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"Megapolis" is Ayn Rand Great Man Theory shit but somehow edgier. It's a flop, but no great loss considering the "auteur" behind it is a sex predator (Wikipedia spoilers inside).
  • (worse, Julia is kissing a girl in the beginning, but everything becomes a lot cooler when she falls inlove with a man)

    Somehow, reading that just made my synapses fire in a way where they said "UlyssesT is still pissed about that "lesbian curing potion" story bit in that Fire Emblem game that also had the creepy touch pad "morale" system." tetsuo-brainrot

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • It's a nightmarish privatization and standardized testing business grift that started in the Dubya days but was made worse under Obama (fuck you Arneson, fuck you forever). Its most notorious propaganda product was called "Waiting for Superman" and it was used as the definitive media material across the US as a "and this is why we need to fuck over teachers and deliberately drill students on standardized tests at the expense of everything else and make the tests so gruelingly tedious that failing them is not only expected but a good thing for business because that means more privatization!

    Little trivia tidbit: Bill Gates was one of the primary lobbyists and financiers of these so-called "reforms" and he was always an Epstein Island enjoyer, but Epstein himself was also granted an advisory role for these "reforms" and was even assigned his own classes to teach in a private campus, entirely unqualified, which basically served as yet another source of pedo adventures. epsteingelion

    These ruling class ghouls wanted to screw children in more ways than one. libertarian-alert"Superman"

  • Hashtag OrangeManBad
  • I dunno; I kind of like this one, even if it's lib shit. Going to Starbucks in the first place is lib shit, so making a random grillman mad may as well be done for fun if you're going to do lib shit like give your money to a narcissist who flies 1000 miles a day on his private jet just to micromanage the Starbucks HQ.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • I think it has also caused people to be more connected and empathetic on a large scale

    I have my doubts about this one, especially after the previous decade saw the rise of "lolcow" culture and widespread mass bullying of otherfied people organized on the internet, dehumanizing people more than before. And that's before the "NPC" concept that chuds like to use to dehumanize people they don't like.

    Online dating also comes to mind, being (deliberately) harder to establish actual lasting connections with people because of "swiping" and other such normalized reductionism of lonely people trying to connect. I'm glad I'm married now because I would not want to be dating in such conditions.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • I still fucking hate those devices because some of the most insufferable douches that got me in trouble because they "had to take this" were distracted by them while waddling to the front of the line. I used to call them "ear fedoras" because of how obnoxious they were.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • I remember when adults first got their cell phones on a wide scale and had to make a performative big deal of being on a cell phone in public, including holding up a line while there's people all the way out the door behind them, having to flex on the person being called.

    "Oh hi. I'm at (place UlyssesT worked and was just trying to fucking survive). I'm on my cell phone. Where are you?"

    grill-broke grillman meemaw libbing-out grill-broke grillman meemaw libbing-out foxtrot-phone speech-l brrrrrrrrrrrr burgerpain

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • I'm jelly.

    I wish I knew so long ago that Herbert dunked pretty hard on Joseph Campbell, who is like the patron saint of stilted gender essentialist lazy bullshit writing that bazingas around the world continue to revere as some kind of saintly authority on writing.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • You may get a "kids were always like that" smuglord response, but before that happens, I want to remind everyone reading this that material conditions do change and having a monetized distraction machine in almost everyone's pocket is a material difference from previous generations.

  • "Wondrous Future (Прекрасное далеко) | Soviet Song" If anyone wonders why I post so many dunks against E~L~O~N, it's because THIS is the future I dreamed of as a child.

    I meant what I said in the title. I mock capitalistic fever dreams of colonial plunder in space and stroads and golf courses on Mars because this was the future I yearned for, the humility and kindness of the best of us reaching for the stars. !ussr-cry

    "Megapolis" is Ayn Rand Great Man Theory shit but somehow edgier. It's a flop, but no great loss considering the "auteur" behind it is a sex predator (Wikipedia spoilers inside).

    I'm putting this here because "Star Trek Sunday" rules may forbid posting this in the Movies comm today.

    >In an alternate present-day "American Republic", Cesar Catilina clashes with the New Rome city mayor Franklyn Cicero. Cesar is the inventor of Megalon, a revolutionary new bio-adaptive building material he believes can change the world, and has ambitious plans to utilize it to construct "Megalopolis", a futuristic utopian city of his own design. After Cesar announces his intentions in a televised speech, Cicero leads a smear campaign against him involving the death of his wife and the post-mortem disappearance of her body in unexplained circumstances.

    >TV presenter Wow Platinum, Cesar's mistress, leaves him to marry Hamilton Crassus III, an extremely wealthy elderly bank CEO and Cesar's uncle. Shortly afterward, Cesar becomes acquainted with Julia, Cicero's well-read daughter. While initially distrusting and spying on him, she soon develops feelings for him. When Julia reveals herself immune to Cesar's ability to stop time, he brings her on to assist in the Megalopolis project.

