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How this remote Indigenous community has reduced every resident's power bill by 70 per cent
  • Man, assuming they have the money, indigenous tribes also in the US could do some amazing solarpunk shit. Renewable energy like this, rewilding and traditional sustainable land management, maybe even guaranteed housing in a communal setting. But they have a hard time getting the feds to give them the funding for the treaty-mandated healthcare shit as it is.

  • What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?
  • Black Forager, whom I mostly follow on F-book.

  • Grow, dammit

    Still waiting for my newest African violet to shape up, but it was cruelly yanked from an auntie's loving humidity cabinet and then thrown to sink or swim on my countertop.

    The Solarpunk Survey 2024
  • I got into solarpunk mostly because I'm too butch for cottagecore, but I might be too granny to satisfy the punk requirements. I wanna stay on my couch and knit, you guys, I'm so tired.

  • nature calendar
  • This is the kind of thing I think about to get the useful bits out of the "touch grass" meme.

    Unfortunately I'm not very good at it and time isn't real until the stores put out the commercialized holiday crap: It's only really summer when the 4th of July kitsch is put out on the shelves. It sucks and I want to be better about it.

  • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Debunked — The Laurie Loo
  • I'm ready to defend my girl KonMari.

    The TL;DR of this article is that KonMari method doesn't work for the author. Author feels defensive about her collection of sentimental items and wants more advice about organizing than KonMari offers.

    Maybe this book isn't helpful for some people. That's okay. Doesn't mean you need to do clickbait libel to my girl with "debunk."

  • why do I keep watching this guy clean out culverts with a rake?

    IDK if this is quite solarpunk, but it's some kind of eco-punk.

    This guy films himself cleaning up culverts and street drains, mostly in the New England region of the US, with a rake and hip waders. He bitches about beavers and idiots with excavators and has a lot of technical opinions on road engineering that I find interesting for no good gawddamn reason.

    Props to him if he makes a decent amount on these videos. Better than customer service work.

    book release: Murder in the Tool Library
  • maybe too this will offset all my Kindle recommendations from the trash romance novels I borrowed via Kindle on my library's ebook app. I don't actually want to purchase trash romance novels, thank you, just trash slice-of-life isekai manga

  • book release: Murder in the Tool Library
  • As ironic as it is to purchase yon library-economy-promoting book, our comrades still need that cash money to function in real life. And this indie ebook is significant cheaper than the last mainstream ebook I bought.

  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • lol, even better

  • Winter migration from windowsill to countertop
  • Crisis averted, my dude pulled the other cat bed out of the hall closet. But why was it in the hall closet?

  • Winter migration from windowsill to countertop

    My gesneriad gang made the commute to the kitchen bar top. I remembered where I stored the grow light but I can only find one of the heated cat beds. Send halp, there will be hissing and flexing

    What solarpunkers think about money?
  • Yeah, the sticky thing is that money is a useful, often convenient social construct, but I am not educated enough to know if it's possible to effectively uncouple it from the baggage of capitalism.

    Like how marriage can be a useful legal construct, buuuuuuut most of that is about property rights, and originates from when women WERE the property to be regulated. :/

  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • Entirely possible I'm misremembering something I read for class as far as housekeepers, but chances are strong that he sent out his laundry, because laundry was heavy work.

  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • He at least borrowed female labor from Emmerson if he didn't hire himself. What was he gonna do, wash his own underwear?

  • Mist Showers: Sustainable Decadence?
  • I don't like that, but I am a card-carrying member of the Cult of Baths. I want to be inundated, stewed, and marinated

  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • It's pretty but my opinion is biased by the knowledge that he had a housekeeper and also he was freeloading on his buddy Emerson's property. But I should read it again because it is pretty.

  • Appalachian Folk Magic: Generations of “Granny Witchcraft” and Spiritual Work
  • Maybe I'm just a snob, but I was wanting more scholarly language and I'd probably put the info the last paragraphs to the first, to set the context for the intersections of spirituality, formal religion, and herbal remedies, because it is interesting how those entangle.

    Controversial tangent: I still cringe at white people who claim their Native American ancestry as significant when they probably can't name shit about specific tribe customs or beliefs besides that sassafras eases stomachaches or whatever. There is worthwhile discussion about the racism inherent in shit like blood quantums when culture is arguably the more important part of Native American ancestry. The whites worked so hard to wipe it out, after all.

  • solarpunking the educational system
  • Well damn, maybe I need to git gud at Spanish so I can read the public domain punk shit instead of needing to buy the translation.

  • solarpunking the educational system

    Jumping from a previous post on education. Feel free to skip the first 7:30 minutes (which mostly defines solarpunk as a concept, I think we're good on that in this space), but this seems like this Human Restoration Project is a good thing with the wonk behind it to make it functional. (extra linky just in case:

    Solarium - The Pursuit of Learning - Worldbuilding
  • I have mixed feelings about it because I am fairly familiar with educational neglect, having been trapped in an strongly underfunded rural Midwest high school where the football coach was also the history teacher and the science teacher and the music teacher (and from secondhand info, the agriculture science teacher) just gave the fuck up on us (we only had one of each of those).

    But I'm already convinced that most testing and grading are, in fact, bullshit, as per yootube attached:

  • A self sustaining, interconnected community, proposal written by ChatGPT
  • Maybe it's just 'cause I have a useless literature degree, but reading AI text feels uncanny-valley. Factual impossibilities aside, it does not flow like how amateur or bad writers write, let alone good writing.

  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep

    weeaboo hipster trash living in the Frigid Northern Wastelands of the US

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