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Is Mull a good private browser for android?
  • I use it as a daily driver, but sometimes it's do slow I want to use chromium (cromite) again. I have a website open, I turn off the screen and immediately turn it back on, and the page takes several seconds to load again. And sometimes, it doesn't even load at all and it's just grey. Same thing happens when I switch to another app from Mull. It's annoying, but the extensions and privacy are still worth it.

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  • I've got most of them from comments under this post of mine. Here are all the feeds I have in my RSS reader under a Little Tech Blogs category:

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  • I read personal tech blogs about Linux and programming. I think that they have much more interesting content than big tech sites, and that they put a lot of effort into it.

  • "Waiting for a tankie essay about how [banning an LGBTQ fedi instance is] actually an inclusive move from russia"
  • I know that powerful governments operate various illegal places in other countries to serve their needs. China even admitted operating some illegal "police stations" in my country after they shut those down themselfs, and I have no doubts taht the USA does similar things. However, I haven't found any sources about this place being operated by US government. Maybe I'm bad at research, but no one from those claiming it was that provided any source either. The person in the second screenshot even says that they're just guessing. When I see my government, or US government, or the EU, do some bullshit, I don't immediately start thinking about how it was actually a move to defend from Chinese or Russian forces.

    It's was the same in the thread I mentioned about China blocking access to there were definitely even some hexbear users criticizing China's censorship, but there were also multiple tankies writing essays about how the censoring is actually necessary because of capitalist propaganda (is an US propaganda website?) and just doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it. I know I'm using the words "mental gymnastics" too much now, but I just can't see any better naming for some of the comments out there. So, it's not just about this particular LGBT center, it's about this mentality of trying to come up with any reason of why the (usually Chinese) government is actually doing good thing. Isn't that the ultimate win of propaganda, when people no longer need government to falsely justify it's actions, because they do the justification themselves?

  • Oh no, Murray!

    Cross posted from:

    [Meta] Is it ok to repost memes from other meme communities?

    Basically the title. I decided that I don't want to support ! where every third post is a hateful communist "meme" that even communists can't find funny and where admins tolerate memes about how it's ok to shoot people with certain opinions and, similar things. There are some great memes however, and I'm not sure if it's good to repost them here. What's the stance of this community about that?

    Should I learn Docker or Podman?

    Hi, I've been thinking for a few days whether I should learn Docker or Podman. I know that Podman is more FOSS and I like it more in theory, but maybe it's better to start with docker, for which there is a lot more tutorials. On the other hand, maybe it's better to straight up learn podman when I don't know any of the two and not having to change habits later. What do you think? For context, I know how containers works in theory, I know some linux I think well, but I never actually used docker nor podman. In another words: If I want to eventually end up with Podman, is it easier to start with docker and then learn Podman, or start with Podman right away? Thanks in advance

    Please recommend me some blogs about Linux or FOSS or similar that you follow through RSS.

    Hi. I have a category Little Tech Blogs in my rss reader where I put those cool niche blogs mostly about Linux, FOSS, programming, etc... Many of them I found by articles linked in this community, so I was wondering if you guys know about more blogs like that. By little I mean it's run by one person or a small group of people, no big website publishing daily content - it can be two articles a year. The criteria isn't necessarily strict - any blog that the Linux people finds interesting is worth checking for me :)

    Here is a list of feeds that I already have:

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    [Question] Which shell prompt do you use and why?

    Hi. I've been using powerlevel10k for a long time, but a few days ago, I decided I wanted to customize it a bit. I opened the .p10k.zsh file, and I was shocked. It's really massive, with TONS of options. I've been digging through for a few hours already, and it's absolutely amazing how much you can customize it without actually programming anything. I was wondering what other people are using. So my questions are:

    • Do you customize your shell prompt?
    • If yes, do you use some framework or pre-made theme, or do you just configure it the vanilla way in your bashrc/zshrc/...
    • How is your experiences with it so far?
    • Share screenshot of your prompts, please (Sadly, my prompt is currently half done, so I can't really share it)
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