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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • i think the only way Linux is increasing it's market share beyond fringe enthusiasts (that's us) is by more devices coming with it pre-installed. expecting anyone outside of the tech space to change the operating system their device came with is a pipe dream

  • New Colorado law will ban sales of dental floss, clothes, & other household products containing toxic "forever chemicals"
  • don't replace it if it still works. that would completely defeat the intent of being environmentally friendly. getting rid of it entirely just makes it someone else's problem. it will still exist somewhere and still be breaking down.

    if it's breaking down and needs to be replaced anyway because it's a decade old then ignore me lol.

  • Fly, you fools!
  • i still remembe needing to wait literal hours at the gate every damn time. we were never even close to late. they were always panicking. i don't understand it...

    it's not just parents either. some people are just like that when they travel. I've tried going places with friends that made it absolutely miserable as an adult because they were fucking panicking the whole time until we sat on the plane. i swear some people have never dealt with a deadline before or something. don't know how to deal with a clock ticking down i guess.

  • They're everywhere!!!
  • yeah, the idea didn't take off until the previous generation of doctors died. it's a fact that often both encourages and discourages me.

    even doctors were too stubborn to accept they may have been wrong about something so important, no matter the evidence. however, even those that are so stubborn that they'll take it to the grave will eventually be passed up by a new generation who has known of this idea since before they were born. at worst, this kind of stubbornnes is only likely to stall progress for 2 generations.

    still, millions of people died because humans are stubborn.

  • math checks out
  • yeah, but they would be better able to put an rma through for you. it is kind of on them to guarantee a working product actually. if the manufacturer gave them a faulty product it's up to them to get the manufacturer to fix it. most retailers have an entire system and process for this kind of stuff. things show up to retailers broken all the time. part of their job is to guarantee against that and deal with it if they fail to before you buy it. if you asked them to replace it with a like model that worked or for them to initiate an rma and they refused then you'd be in the right to issue a chargesback.

  • Heiroglyphs
  • some said i was destined to be a doctor with my handwriting and family. i decided to break the cycle and become a videographer that barely scrapes by. my family is... they like the videos i make of our get togethers...

    at least i haven't accidentally killed anyone.

  • This is the “world’s first” phone call made using spatial audio
  • i mean, people have innovated in the areas they care already.

    no one really cares that much about audio on phone calls. as long as they're understandable.

    people added video because it adds to the communication. spatial audio will not. it will only become common if one or two of these mega corps decide to shoehorn it into ever device. not because people actually want it or care.

    might be a lucrative patent if we ever get holograms though

  • How much should an organisation reveal about a data breach?
  • i mean, i don't think anyone has actually considered including the leaked data in the leak announcement. it seems so obvious to just say which fields are leaked that i hadn't even considered that someone might think to include the data itself.

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • yeah, I'll agree. the tech communities in there are not like that. it's the political ones.

    an example: they'll say something off the wall about the Ukraine war and American support for it, you'll reply with something that mentions the Americans that support and don't support it among many other things, they'll dog pile you for using the word "liberal" with the common American definition because apparently linguistic drift is illegal. theynever get off the subject and then never actually tell you their definition and how it differs.

    that's every political discussion with anyone from .ml involved. if it was just their own communities it would be fine, but it's that they go out and do that with every community that doesn't defederate.

    imagine it this way; what if "the Donald" had broken off Reddit later and made one of the largest lemmy instances. they were perfectly cordial when you were in their funny dog pictures community, but they constantly act like trump supporters in every political thread.
    obviously we'd all defederate with them. very few world even question that at this point.

    that's what this is. they're just loud, and extreme, and annoying on this one subject. we'd rather not see the Linux main community hold us captive against excising the problem.

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • to me it was more the straw that broke the camel's back. every rude and unreasonable interaction i have in here is with someone from .ml. it's not even about their politics or beliefs, they're just not pleasant to have around.

    the second you try to engage them they throw the real arguments out for pedantry about definitions and using that to call people dumb instead of actually having meaningful discussion about ideas. they're the worst kind of "it's not my job to explain it to you, Google it" people too. like, i get the mindset, but it's just not going to change anyone's heart or mind. it's not how you actually win an argument.

    every person on argues like an annoying 14 year old atheist that just discovered Internet arguments and the think whole Internet is Christian. they're just shitty to be around and basically never add anything meaningful to a discussion other than "you're wrong and dumb"

  • American White pelicans on a colorado lake (05-17-24)

    stopped by my favorite birding spot after work and had these fellas fly in over my head. guest appearance by a great blue heron.

    shot on sony a7siii with a tamron 150-500. all handheld and after the sun was behind the mountains, so you'll have to excuse some shakiness and focus issues.

    music: creep - original song by Radiohead - performed by scott bradlee's post modern jukebox.

    Photography thedirtyknapkin
    had some nice clouds, so i found a barn.

    shot on a7siii with a nikon Ai-s 28mm f/2.0

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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