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[help] What is the best way to screenshare a single window with audio?
  • maybe it uses webrtc and has not given me performance issues thus far

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • controlled opposition lenin quote

  • Mozilla Acquires Anonym, Pioneering Privacy in Digital Ads
  • they are controlled opposition in my opinion, if you follow the money (i.e. financed primarily by google to my knowledge) and look at their current diversification in service offerings they appear to be 'privacy-washed' or 'ethics-washed' (for lack of a better term, the equiv. of greenwashing or pinkwashing for tech corps to appear ethical or progressive) with a push to appear as a feature-complete 'privacy respecting' alternative to google.

    in my opinion proton is doing the same thing, esp atm with their push towards non-profit status. openai (which is obviously not open in any sense od the word in the industry they operate in) is also i believe governed by a non-profit entity... or at least the for-profit part of their company is.

    non-profit status with larger organizations i think like any other large organization is not worth taking at face value, but idk someone here prob has a better handle on it than i do...

  • Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome (and other browsers)
  • im almost convinced mozilla and by extension firefox is controlled opposition

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • not quite as bad as adobe, but they are among the worst

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • Hey im a bit confused, you are saying to randomly generate information like personal details whenever signing up for anything? Is this better than using a made up real sounding name?

  • FOSS Media Playback Device
  • best of luck

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • you think there are sectarian conflicts between like arabic numerals, babylonian base 12, i ching base 2, hindu numbers, roman numerals, etc?

    "No it isn't 2 towers, they are two 1's so it's actually 3 in base 2!!"

    "Nuh-uh, it's a signed bit so it's negative 1"

    "You fools! they are two I's therefore it is II or 2!"

    "11 two 1's make 11!!1!"

    or something like that i think

  • Blogging in the AI era
  • I used github pages, now I use codeberg pages. It's nice I suggest you try it out (for static content like a blog, it's great).

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • yeah isnt it like a tracksuit or made from sweats?

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • i wore boy shorts (i am a boy just fyi or rather a man thing) and they were called basketball shorts and went past the knees. both boys and girl's wore the same shorts because they were unisex so we never had that issue...

    were there different kinds of clothing for each gendee in your school? we sorta had to buy ours from the school.

  • Thread about the south korean feminist movement and the challenges it faces CW:mentions of SA and misogyny
  • what? this is the first time i'm hearing of it, do u know any movements that are trans-inclusive in SK?

  • Very serious thinker Brianna Wu is back with: ā€œThe cocaine leftā€
  • what's the purpose of using ableist verbiage? the "war on drugs" and folks who consider themselves right or right-leaning use similar rhetoric to expunge people considered 'lesser'. To note this is a subgroup of individuals of conservative ideology, not all. It is important to make the distinction becauuse while I disagree all-the-same, the kinds of disagreements are different and need not be lumped together.

    it's great she has 20 years of sobriety, it is inappropriate to use it as a cudgel to to wield against anyone else who she seeks to demean or otherwise treat unseriously. perhaps some were similarly unfair to her during her time of insobriety, it does not therefore mean she needs to reproduce her treatment onto others.

    "hurt people, hurt people" is a descriptive account of what occurs, not a guidebook on appropriate behavior.

  • Need help figuring out bookmark management
  • Ive been considering Shiori, LinkWarden, or Readeck.

    Other options here

  • I'm writing again. We may be seeing the end of Israel.
  • Glad to see you on the grind cde

  • Online Party Discipline?
  • Yeah I think what you mentioned makes sense. I would argue your characterization falls into the often encountered issue with any cartesian, syllogistic, or otherwise self-described 'rational' logic & reasoning [1]. Essentially anything with only 2 truth states, while not intrinsic, appears to be tended towards.

    I hadn't actually encountered those parts of vygotsky's work, thanks for the suggestion!

    [1] Emotions are completely rational, see Randolph M. Nesse's seminal paper (though he is an evolutionary psychologist/psychiatrist so take what he says with a whop of salt) and perhaps watch a lecture by him, there are several recorded seminars on ytube. I'd have to find the one I like, if you want a suggestion I can def find it for ya.


    The more fundamental liberal point of view espoused as far as I understand (please feel free to correct me, I don't claim to have a genuine understanding of your argument) is the lack of engagement with the material reality of emotions, their function, and adequate descriptions of their specific role without dismissing them out of hand. This leads from the 'Age of Reason'/'Age of Enlightenment' thinking, and deviates towards the kind of fantastical liberty argues by Stuart Mill, Madison, etc.

    Nesse's explanation of emotionsā€“which appear 'irrational' or 'inappropriate' insofar as they do not appear to give the best outcomes for the emotional individualā€“as 'smoke detectors' works quite well. It ascribes function and meaning and makes the debate not one on qualifications of emotions as something to dismiss readily. To clarify what I mean, let me quote you, emphasis and footnotes are mine:

    [...] ...aimed at the tone of an argument instead of its factual or logical content [2] in order to dismiss a person's argument. Ignoring the truth or falsity of a statement [3], a tone argument instead focuses on the emotion [4] with which it is expressed. [...]

    Instead the claim levied is erroneous on the parts I footnoted. The first [2] is the argument is the qualification of ad hominem which I disagree with. To keep it short, if the tone is relevant to the conditions in which the argument is made, then it is prima facie possible to affect the content of the argument. Arguments regarding it must be investigated, to use a phrase by Mao.

