trolololol @ trolololol Posts 3Comments 1,498Joined 1 yr. ago
Me who gets upset when kids don't ask me to play baby Yoda on the way to school, and proceeds to play it anyway
Nice one, very soothing.
Do you sell it? How much?
but the democratic country cannot easily coup an autocratic COuntry.
CIA: am I a joke to you? Look at my portfolio
The only requirement to be a good guy is to win.
Wait, did people start doing parkour outside windows without previous training again?
It's not working can I get a refund?
This is the way
Lol yep bricks are the final state of all electronic matter it can't be reverted to non-brick
Cool cover
How do I actually get a copy of this, assuming it is still printed magazine?
Nah it's just someone time travelling, this will happen next week.
Not really his fault, is it?
You are the baddies and everyone knows for decades. It took quite some time dude but thanks for catching up.
Groovy that's someone I haven't heard about in like 10 years
My pet project uses it, but no one else does
The only thing I'd replace is we have daily stand ups we meet every day in the same time and same place and there's this guy who talks way more than he should
Hey this that you're doing is called gate keeping.
We got multiple versions of these every time a new tech comes along.
People defending typewriters. Or learning Latin. Or something better than a quill and jar of ink. Or paper being affordable.
Just. Stop.
How so? They still need people to open the doors and do the catering.
Oooh they mean as an invited person? Pwffft na mate, everyone wants to be the princess but there's not as many openings as they think.
Why are people paying extra to work for Pepsi marketing department? It's messed up.