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What's the wildest book you've ever read?
  • Kafkas famous book, I think the title is the transformation.

    Also Orson Wells about the civil war in Spain. This was not fiction, but it points out so much real life non sense and lies that had my head spinning for most of the book.

  • Your phone
  • Engineers are workers. Well paid yes, but you're going against the wrong people, they're not capitalists and don't make the decisions that matter.

    Then, why do you think an a economy post capitalist wouldn't be able to develop smart phones? Do you think we'd return to feudalism and the world would devolve into dark ages and all the scientific knowledge would disappear?

  • Video From 2040 Begs This Question of Gaza Genocide in 2024: 'What Did You Do to Stop It?'
  • I don't know, I still want to do something but I don't think street protests are enough. And I am against violence.

    With Ukraine I donate money, early on I donated for buying drones. With Palestine it's so bad that I think donations won't reach them.

    Source: I grew up in 3rd world countries where pacific protests for teachers salary are common place but won't solve anything. I've also lived in another 3rd world country with strong unions where at least once a month there was a 1000 people protest in the main street in the capital, plus ad hoc protests that are much bigger, and that country is still sinking very fast.

  • Colombia, historically the most obedient US client regime in Latin America, is joining the Belt and Road Initiative!
  • Oh no way, they will tell you to nationalize assets, impose fiscal austerity and all the other things that you can hear from a corporations board room in search of records profit in the next quarter even if it means nosediving economics in 4 months.

    So yep, aid is worse than loans.

  • Something is growing and I didn't plan it

    I think I dropped seeds here many months ago.

    Not the first time I see something growing that I don't recognise. I guess we have to settle for what the plants want instead of what I'd like to grow.

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