dependent landscape unfortunately and honestly I'm a little jealous seeing European places and how nice they are with their rich history. Meanwhile here in Ontario we have quadruple-carriageways and stroads lined with strip malls and big-box stores with their expansive parking lots. Unless you're with friends, going outside can be pretty bleak to the eye.

    My ideal town would be as such

    1. a car-free and dense downtown area with rowhouses and condo units above cafes and shops

    2. lots of trees and greenery

    3. traditional architectural design

    What would you think for yours?

    Are there any "traditional" style villages in Ontario?

    I'm really into traditional architecture and pre-automobile urban planning. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of that in North America. I know there are a few, I was wondering if Ontario specifically has any nice villages that fit this description? Preferably not abandoned ones, i am looking for ones still inhabited.

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    With this heatwave ive been dreaming about a cool winter mornings

    Looking for mods

    Hi everyone,

    As this community gets going, we will need moderators with experience in the legal world. If you want to help out, let me know.

    Looking for mods

    Hi everyone,

    As this community gets going, we will need moderators with experience in the legal world. If you want to help out, let me know.

    Looking For Mods

    Hi everyone,

    As this community gets going, we will need moderators with experience in the legal world. If you want to help out, let me know.

    stepan stepan

    A cat living in Toronto. (photocredits @loveyoustepan on ig)

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