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What Christian leftist movements are there now?
  • Speaking from the US, I've known some Catholic Workers Movement people here and there. There aren't many, but they mean well.
    There's a church out in San Francisco called GLIDE that used to be a part of the UMC. They're certainly not revolutionary socialists, but they do some genuinely good work. They have one of the largest soup kitchens in the US, as far as I'm aware. They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and give out literally hundreds of meals a day, every single day. They also do clean needle exchanges and quite a lot of other programs.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • A colleague of mine is Lebanese and last week told me that they're (hopefully) going back to see their kids for a few weeks this summer. I tried to keep the conversation away from politics or current events, but they eventually made it clear to me that they are very anti-Hezbollah. Could you say anything about the general feeling in Lebanon towards Hezbollah?
    This person is in the US and doing STEM, so that will definitely impact their perspective, but I'm curious what the broader opinion might be.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • What makes people freak out about molotov ribbentrop is the agreement to partition states.

    Made even "funnier" given that the Munich Agreement ALSO included a partition agreement: Germany got the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. Truly just hypocrisy to single out the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact like they do

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • The "anti-conformity" dork wanting all the protestors to get in line come together in a quiet room with pillows and meditate. lmfaooooo

  • Any fellow black coffee drinkers here? What made you come over to the dark side (pun intended)?
  • Creamer was another expense when I was in college, and I kinda wanted to see if I could “make” myself like it. And now I have my scale, burr grinder, pour over, local beans…

  • NPR tries to understand China by talking to an Anglo We spent a week in China. Here’s what we learned about our global rival

    Morning Edition caught up with NPR’s John Ruwitch, who has covered China for decades. Here’s our conversation. fa

    We spent a week in China. Here’s what we learned about our global rival

    Non-archive link The framing of China and Chinese people as some puzzle or enigma to be figured out and analyzed is so bizarre. Some choice quotes: >The government reported 5.2% growth last year, which — surprise, surprise — was right at the target that they were aiming for. But there are economists that say the economy did not grow that fast. It was probably two or less than 2% even.

    Lmao who are these economists? How many say that? Why do they say that? come the fuck on dude.

    >And while they were on the far side of the moon, their little lander hoisted a Chinese flag, which their media said was a first.

    Ok well was it or was it not?? Also the condescension of "their little lander" like this jackass has ever landed anything on the moon.

    >There is unease with it, [though] when it comes to the government's use of data or collection of data, people are quite practical. There's zero that they can do about it. And so they get on with their lives. As you've seen, you go to any intersection in a city in China and there are 10, 20, 30 video cameras pointing in any given direction and an unknown number of other sensors that can pick up cell phone signals and analyze them.

    Dawg, the NSA listens to literally every phone call made in the United States. Google and Zucc know more about me than I do.

    >There's still some reverence for the U.S. in a way as a country that is, first of all, richer than China on a per capita basis, and secondly, has freedoms that China doesn't have.

    Just comical.

    Lanyards at r/neolib have to cope with the realization that the US Deep State does evil shit
  • From a comment there:

    We are quite lucky that China is so bad at being friendly to its neighbors because we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. No wonder third-world countries see a moral equivalence between our countries: there actually is one.

    I'm reeling, these fucking ghouls are so goddamn racist, jesus fucking christ. Saying that under THIS article is fucking unhinged. I know that subreddit is ran by literal feds, but fuck.

  • How do we stop AI?
  • I think you’re pretty much spot-on. The actual math behind most machine learning algorithms isn’t THAT complicated, and with tons of computational power, eventually someone was going to stumble into the ideas.
    Also, the cats kind of out of the bag. We should use it as a tool to organize around, or even help us organize in general. But I think boycotting it feels like a distraction.

  • Someone at work got a new office. He decided he wanted a second door and tunneled through the wall to make it.
  • On three separate occasions this past school year, some contractors were removing asbestos from one of the labs in the basement. The only notice was a paper sign posted very inconspicuously on two of the building doors, the day removal started.
    They did some sealing on the hallway that room was in, but otherwise no precautions were taken. My office was two hallways down, and all classes in the building ran like normal. Very safe, very good blob-no-thoughts

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Learning about Canada’s PM back in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, William Lyon Mackenzie King, and how he practically had a crush on Hitler was wild.

  • bark like a dog
  • Oof. Or like. You’re solving the genuinely interesting problem of designing the switch for the track, along with the trolley itself. And as long as you don’t think about it beyond that, you can mostly convince yourself you’re in the clear.
    STEM is so cooked it’s overwhelming sometimes. Really hope I can find something that doesn’t make me hate myself or others.

  • Fortune - Nobel laureate Paul Krugman agrees Beijing is making too much stuff: 'The world will not accept everything China wants to export'
  • Thinking back to the "GhOsT cItIeS" is hilarious while living in a hollowed out US city with rising homelessness and shrinking opportunity. But, hey, we're getting a new baseball stadium, largely subsidized by the city! baseball-crank

  • Stare at it.
  • Proof by ponder

  • How many soviet spies were there in the US?

    I was discussing politics this weekend with a friend/coworker and we got to discussing McCarthy. My friend asserted that years after the fact it was proven that there were actually quite a few Soviet spies or informants in the US, and that McCarthy was at least sort of right on that front.

    I honestly could believe this, but I'm a bit more skeptical than my friend. I've looked into it a bit, and learned of the Venona Papers which implicated the Rosenbergs. Is there any other "hard" evidence of the scale of Soviet espionage in the US during the red scare? Or anything to point me in a fruitful direction?

    Thaiboy Digital & Bladee - 3 Star Reunite

    very jealous of thaiboy's belt buckle :drain-gang:
