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Lets fucking gooooo
  • yep

    this has got to be the best post i've ever seen on this site

  • Milei vs Trump, who's funnier?
  • Jeffery Epstein didn't die he simply unfused

  • Why don't zoomers zoom more?
  • discord's better

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah but I kind of just wander around them randomly

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • He's probably looking for weird cult/conspiracy/horror rabbit holes. idk if any exist on the deep web but those are always fun.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can buy drugs. It's illegal but it is cool

  • It's "complicated"
  • No it would be totally possible. DPRK's got the highest military per capita of any country, by far. Just stage a military coup with the CIA's help, easy. The only reason it doesn't happen is because they don't want to. And why don't they want to? Because maybe it's not as bad over there as the west wants you to think.

  • 1800s moment
  • I don't think John Brown's son was racist, I think they just didn't know shit in the 1800s lmao

  • 1800s moment

    its over, they found out!
  • Likely thing for him to be

  • Dianne Feinstein died and California immediately got better.
  • The job protections for minors thing should be taught everywhere. A few of my friends were talking about jobs they did in high school and they all made them do illegal shit like no breaks or staying later than they were allowed to, it's so normalized to just not give a fuck about child labor laws

  • Telegram starts to look like a super app, echoing WeChat
  • I don't trust anything that needs a phone number

  • Locked Removed
    what's your hexbear unpopular opinion?
  • idk if this is unpopular but the original subreddit was way funnier

    we lost something coming here

    still a good site though

  • Anyone got recs for wireless earbuds?

    I just got a job doing 3rd shift grocery stocking, usually they don't allow earbuds but there's no customers so everyone does it anyway.

    I'd like to get something ~$30 or less (I don't really care about the sound quality so much as long as it doesn't sound terrible), and battery life lasting at least 8 hours. Wireless because I don't want the wire getting in the way of anything or feeling weird down my shirt.
