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VR support for GNOME Wayland is here!
  • Ooh, so its not THAT kind of DRM.

  • Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI
  • Sure its secure, but is it verifiably secure?

  • Do you forget that you need to update your system?
  • Was using btrfs then in manjaro, broke my laptop because btrfs seems to be shit at handling loss of power cases. Switched to good ol ext4 and nixos, never looked back since.

  • Google Workers Protest Cloud Contract With Israel's Government
  • Who wouldve thought that well meaning and well educated people are against genocide

  • Rebase Supremacy
  • really? how come? I thought they are mentioned because of the diffs if compared to master, which merge basically just... merge on top of my branch (?)

  • Rebase Supremacy

  • Rebase Supremacy
  • Please for the love of god don't use merge, especially in a crowded repository. Don't be me and suffer the consequences. I mistakenly mention every person with a commit between the time I created the branch until current master.

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • I dont think youre imposing into anything lol

    Flatpak could be nice, appimage too, maybe you could make an issue for this in the repo? It will be a long road tho

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • Hello, relax guys Ive had my fair share of internet discourse. Youre by no means disrespectful at all. I know you come from a good place in your argument and its more than fair to questioned the decision of "reinventing the wheel".

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • The WYSIWYG editor supports markdown shortcuts like (#) will auto mode to H1 tag. But internally its stored as a json file, courtesy of tiptap library. Self hostable server would be cool, but for now I only use syncthing to do my sync.

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • It depends on the size of the images, but what matters is that a single big note cant slow down the loading time of other notes*

    *sqlite is finnicky, this is just the experience on notes less than 500MB sized.

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • Ive been able to run this app on linux, mac, and windows. Mac and windows build is not available tho, I dont think I can maintain it because i mainly use linux in all of my machines.

  • Windows vs Linux
  • Sometimes, not being able to do something is the best thing you could ever become.

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • Well I made this one with a specific usecase in mind. Please consult for why this program was made.

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • Thanks for the review! The reason for both of the cons are:

    • markdown: IIRC the WYSIWYG rich text editor that Treedome use doesn't use markdown to store its text because there are better alternative for a structured and stylized document that's also extensible. It's stored in JSON with Tiptap's own defined structure.
    • no plugins: never say never, but I intend to make treedome with a stable file format. Plugins may (will) introduce instability because it could change the way documents are stored.
  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App
  • Thank you! This project was made for my learning purposes, but I accidentally got a working product at the end, so that's nice!

  • Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App treedome

    A local-first, encrypted, note taking application organized in tree-like structures


    cross-posted from: >!It has been a month since the last time I've posted about Treedome. Back then it was still in 0.4.0 and there's a lot of little tiny tidbits of missing/bugged components. > > I've polished it since then, please take a look! > > Notable changes since then are: > * Node path will now be visible on editor, made sure user make less mistake when editing their note > * The width of note tree and text editor is now configurable > * Configurable idle timeout that will close and save your notes, defaulted to 300,000 ms or 5 minutes > * Removed about menu, now user can easily click on big badges which will open links to our repository, matrix room, etc. > * Various fixes and little adjustments > > Install it on arch (btw) and nix (0.4.5 is in review not merged yet)

    Treedome 0.4.5 is out: Encrypted, Local First, Note Taking App treedome

    A local-first, encrypted, note taking application organized in tree-like structures



    It has been a month since the last time I've posted about Treedome. Back then it was still in 0.4.0 and there's a lot of little tiny tidbits of missing/bugged components.

    I've polished it since then, please take a look!

    Notable changes since then are:

    • Node path will now be visible on editor, made sure user make less mistake when editing their note
    • The width of note tree and text editor is now configurable
    • Configurable idle timeout that will close and save your notes, defaulted to 300,000 ms or 5 minutes
    • Removed about menu, now user can easily click on big badges which will open links to our repository, matrix room, etc.
    • Various fixes and little adjustments

    Install it on arch (btw) and nix (0.4.5 is in review not merged yet)

    Moore's Law is dead, but not for the reasons everyone says
  • So its not about transistor being too small that the electron just jumps from one circuit to another unintentionally?

  • Remember Me Frontend Feature

    You guys know that "remember me" checklist on every login page? Is it possible for us to use frontend that have that? Everytime my browser is starting up, the lemmy instances just forgets who I am and I must login again. This is not the observed behavior if I'm using Jerboa on my phone though.

    Treedome 0.4 Released

    Treedome is a local-first, encrypted, note taking application with tree-like structures, all written and saved in your computer

    Currently you can only try it by building it yourself, instruction here. But .deb and nixpkgs update is planned to follow suit though! You can also try an outdated one in

    Tell me what you think about it!
