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2 yr. ago

Accidental Renaissance

The Flower Woman

  • Amazing picture. Having a scientist as a leader is a rare thing and very much welcome.

  • Fish

    When typing multiple logical statements on the same line (connected through ; or &&): ¿how does one bring up autocomplete suggestions for subsequent statements?

    Political Memes

    the world we live in



  • Ok, that's helpful for providing alt text for images inside the body of a post.

    Bus what about image posts? When using the web interface I don't see any opportunity for entering the alt text. 🤔

  • OBS Studio should be able to to handle that. You can set up hot keys for saving the buffer too.

  • Today I Learned

    TIL the black scales of gaboon vipers are super hydrophobic. Water running off washes away any dirt on them too. Dirt will thus only stick to light scales leaving their camouflage pattern intact.

  • The Washington Examiner:

    In the Wednesday video, Zeldin accused the Biden administration of rushing out these funds and said they should remain under the control of the government.

    He referred to the funds several times as “gold bars,” referencing a December 2024 video put out by the conservative group Project Veritas in which a former EPA employee told an undercover member of the group that the administration was attempting to distribute as much of the promised funds as possible before President Joe Biden left office.

    So it's just someone using a metaphor. And shoddy journalism. Wrapping gold bars in quotes does exculpate anyone from shoddy journalism.

  • wir_iel


  • Please note that in Germany you get 2 votes in the federal election. 1st is for a candidate to directly represent your district, 2nd is for a party nation wide. The map only shows the election result for the 2nd vote.

    Here's another map to show the party affiliation of winners of the 1st vote:

    Colors are the same, except blue. Blue represents CSU, essentially the Bavarian version of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union).

  • It's a valid question. I originally read about it in a physical book, then wrote the (misconstrued) headline from memory before finding a digital source that people could click on. I've corrected it now.

  • Today I Learned

    TIL of a boy in Pakistan that would stab himself with knives to entertain others. Researchers found he carried a rare gene mutation that prevents pain nerves to transmit their signals to the brain.

  • I can see her switching spin direction now and then if I continously watch the animation. Looking at the feet alone makes this more likely.

    I'm under the impression that it depends on when I naturally blink, for instance when the extended leg is maximally to the left or right. Maybe that brief interruption of the visual stream allows for reclassifying the virtual information instead of fitting it onto an existing pattern.

  • I mean he's not the first to claim this:

    It's unlikely tho that the Kreml ever foresaw him becoming president. No-one did really.

  • Search engine optimization ruined the web. Change my mind!

  • ¿Where is the hat coming from tho?

  • A lot of software is reliant on very precise timing. The world at large would notice immediately due to the many disconnects, glitches, bugs, desyncs, not to say anything of all the physical processes controlled by machines going wrong. As a simple example consider an industrial oven (or any process really) that is programmed to shut down at 4:39:20 but at 4:39:15 the 1 minute skip happens. An airplanes auto pilot that is suddenly missing the last minute of sensor data to. base its micro steering on. Any big internet service that has to deal with thousands to millions of clients trying to reconnect at once because their previous connection timed out. Bad stuff.

    This would be immediate world wide chaos and likely panic as the cause for all the chaos would be unknown and forever would be. Economic crash likely.

    Think of all the attention and effort the year 2k problem got, but this one is worse and there is no prep whatsoever.

  • hmmm


  • What now, isn't the reward for a coup that you get reelected and immunity for future missteps to boot? Oh, wait wrong country.

  • Hmmm, it seems the modern way for autocracies to deal with elections is to control the information space. I don't see election being called off, but major social media platforms boosting one side while attenuating the other goes a long way. We know Musk is all in on this and the other big players like Zuckerberg & Co seem all too happy to oblige. Tiktok is an open ended question at this point.

  • Films Frames - Every Frame is a Painting

    Lethal Weapon, Richard Donner (1987)

  • Never understood the whole conspiracy angle on the pyramids. When I was in school we always learned that the fascination with the pyramids wasn't just with the labor, engineering and man power required but with the division of labor, the social command and the economic planning required.

    Remember that the pyramids have no direct tangible return on investment and were multi generation endeavors. So the question encroaching a contemporary observer is: ¿What must the structure of a society look like that produces such monuments?

  • The crowd was literally chanting "hang Mike Pence". Kudos to him for not going along with Trumps plan of overthrowing the election.

    Yet still I can't help but wonder whether he was secretly hoping for Trump to lose the 3rd election and the Republican party returning to its old ways somehow. Why? Because he's been suspiciously silent ever since when he had the cachet and moral standing to be one of his greatest detractors (from the Republican side).

  • Confusing Perspective

    Skylight with partially transparent mirror foil

    Films Frames - Every Frame is a Painting

    Encounters of the Spooky Kind, Sammo Hung (1980)

  • Hmm, if I remember my Zelda correctly, that's a save point:

  • Ha, reminds me of how grassy lawns started out as a status symbol to show off that you were so rich that you needn't use your land for agriculture or gardening.

  • Films Frames - Every Frame is a Painting

    The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin (1940)

  • quick inspired vector sketch:

  • Fair point.

  • Mildly Interesting

    my drier's manual references animals to convey how the machine should sound during ordinary operation

    Political Memes

    memorandum for file: after brief initial demur from the agitator agent Zaitseva succeeded in throwing any criticisms overboard

    The Legend of Zelda

    ¿Anyone else found it bullshit how the only thing that actually matters is whoever touches the triforce first?

    Video Game Music

    DemonStar OST - Intro by Bobby Prince

    Not The Onion

    Orangutan hipsters use slang to stand out from the pack

    Steam Deck

    Had to reimage my deck; impressed by how well a backup of my home folder carried over system and app settings


    What's your take on the situation, stork? What's that? Can't hear you...

    Films Frames - Every Frame is a Painting

    Heart of Glass, Werner Herzog, 1976