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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • You can have all the snails I find in my garden.

    Bastards love basically 3 things: lettuce of any size, young basil, and any kind of seedlings. Which makes impossible to plant anything from seed.

  • Yep I'd go with the mouth tension, it's too relaxed

    I recommend watching Clint Eastwood movie, there's one with a scene with a close up that feels like it's a whole minute of just his intense stare and some subtle mouth movements. Obviously he kills half the bar in 10 seconds after the scene.

    Can't remember the name of the movie, it's where he's avenging Morgan Freeman (?) getting killed.

    By the way, great job mutha fucka Ball Man

  • Ah yes same with Boolean logic, it only took a century for Moore law to pick up, they had a small milestone along the way when the transistor was invented. All computer science was already laid out by Boole from day 1, including everything that AI already does or will ever do.


  • Different people specialize in different contents. Most things need to be consumed bite sized. The things you are really good at, you'll spend time watching half an hour video.

    We don't need a one size fits all, this was the mentality of the industrial age where scale was the main driver of being cheap and competitive. Now we have the possibility of content and physical manufacturing for niche segments, and that is great.

  • Making something artificially scarce. Like access to books, AI or oil fields, or taxi licenses, or real estate.

    But that doesn't invalidate everything Marx said about labor, it just adds to it.

    Note I'm not an economist.

    Supply side economics is also proved to be incomplete and it's still the only way central banks try to stimulate the economy, by flooding the market with cheap money in the hopes capitalists grab it and use to produce more things. Sometimes they just put into their Cayman accounts, and central banks just doubles down.

  • The main place to have technical discussions, big and small, is on a public mailing list. So everyone in the world with proper qualifications can join any time. It's a way to ensure the best ideas with, instead of the loudest voice, or the person with the best networking.

    There's no other place to have these discussions.