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Russia and North Korea sign mutual defense treaty
  • Lol you stupid fuck calling me a liberal as if it was an insult.

    Go fuck yourself.

    Any history book would have enough facts for you if you could read.

    And now go continue to suck dictator dick, you disgusting fuckstick.

  • Russia and North Korea sign mutual defense treaty
  • If you ask a russian there is a good chance they will tell you Russia is "defending" one thing or another in Ukraine.
    Or that russia is in fact defending itself from an attack from "the west" atm.
    It's all bullshit, but propaganda will do its thing.

    Nothing (russian) stopping NK from trying to "defend" some shit in SK as well.
    Off course they will then find out that Putins word is not worth the dickhole it came out of, but that's another story.

  • Astro Bot beats Doom as the No.1 wishlisted game of the summer games showcases
  • I get it.

    I sometimes put AAA games on my wishlist anyway.
    Not to buy them on release but to get alerted when they go on discount at some point down the line, which is generally how I use my wishlist mostly.

    I have some unreleased indie games on there as well, but those I might just buy full price anyway whenever I feel like it or have a little extra free time to play a bit more at a time.

  • Trump tells Logan Paul he used AI to ‘so beautifully’ rewrite a speech
  • That is waaaaaay too cohesive of a text.

    Trump would never stay on one point for that long.

    He used to purposefully change topics frequently to keep on bullshitting when he was less demented and now he just isn't able to focus for long enough to talk about one topic for that long.

  • A Patient Review of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
  • Nice review, thank you.

    I am pretty sure Epic has given this game away for free in the past so you may have access to it without having to buy it.

    I think it is worth a try if you want a relatively relaxed platformer experience (or you are a hardcore gamer and want to try the final boss unprepared, which I am told is quite the challenge).

  • MultiVersus is a Smash Bros. clone that feels like a smartphone game, spoiled by its monetisation
  • You comment and comment and explain and explain shit that everyone already knows.

    It is like you just recently learned what marketing is and now you feel like you know some big secret.

    Just to make it short.
    Every product in the world is marketed in a way to motivate consumers to buy.
    That is not inherently immoral.

    You said every successful game monetizes by maximizing addiction and frustration.

    I have proven you wrong by naming games that just DO NOT MAXIMIZE FRUSTRATION.

    Yeah off course even those games dangle stuff in front of you that you are supposed to buy.
    That's the whole business model of f2p games.

    But there are different ways to get to the players money.

    There are those that indeed trigger responses to frustration.
    This is absolutely prevalent in mobile games or even those million deckbuilder games.

    But there just are also games that use other ways to make players buy mtx.
    Again, you can play PoE, LoL, CS and many other games for literal thousands of hours without ever getting coaxed into frustrating barriers like a Diablo Immortals would do to players.

    You said there aren't. So you were wrong.

    So have fun running around with a goalpost in your hand, I am done.

  • MultiVersus is a Smash Bros. clone that feels like a smartphone game, spoiled by its monetisation
  • right?

    No, still wrong.

    Obviously it is something that is not given to you for free.
    It is a product and the developers/publishers are doing business after all.

    And yes Sherlock, it is qol functionality that people playing the endgame might want and that is not included in the free version of the game.
    But every functionality that any player ever needs is available for far less than what any other AAA title costs up front.

    PoE is mainly financed by purely cosmetic supporter packs and whales.
    Is that much more ethical than what you described? Maybe not.

    But it sure as hell is not banking on frustrating the average user and thus a completely different form of monetization than the one that you just doubled down on insisting is the only one there is.
    So again as I said, you are just plain wrong.

    Oh and in CS I don't think you can buy any functionality at all.
    Only cosmetics, that don't do anything for you in the game.

  • MultiVersus is a Smash Bros. clone that feels like a smartphone game, spoiled by its monetisation
  • Any successful example is optimized for addiction and frustration.

    That is just plain wrong.
    Addiction I guess but frustration definitely not necessarily.
    There are countless examples of highly successful games that do not monetize like that.

    You can happily play PoE for thousands of hours without paying a penny; if you want to get into trading drop like 20 bucks for some stash tabs and you are ready to go again for absolutely any content the game has to offer.

    CS or LoL also work just fine for f2p players.

    And I say that as a player that fucking hates the new generation of soulless live service games.

  • Let's discuss: Ori
  • Not that my opinion matters any more than the next person's, but I also can't recommend Celeste enough.

    It does so many things so very right.
    The pure gameplay is crisp and responsive platforming.
    Like any good platfmorer it has some specific mechanics that make it unique, but every one is intuitive enough to pick up easily enough. I have heard it called something like "the hardest platformer that everyone can finish."

    And it is true. I could never finish some of the harder SMB levels but I never got too frustrated with Celeste.
    And if I were, there would have been accessibility options to make the game more approachable.

    But it also caters to the hardcore crowd with completely optional collectibles that are organically included into the gorgeous level design.

    It is speedrunnable for those folks.

    And as if that wasn't enough to make a good platformer it also tells a heartwarming story supported by a beautiful soundtrack.

    Sorry I am rambling, but Celeste is fucking awesome.

  • Innenstadt (tot) und die verantwortlichen treffen falsche Entscheidungen
  • In der Innenstadt ist der Gewerbesteuerhebesatz genau gleich hoch wie in den Randbezirken.

    Wieso sollte eine Senkung des Hebesatzes also irgendetwas daran ändern, dass der Vorteil der zentralen Lage nicht mehr ausreicht den Nachteil der höheren Mieten auszugleichen?

  • Innenstadt (tot) und die verantwortlichen treffen falsche Entscheidungen
  • Ich glaube nicht, dass das Absenken der Gewerbesteuer Unternehmen dazu motiviert, teure Mieten in Innenstädten zu bezahlen statt günstigere Mieten in anderen Stadtteilen.

    Außerdem wird die Gewerbesteuer auf Basis des Gewinns berechnet, wenn dein Unternehmen in der Innenstadt also keine Gewinne macht, dann zahlt es auch keine Gewerbesteuer.

  • Ukrainische Angriffe auf die Krim: "Für Russland ein Desaster" Ukrainische Angriffe auf die Krim: "Für Russland ein Desaster"

    Die Angriffe der Ukraine auf der Krim sind verheerend für Russland, erklärt der Militärökonom Keupp im Interview. Die Russen hätten den Angriffen momentan nichts entgegenzusetzen, weil sie logistisch kaum nachkämen.

    Ukrainische Angriffe auf die Krim: "Für Russland ein Desaster"

    Hier eine optimistischere Einschätzung des Kriegszustands, als man anderswo oftmals lesen kann.

    Ich hoffe der Mann hat Recht.

    How to start taking care of my skin?

    Hi everyone,

    I am a guy in my early 30s and I have never cared much for my skin. I realized that that was ignorant and probably not the best thing to do for the health of my skin.

    What I used on my skin before was just regular run of the mill sunscreen in the summer when I was expecting to be outside for a while and hand creme in the winter, because my skin gets super dry on the meaty part of my thumb and on the flubby skin between my ring fingers and the pinkies.

    I never use anything but water and soap in my face outside of the shower.

    Aside from my dry hands in the winter I was perfectly content with my skin. I think my face looks just fine the way it is and doesn't really feel unhealthy to me.

    What gave me the push to think about skincare is that I got my first bigger tattoo recently and I don't want to destroy it's longevity by sheer ignorance and bad care. And I guess having good and healthy skin all over the rest of my body can't hurt either.

    Is there a good resource you can point me towards to start learning? If I just go to Youtube I am not sure I could keep good advise apart from bad advise.

    And as a more concrete question, is there a product with built in sunscreen that I can wear everyday? Ideally as the only thing I have to put on my skin. Because it is going to be hard to convince me to believe using a lot of different products benefits me more than those that want to sell many different products.

    Thank you so much for any answer. I know I am probably pretty ignorant right now, but hey, at least I am willing to learn.

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