    >At a lavish and decadent wedding reception for Wow Platinum and Crassus, Cesar takes drugs backstage. Clodio Pulcher, Crassus's depraved grandson, sabotages the show to implicate Cesar in a sex scandal involving Vesta, a teenage pop star with a virginal image. Cesar is arrested but ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing and released, while Vesta continues her career after adopting a new rebellious and sexually charged persona. Soon, Cesar and Julia become romantically involved. Cesar laments the loss of his ability to stop time following his arrest but finds himself able to do it with Julia.

    >A Soviet Union satellite falls out of orbit over New Rome, destroying large parts of the city. Cesar uses the opportunity to begin construction of Megalopolis, despite Cicero's opposition. In a press conference, he urges the need for debate and dialogue about society and asks people to consider if a better world is possible. Cesar is delighted to learn that Julia is pregnant, while Cicero is aghast. Privately, he pleads with Cesar to leave his daughter, attempting to bribe him with information about what happened to his wife, but Cesar refuses. Clodio begins stirring up popular discontent against both Cesar and Cicero with fascist rhetoric, while separately, Wow Platinum convinces him to assist her in a plan to take control of Crassus's fortune via hostile takeover, freezing Cesar’s bank accounts in the process.

    >Cesar is shot in the head and severely wounded in an assassination attempt but heals quickly thanks to a Megalon skin graft. The protests against Cesar and Cicero led by Clodio turn into full-scale riots, and Cicero flees to a secret underground bunker. After being forced from his position as bank CEO by the board of directors, Crassus confronts Wow Platinum and Clodio with a bow and arrow, killing Platinum and wounding Clodio. Confronting protestors at Megalopolis, Cesar gives an impassioned speech about the future and wins the crowd over. Clodio's protestors turn against him, and he is killed and has his body strung up by an angry mob. Crassus pledges to use his wealth to support the construction of Megalopolis.

    >Sometime later, the construction of Megalopolis is completed. Cicero, holding Julia and Cesar's baby daughter, Sunny Hope, promises to work together with Cesar to keep building a better future.

    !capitalist-laugh !awooga !libertarian-alert !hypersus !jagoff !biggus-dickus

    Nope, you can't have even the unraveling threads of a social safety net, food quality standards, or health/safety regulations. Best we can do is more public subsidized car commercials in space.

    King Bazinga wants this shit bad, too.

    From the comments where I found the above picture:

    >During Elon's conversation with Trump on twitter, the one that came after he endorsed him and started sucking his dick and felt like he actually forced him into a live conversation on twitter spaces.

    >He was leading the conversation quite effectively, and he led Trump into this corner where he was asking REPEATEDLY if Trump would make a new area of the government.

    >"So really we need to reduce our government spending, and I think we need a government spending commission"

    >From the twitter spaces, Elon floats the idea of the government spending efficiency department and how much we need it. Then Trump starts rambling about gasoline. Again a few minutes later Elon comes back AGAIN to this government efficiency department thing.

    >"So would you agree we need to take a look at government spending and have perhaps a government efficiency commission that makes the spending more efficient"

    >Trump goes off on a tangent on to talk about jets and air force one and its paintjob etc etc etc.

    >But then ELON AGAIN comes back to this efficiency department, literally DRAGGING Trump back again to the subject.

    >"So again I just think it would be great to have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and just shows that the tax payer money is spent in a good way. I'd be happy to help out with such a commission"

    >Trump says "I'd love it, you well you're the greatest cutter. People go on strike and they are gone, theyre all gone".

    >So Elon basically cornered Trump into this interview and then repeatedly brought up this new government department that he wants to run, managing to get Trump to agree to it.

    >Then low and behold, september 5th

    >"Trump pledges to tap Elon Musk to head government efficiency commission"

    >The Republican presidential candidate says the commission would audit the entire federal government and suggest ‘drastic reforms’.

    Yeah yeah be funny if the imperial core collapsed because of this expanded circus fire and all that and lol accelerationism, but I also don't want me or my family to get poisoned from toxic waste from upstream so it's hard for me to cheer for that.

    "Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling 'Jokes'... or Else" Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling "Jokes"... or Else

    Whether or not he's actually funny, Elon Musk needs his sense of humor to be validated, Twitter employees quickly had to learn.

    Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling "Jokes"... or Else

    I think the scare quotes are well deserved in this article's title. "HAHA PEOPLE I SEE AS BENEATH ME ARE SUFFERING HAHAHAHAHAHA" isn't really a joke but it does delight nazis.

    King of Comedy

    Elon Musk really loves his jokes. Since he's the world's richest man and the boss of several high-profile companies, that means everyone around him has to love them, too.

    That probably isn't a point of friction at Musk's long-standing ventures, like SpaceX and Tesla — companies that he built up, where he's earned a devout following of loyalists who are used to his shenanigans.

