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Riven (2024) Review Thread
  • I don't think it's a big deal where you start. The latest iteration of Riven will likely be the most accessible and that's probably what matters most if you're just starting out.

    Much of the appeal (for me at least) is that the storyline is a Tolkien-like epic story spanning thousands of years. Myst takes place before Riven, and if you wanted to consume it in chronological order you would start by reading the books (which are surprisingly good). But it's fine to go back and "fill in the blanks" if you play in a different order. It's like reading The Hobbit after you read The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

    Also note that Riven and Riven 2024 are the same story so there's no need to play both of them. Same with Myst, just pick the most modern iteration of it. The versions that allow you to move and look around freely take away a lot of frustration with trying to make out what the world looks like and finding clues.

  • Systemd 256.1 Addresses Complaint That 'systemd-tmpfiles' Could Unexpectedly Delete Your /home Directory
  • I agree his answer sucks, but perhaps the fault still lies with the distribution developers (who should know better), not the authors of systemd. In that context I can understand the resentment expressed by the dev. It's not directed toward the end user but toward the distro developers, who have implemented systemd in a broken and dangerous way.

  • Ryan Gosling explains how to turn debt into money | The Big Short
  • I'm just tired of the trend of saying things are underrated, when they're really not. The Big Short is a great movie and it is rated as a great movie. So it's not underrated or overrated; it has a great rating and deservedly so.

  • Even the fish are turning soy 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I couldn't even edge my skibdi to this one
  • Also it's only a conspiracy if there's intentional disregard for the best interests of people whom you are intentionally hiding information from. Where I live they were pumping out hormones into the river all the way back into the 60s, screwing up fish life. But it's because they were ignorant and dumb. This is from the same time when the government had a campaign for people to weigh down garbage with rocks before throwing it in the sea, because it's unsightly when it floats.

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  • Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you
  • When you buy something you should be able to pass it on or sell it to someone else. This "the software not sold, only licensed" BS should be illegal. Either you rent with a monthly fee, or you buy it and own it. Owning something means you can sell it to someone else.

  • Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Work
  • But because it's all opinion, it gives me nothing except "some guy on the the internet has an opinion". I can't do anything with it, especially not form an opinion of my own. It's just a waste of my time. Mind you, I already am of the opinion that Tesla is going to shit but I found very little in this article to substantiate that opinion should I need to argue for it myself, and the headline is just a plain out lie that that has no basis in the body text. It's poorly written at best, and intentionally misleading at worst.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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