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Capitalist Realism is deep fried in organic grass fed raw 🐮 butter.

Capitalist Realism is deep fried in organic grass fed raw 🐮 butter.

\<💬\> “Fukuyama’s thesis that history has climaxed with liberal capitalism may have been widely derided, but it is accepted, even assumed, at the level of the cultural unconscious. It should be remembered, though, that even when Fukuyama advanced it, the idea that history had reached a ‘terminal beach’ was not merely triumphalist. Fukuyama warned that his radiant city would be haunted, but he thought its specters would be Nietzschean rather than Marxian. Some of Nietzsche’s most prescient pages are those in which he describes the ‘oversaturation of an age with history’. ‘It leads an age into a dangerous mood of irony in regard to itself’, he wrote in Untimely Meditations, ‘and subsequently into the even more dangerous mood of cynicism’, in which ‘cosmopolitan fingering’, a detached spectatorialism, replaces engagement and involvement. This is the condition of Nietzsche’s Last Man, who has seen everything, but is decadently enfeebled precisely by this excess of (self) awareness.” ― Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? \</💬\>

\#goVegan #capitalism #veganMemes



    @nm I post more generic stuff elsewhere. I try to stick to veganism around here. I appreciate the *integration* 👍 but it's going to be off-topic.

  • veganpizza69 VeganPizza69 ⓋⒶ

    There's only one reality and we need to learn to survive together in it. I have a strong aversion to bullshit.

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