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Somehow snapchat for web doesn't support firefox 🤦
  • You are supposed to do feature detection, not user agent detection since it is easily spoofed, isn’t realiable, & doesn’t account for literally all the alternative UAs that can support it. This is bad/lazy practice.

    Fx doesn’t always have all the features you need, but often it usually does & where I have seen this as being deployed is management saying it isn’t worth the effort to support. Just having one person on the team running Fx is usually enough to catch the game-breaking bugs.

  • ‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app
  • You have to proxy their socket. It’s dumb, & Signal is bad. Using FSM is bad for privacy & limits to only Android/iOS primary devices is a slap-in-the-face for users wish to bleak out of the duopoly owned by two ad companies.

  • ‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app
  • Yet the Molly fork supports UnifiedPush so I can reuse my connection with mf XMPP server to deliver notification from a server I control. Folks have asked for UnifiedPush or MQTT as an alternative to having multiple persistent socket connections open on your device, but Signal doesn’t seem to care.

  • VR support for GNOME Wayland is here!
  • Felt. VR took priority over color management with ICC profiles & HDR which is more important for commercial & general entertainment applications. I've had to switch back to X11 too.

  • The Condiment Wars
  • Actual barbecue sauce that isn’t a one-note, sweet sauce like I find in Asia but rather has tang, spiciness, & smokiness. I made some at home based on Gates sauce & gave some to locals who they were absolutely blown away that BBQ sauce can actually have a complex flavor flavor.

    #2 would be sawmill gravy, #3 sweet chili, #4 jim jaew, #5 salsa verde, #6 tahini

    Nowhere on my list & actually make me gag: ketchup, yellow mustard, brown sauce

  • Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers
  • I think the parent is distinguishing between messages & the attachments as they are stored differently & often in different places in many systems. But I agree with you in assuming that the goal would ultimately be to then start scanning messages too.

    Imagine governments used something like SHA1 that has conflicts & now you have collision potential--you could even fabricate attachments that could cause a collision to get someone throw in jail since all you have to rely on is the file hashes. If you can’t scan the actually content & you are just using hashes, then you also don’t prevent new content that those in power deem ‘bad’ from being flagged either which doesn’t really stop the proliferation of the ‘bad thing’ just specific known ‘bad things’. If I were implementing clients, I would start adding random bits to the metadata so the hashes always change.

    The only way this system even works is if there are centralized points the governments/corporations can control. Chalk this up as another point for supporting decentralization & lightweight self-hosting since it would be impossible to have oversight over such a system if anyone can spin up a personal server in their bedroom.

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • I loved quiet Eastern Thailand so I moved there. Of all of the places I have lived on the planet, this has been far & away the most ‘home’-like place I have been. Previously when I would travel & return to my domicile, I would be filled with a sense of something wrong if not dread, but here when I get back to my province or city, I generally get excited & happy every time.

  • MinimalChat Is a Full-Featured and Self-Contained LLM Chat Application
  • These have tradeoffs you don’t see when certain groups cannot participate due to personal or systemic political or philosophical reasons. You also can’t hear from that crowd since they haven’t been given a place to voice.

    In the case of chat & forges, these are solved for quality free options (& even decentralized in some cases). The choice are at least in the good enough category if not better in some aspects (& worse in others). For chat a room in Libera.Chat or OFTC is free & meant for free software—even if it is labeled as unofficial it still gives folks a sanctioned place who wish to avoid Discord for privacy, security, preformance, or US services being blocked (as well as being an out-of-band option for when a server is inevitably down). For forges, living in part of world where Microsoft often heavily throttles my bandwidth & all outages are during my day time, it is never a bad idea to configure your VCS to push to a second mirror like Codeberg, et al. not just for freedom reasons but resilience from server outages & censorship (see youtube-dl or the Switch emulators or nations that have blocked the whole IP due to something governments didn’t like in someone else’s repo). When you start coding around Microsoft GitHub’s Actions or API or Discussions or any specific integration without an eye to the generic/portable approach which is easier done from the start, dependence starts to add up. While readonly mirror would suck for freedom of contributions/communications, it is an option if it is seen as too noisy or too much of a burden to support multiple forges outages & censorship are real (especially if not in the West).

    “Enshitification” is the buzzword for services whose quality goes down & devolves to ads + selling user data for profit maximization—usually because they can because users/groups are now locked into the service having relied too heavily on their infrastructure. We see free software projects still stuck on Sourceforge & Slack due to lock-in. Having started with the free option, the lock-in probably can’t happen. Even having one option supported as a backup makes one cognisant of features that aren’t going to port when these US-based, profit-driven entities decide to gradually make things worse to the point where users want to leave with history showing us this has happened several times.

    You might say it is pragmatic, but I think it’s both lazy & short-sighted to not have these near-zero-effort options set up even as a back up (truly can be set & forget if really wanted)—especially when you think these values are good enough for the service you are building but also interacting on Lemmy, a decentralized, self-hostable platform (who said they have every intention of migrating their code to self-hosted as soon as ForgeFed is merge for federation).

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • I have a $100-ish DAP that works pretty well & I use it regularly for music, & as a DAC, & as a tether from a wireless Bluetooth device to it with my wired IEMs in it. There are things in the category that can work for you on a budget, but I would hesitate to recommend the actual one I have.

  • New PostmarketOS Release: v24.06: The One With Over 250 Devices
  • It’s great to see this project still chugging along. I tried it on an old phone & it worked, but it would run into readonly filesystem errors after a few hours of usage. I never got to figure out why since I ended up actually needing to use the phone while mine had broken so it’s LineageOS for microG now.

  • XᴍʟHᴛᴛᴘRequest

    Acronyms/intialism use capital letters to encode information about words. Losing that information is a mistake. SᴍᴀʟʟCᴀᴘCᴀsᴇ is now considered a best practice.

    …Or consider snake_case or kebab-case 🤷

    Ask: How do you handle your résumés?

    Usually I rely on my network & haven’t needed this kind of document in ages, but I’ve been tasked with creating a résumé for myself. I’ve grown more privacy-conscious every year & I think it’s weird that we are expected to give out so much information about ourselves to companies that lie about their culture & don’t want you sharing salary information with your coworkers. I have read stories about how these documents & information can sometimes get leaked & shared on the web which is pretty sketch.

    TIL about “functional résumés” which it appears are usually meant to cover up your lack of work experience, but I like the idea of covering up a lot of my specific history as it is the skills that should matter more, no? Do you give out all of your info?

    Ok, but what is XMPP? | Video

    A quick primer on XMPP & how/why you should host your own server for low-resource-usage, encrypted chat & other pubsub server.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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