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Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • The AI doesnt understand the former, only the latter.

    Do you possibly mean "The AI evangelists" or something similar?

    Like, I could totally understand it in the "software will also include the biases of those who wrote it" kind of way (a la Amazon's failed attempt at automating job candidate search). If the only incentive you're given as a programmer is "make it make money", then yeah, your AI is going to bias towards that end.

    Just couldn't tell on first reading

  • Are business cards still a thing?
  • I mean, random NFC tags, I can understand. But, isn't advising someone to avoid QR codes obsolete by now? It was a pretty worthwhile attack vector at one point, but nowadays most phones will ask "Do you want to <handle> <contents in full>?" before actually doing anything with it...

    Although, now that I think about it, it is best practice to advise to the lowest common denominator... Sometimes I overestimate users' ability to avoid doing stupid things...

  • Would you mind helping me understand the reality of trans life?
  • Ooh, the recommendation of trans meme communities is a good one!

    Fair warning: there's a lot of implied context that'll be thrown around, but if you approach it with open-minded curiosity (which OP seems to have nailed, btw), then you can usually work backwards to gain understanding.

    If you're a fan of reverse engineering, this method will be fruitful.

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    What Radicalized You?
  • I'll bite: Arkansas (and probably some other states that I'm less aware of)

    It's an old law from the westward expansion days which says that any establishment that sells food and/or drink is not allowed to charge for the serving of water itself. Some businesses get around this by automatically upcharging for a larger size than their "standard" drink serving size (read: anything beyond "small"), or by charging for the cup, but the vast majority still follow the spirit of the law and don't charge for water because of the cultural momentum.

    You're still right, though. There are costs associated with acquiring and maintaining a supply of potable water, so this law effectively forces businesses to eat the cost of the water they serve to customers. However, that's such a small percentage of a restaurant's water use that it's trivial to cover by other means.

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    What Radicalized You?
  • Did that hole in the ground spontaneously appear of its own accord, or do you think it might be more likely that a professional was paid to do that, along with installing electrical equipment in the hole to bring the water to the surface for use?

    Well water ain't free either.

  • Itag alternative?
  • There's probably a better way to do this, but I've just started using BLE Radar (F-Droid, Play Store), which can be set up to (among other things) tell you where your phone last saw a particular bluetooth address.

    You don't get the benefit of the tracking network that iPhones, and now Androids, are a part of, and it's not built into the base system, but it's FOSS, and your location data stays local.

  • Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required
  • I agree that if there was enough space in the recovery partition to begin with, this wouldn't be a problem, but the user isn't the party that specified that size or the party that decided to add enough stuff to the recovery partition to exceed that spec.

    MS knows that this is a widely-deployed configuration (they deployed it), but they're going ahead with an automatic update that is incompatible with that configuration anyway, failing to communicate to the user why the failure occurred, and refusing to automate a fix to the thing their automation broke in the first place.

  • Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required
  • Waow. MS can't decide if their users should have control of their hardware or not.

    Your linux bootloader and efi config? That belongs to Windows, and it will make changes as much as it wants. A recovery partition that has no usefulness outside their own ecosystem? Yeah, they know it's fucked, and they fucked it, but it's your computer, you fix it!

  • Is complaining to open source project maintainers getting normalized ?
  • Windows refuses to recognize anything except the first partition on any storage device that it classifies as "removable", so this tracks. Just zero the partition table, and Windows will offer to format it like it wants on next plug.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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