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Apple expected to post fourth consecutive quarterly sales decline Thursday
  • Body and odour. It’s a new deodorant line.

  • What tv show had a big impact on you?
  • I’m surprised this doesn’t have more votes. MASH was just full of great episodes. Including probably the greatest series finale of all time. Just incredible.

  • “Chrome exists to serve Google search.” - The Verge
  • To be fair, with Apple it’s kind of both. Because they make a large chunk of their gazillions off hardware, they can make privacy part of their platform and mean it.

    Whereas with Google, trolling your private information to sell you more stuff is all they are, and everything else serves this.

    It may not be perfect, but in my opinion it’s ok to view the former as a better option than the latter. If convenience and integration are also important to you.

  • Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson
  • They are saying they do not use language that makes judgement, because that is not what they do. They are a neutral reporter of what is happening in the world (ie the news).

    Everyone laments that “news” has been overrun by opinion journalism that tries to influence left or right. This is what “just news” looks like.

  • Bluesky sees record signups day after Musk says X will go paid-only
  • “Never delete an email”. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  • Adopted my baby boi Radar one year ago today
  • What breed is he/she? Looks like some pasted floppy ears on a blue heeler!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wtf is wrong with you?!

  • Apps that use google APIs (and similar) vs the webpage version - which is more private?
  • Yes! Excellent advice!

    I am a big fan of RSS and have been using it as my primary source of info for at least a decade.

    I actually already had SBS but only just now realised that ABC pages (eg “just in”) can be entered directly and it’ll find the RSS version (using Reeder at least).

    Do you have advice about how to centralise/organise RSS? I use Feedly as a cloud source that I point Reeder at (have also been playing with Fiery Feeds). But I can’t help but think there’s a better way that doesn’t involve a third party (again, privacy).

  • Apps that use google APIs (and similar) vs the webpage version - which is more private?
  • Thank you. That’s very helpful.

    And yep, is exactly one of the sites I was thinking of. I notice their app makes many calls to and similar. Sending who knows what.

    Moving to the web version I’m hoping can blunt such things. On iOS I use AdGuard, Hush, and StopTheMadness. tells me I’m not doing too bad in terms of ads and tracking.

    Two others which are pretty bad with their apps but have very similar webpages:

  • Apps that use google APIs (and similar) vs the webpage version - which is more private?
  • I guess my question was if webpage versions of apps can/typically use Google analytics-type tracking of what you’re doing.

    And more specifically if Safari with private relay, perhaps with some extensions, can hide anything such webpages are trying to scrape.

  • Apps that use google APIs (and similar) vs the webpage version - which is more private?

    If I look at a news app on my iPhone, for example, I can see in iOS’s privacy report that the app is using various Google APIs for analytics, amongst others. I understand why (it’s free and easy for them) but means that despite the app not collecting data on me, Google still is.

    In this case, is using the web version of the app (which is often an option) more private?

    Here I’m assuming mobile Safari with privacy relay, plus some extensions to stop trackers etc.

    Thanks in advance.

    This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game
  • Yeah Morrowind was great for that. Felt more old school RPG where you actually had to explore to complete quests.

  • PS Plus price hike: We'll all pay for a subscription-based future | Opinion
  • This. And if you have kids that just want a large catalogue of random games, it’s perfect.

    Doesn’t seem many people commenting here like the idea. But for me personally, and my family situation, saves me heaps of money.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ha! Just finished Player of Games yesterday and bought Use of Weapons. Trying to decide whether to continue with Culture or mix things up and start with the first Wheel of Time book.

    Either way I’ll get to it, and the rest, because the first two I thought were excellent reads and I really like Banks’ writing.

  • What psychopath architects are still designing bathrooms that you have to pull the door open in order to leave?
  • Or you could tear the Dyson hand dryer off the wall and carefully jimmy the door open with it

  • Sign our petition to stop France from forcing browsers like Mozilla's Firefox to censor websites
  • Sorry, my bad. I thought this was a petition OP had set up. And not Mozilla themselves to protect Firefox. Sleep deprivation :(

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?


    Trying to buy an audiobook with my US account from Australia. Am using a VPN and a fresh log in using a private browsing window. Still getting the “not for sale in this country…”

    How does Amazon/Audible still know my country?!

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for your suggestions, but I feel like we’re no closer to figuring out how Amazon is detecting my physical country. If they have some new “trick” surely this is a privacy issue as well?!

    EDIT 2: Important details, this is on my iPhone using both the Amazon and Audible apps, and via the web with Safari (mentioned below). Doesn’t work.

    I gave up and went to my desktop and was able to complete the purchase following the same steps without issue. So 🤷‍♂️ ?!

    Clearly Amazon is scraping some information from the phone to region lock the purchase. Still would love to know given VPN isn’t masking my location apparently.

    If System of a Down were from India

    Kudos to Andre Antunes and the Nooran Sisters

    [bug] LOVE themes, but pure black bug?

    Just wanted to note that when deselecting pure black (I always prefer something not so dark personally, so thank you for the option!!) the comments/post screen still uses pure black.

    But the theme options are great! Appreciate it!

    [Bug] show hide read button only hides

    I can’t see a way to show the read posts again. Pressing the button a second time does nothing. V1.01.

    Syntax to link to a community or a user in a comment?

    In particular for a user, so they get a notification that they were mentioned.

    Rain - Series 3 Bluey: Series 3 Rain

    When a heavy summer rain thunders over the Heeler home, Bluey is determined to dam the water in the front yard, while Mum tries to stop her constantly tracking mud into the house.

    Bluey: Series 3 Rain

    No words. Pure art. Just beautiful ❤️

    Bug? Swipe back to subscribed list takes you to home instead

    From home, swiping left opens up my subscriptions. Selecting a subscription opens all the post there. Once I’m done with that sub, I’m expecting to swipe left again to go back to the subscription list so I can move on to the next i want to read.

    Instead a left swipe takes me back home. This is strange behaviour. Swiping left is essentially a back to where you came from. Which in this case is my subscription list.

    Could this be fixed please?

    Suggestion: message counter colour is hard to read

    I woke up today with 5 messages indicated down in the bottom row of buttons. But in light mode, that number was really hard to read with the black text against the red bubble background.

    Recommend changing that number to white text. The contrast is much better. And keep the white against red for dark mode as well.

    Thanks again!!

    Zooming in on images issue

    Love the app and appreciate the effort.

    Just wanted to highlight that zooming in with your fingers on an image is super weird. It’s like the zoom focal point is way off the screen. Hopefully a simple fix when you have time to have a look.

    Thanks again!

    supercheesecake supercheesecake
    Posts 12
    Comments 157