    Then the one highlighting the tone themselves may be pointing out a subtle and apparently non-rational aspect. The difficulty in understanding the claim by the recipient or other parties is then for the sake of convenience considered ad hominem as it is not considered central to the argument. You can see here and you must know that fallaciousness is circumscribed and used as a useful heuristic, they are interpreted and not as clear as for example you have used it. The claim of fallaciousness obviously needs to be argued (which you certainly did, I am not claiming you did not) and a simple claim towards it is not sufficient in the least unless we will say it is agreed upon by the parties engaged in argument. Dismissal by arguing it is ad hominem does not disqualify all arguments with emotions as a focal point, and neither does dismissal of the 'null hypothesis' or particular case necessarily lend positive enforcement to other theses espoused.

    Then I vehemently disagree with the categorization of 'factual' or 'logical' made, with a few qualifications. I understand factual as meaning an evidential claim with empirical evidence, or a claim which can be argued naĆÆvely, and readily agreed upon. The common refrain is:

    1. Socrates is a man
    2. Socrates is a philosopher
    3. Therefore all men are philosophers

    I consider this for the purposes of an argument, to be considered true only for the purposes of the argument, i.e. to further elucidate some point. Another example with an emphasis on on the empirical aspect:

    1. There is a cat
    2. There is a mat below the cat
    3. The cat is sitting
    4. Therefore the cat is sitting on a mat

    Then if the fallaciousness is circumscribed as follows (again please correct me, I assume I am incorrect and wrong, I just want to show where my thinking is to make it easier for you to share with me & to correct and brainworms):

    1. Person A is making an argument
    2. Person B comments on the perceived qualitative expression of Person A, i.e. on their alleged emotional state, i.e. on a physiological process which intrinsically has communicative affects towards others
    3. Person B states or attempts to argue the emotional state has some importance in the context of the argument made by Person A
    4. Person A states that this is not true, that their emotional state is unrelated, and that Person B is committing the fallacy of ad hominem

    Here is where I have a problem. Stating that it is unrelated or untrue is the beginning of an argument or the thesis and it does not stand on itself, truthfully here I consider the statement [3] to be relevant. Truth or falsity may not be correctly argued by Person B, and it is not as though there cannot be an argument which is readily arguable by means of the emotive state of an involved party. For example:

    1. Person C states that they hate migrants entering into the country which they have citizenship of and which they reside
    2. Person C appears to Person D that they are afraid and angry
    3. Person D asks why Person C is afraid or angry
    4. Person C says it is not relevant in any meaningful way to their prior statements
    5. Person D asks why they hate migrants entering into their country of residence
    6. Person C states they take jobs away from the citizenry of the country

    Here we can say hopefully without too much disagreement that the argument Person C makes is rational and logical apropos. The oft quoted saying, "You cannot reason a person out of something they did not reason themselves into" is necessary to keep in the back of one's head and with kept with due consideration. Why? The premises that Person C has are faulty. A consequence of that is 1. the logically sound argument (at least as it appears) and 2. the emotive states which Person C appears to have.

    Then how does one know if emotions are involved or not? As far as I am considered, they always are, whether it is to a meaningful extent needs to be determined in the course of argument. Any immediate dismissal is for convenience's sake and likely due to faulty or erroneous premises the dismisser has. That is they do not really know much about emotions, and they employ a naĆÆve rationalist framework in their thinking and argumentation. As materialists, the material conditions of even an individual must be taken into account, that includes qualitative states which may very well have a meaningful influence. Then [4] is rather unhelpful, as it precludes any discussion of an empirical affect, or, the material reality which can be observed and reasoned on itself.

    Sorry for the wall of text, and for the late reply, I just thought of this a bit recently and wanted to share.

  • Heraclitus predicted liberalism brainrot
  • yo been a while cde, i wanted to ask: have you read any other ancient greek/roman authors? i'm looking at iamblichus and his work on pythagoras, and lucretius and his works. i'm not really acquainted (i only read socratic dialogues and not the mid or later platonic works, and parts of aristotle like organon and working through nicomachean & eudemian ethics) and i'm wondering if you have any tips or advice (ļ½”ā—•ā€æā—•ļ½”)

  • Anyone familiar with corpus discourse analysis?

    I'm looking at recreating some of the stuff in a paper which analyzed the news discourse around Xinjiang Cotton (H&M made a stink about it some time ago among others) to compare the difference between Western and Chinese news entities.

    They use a tool called Wordsmith 8 which seems to be the de facto tool for this kind of thing if you don't want to use a traditional programming language like Python or R. I wanna use R but I kinda don't wanna do it alone and was wondering if anyone had experience or knew anything about linguistics. My background is in the life sciences with some programming so I am a bit out of my depth, more so my theoretical knowledge in ML is lacking and I wanted to analyze (after getting the technical stuff done) through a ML point of view and if someone had any way to help with that I'd really appreciate it.

    Comment or message me directly and maybe we can figure someone out!

    Online Party Discipline?

    Hello comrades, I read a comment on a post either on lemmygrad or hexbear talking about how most discourse happening was of poor quality and indicative of a lack of genuine leftist groups in the imperial core. Basically if there were patty's with some teeth they would enforce party discipline and education and that would lead to higher quality discourse online.

    I also read some of Lenins2ndcat's comments which were very patient when they were interacting with users from other communities.

    Is there anyway to work on like, an online party discipline? Or like having users who are very good at discussing with libs have a more concerted approach to their interactions? It really seems that much of us are often too aggressive and meme-y and as fun as that is it really isn't productive.

    I get that this isn't how praxis or anything happens, it seems more like the way we engage could be more productive and fruitful in the long term and considerations like this might go a long way.

    TL;DR Planned economy but for memeposting