    But as revealed in "Character Limit," a new book about the billionaire's calamitous takeover of Twitter, New York Times reporters Ryan Mac and Kate Conger lay out how the social media site's employees quickly had to learn that, because Musk "loved to be admired," all of them had to be ready to laugh at his jokes — or else risk the fate of so many of their former coworkers who found themselves out of a job after Musk's ascension.

    Some of his attempts at humor went over better than others. Mac and Conger write about one especially awkward interaction that took place after a Twitter executive was summoned to meet Musk for the first time.

    After learning that the exec used to work at Google, Musk began to talk about how he was angry at Sundar Pichai, the tech titan's CEO, because he didn't put antennas into Android phones that would let them connect with SpaceX's Starlink internet service.

    On a tangent, Musk then brought up that he had a friend that worked on Google's Search products. According to this friend, Google skirted anti-trust regulations by deliberately keeping its share of the search engine market under 70 percent.

    "Get it?" Musk said, smirking. "Sixty-nine percent?" He looked around the room, raising his voice as he hoped for an amused reaction. "Sixty-nine percent!"

    Change of Scenery

    That anecdote almost sounds too much like a bad movie gag to be true. But then again, we're talking about a guy who heralded his Twitter takeover by hobbling into its headquarters holding a kitchen sink, and offered Wikipedia $1 billion to change its name to "Dickipedia."

    We can't speak to how well he's ingratiated himself with the rank and file by now, but according to Mac and Conger, his personal team of sycophants have tried to appease their boss by changing some of the decor to reflect his sense of humor.

    "Near the tenth-floor conference room that he often inhabited while in the office, they put up a Galerie de Meme, or meme gallery, framing printouts of some of the billionaire's favorite juvenile internet jokes," the authors wrote.

    His team also replaced some of the honorees in a Wall of Fame for the site's best tweets with a few of Musk's own, such as his joke that he'd buy out Coca-Cola to put actual cocaine back into its drinks. Hilarious.

    Near the commons area, someone even built a photo collage dedicated to free speech — one of Musk's obsessive ideals. Alongside such historic documents like the US Constitution and John Milton's "Areopagitica," hung a picture of Musk lugging the sink into Twitter headquarters.

    Even though the site continues to bleed advertisers and has had its workforce utterly annihilated, it's heartening to hear that Musk — and his lackeys — are keeping up their usual good cheer.

    "E~L~O~N Says He’ll Take Your Whole Family to Mars, but Only If Donald Trump Wins." The bazinga key jangling is reaching potentially extinction burst levels here.

    His old standard bullshit has long been promising fever dreams of colonizing Mars and turning it into a stroad-laden suburb and country club with a red lens filter, which has gotten him billions in subsidies year after year and a devout cult of credulous rubes that think they're too smart to be fooled.

    He's jangling those metaphorical keys hard right now, and I think it may be make or break as a gambit. Yeah yeah I know electoralism is a fuck and it's a choice between red MAGA and blue MAGA, but if it's blue MAGA I'll still enjoy seeing the single most obnoxious dipshit Reddit incarnate techbro manchild in the world eat shit.

    What's the most "scratched liberal" you've ever spoken to in person?

    I've known plenty of !libbing-out but when it comes to being scratched about it, it has to be my old neighbor that lived just down the road at the intersection, one of the first to buy (and performatively loop around the neighborhood with) a Te$la.

    I had the misfortune of running into him at the bookstore, and he had this sort of eager "oh boy I'm going to blow your mind" look on his face as he saw me at the tables by the obligatory coffee shop inside.

    !maybe-later-honey "Isn't it insane what's happening out there?"

    !debord-tired "What?"

    !maybe-later-honey "The looney left! They're out of control! I mean... you know it's bad when the most philanthropic human on the planet says they're out of control."

    !debord-tired "Oh..."

    !maybe-later-honey "Yeah that's right! ELO~N has to take a stand or no one will! I don't want to be stuck living in a mud hut just so I don't hurt someone's feelings!"

    !debord-tired "Oh it's your turn. She's trying to take your order."

    What's it like to work at Clown, I mean, Cloud Imperium G*ming, the not-quite-producing producers of Star Citizen? Check out these employee reviews! Thought I would scroll through some of the recent employee reviews of CIG, can't say I'm surprised at all

    CIG will tell you these are 'fake' reviews, but there are honestly too many subtle details provided for that explanation. Not to mention, comments...

    Thought I would scroll through some of the recent employee reviews of CIG, can't say I'm surprised at all

    Almost a billion dollars and well over a decade well spent! !elmofire

    I know it's naive of me, but I wish there was some way to reach working-class chuds and make them aware that their current opinion leaders have almost nothing in common with them.

    !trump-moist is a NYC failson scion that's obsessed with golf and creepy beauty paegants.

    !my-hero goes without saying; he has almost nothing in common with the average "heartland" chud except hatred and targets for hatred.

    I don't know how to reach them and I assume if it was easy it would have been done already, but it baffles me that these failson clowns hold the leash.

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